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Everything posted by Abadu

  1. Long time without post,isnt it?Sorry for being so away from the project,i will try to focus more on it(And now we have our subforum!) Back to the topic,here are my ideas for one possible faction,Portugal.Read and say what you think(Sorry for some small pictures,they were the only ones i could find) -Level one -Levy spearman Link -Swordsman Link -Light cavalry Link -Heavy cavalry Link -Axeman Link -Javelineer Link -Level two -Serva milites Link -Guard infantry Link -Rumat Al-sinniya Link -Light cavalry(The mounted swordsman) Link -Berber infantry Link -Nobiliore(The Iberian horseman) Link -Horse archer Link -Level three -Cavaleiro-vilão(The man in green) Link -Besteiro(Crossbowman) Link -Lanceiro(Spearman) Link Link -Cavaleiro(Knight) Link -Peão-(Act as a swordsman) Link -Cavaleiro a pé(Foot knight) Link -Level four -Besteiro montado(Mounted crossbowman)-(Same as the crossbowman,but mounted) Link -Besteiro(Crossbowman)-(The first from left to right) Link -Peão-(The one with blue clothes) Link -Alabardeiro da guarda(Guard halberdier) Link -Cavaleiro(Knight) Link -Arcabuzeiro(Arquebusier) Link -Arqueiro de arco longo inglês(English longbowman) Link -Cavaleiro lanceiro(Lancer knight) Link -Quadrilheiro-Sort of a policeman Link Are they good?
  2. Ok,i already installed the jabber,created my account and added you.Lets discurs the ideas there And unfortunally,i couldnt find a brazilian server,so i used the jabber.org The diferences between the brazilian portuguese to the original are more names of things(verbs have less diferences,i think) And merry cristhmas to you!
  3. Here are my thoughts for France: -Level one Peasant skirmisher Spearman Scout Paladin Axe trower -Level two Axe trower and Peasant skirmisher desapear Paladin>Noble knight Crossbowman Man-at-arms Templar -Level three Noble knight>Gendarme Crossbowman>pavisse crossbowman Spearman>Pikeman Arquebusier French horse archer What do you think about it?
  4. Some of the arab units represent the arab influence(spain used jinetes,but im not sure about portugal),but i think i will keep them and give some christian units to the moors(christian crossbowmans where used) I agree about the diferent military opf the nations,but what you thnik about a "special" bonus to the nations? And about the units:Do you think that my iberian civs have all kinds of units? EDIT:I updated England,i just changed the light cavalry to hobilar and hobilar to demi-lancer,what do you think?
  5. Well,in the last english period,the main unit should be the longbows,with some cavalry and billmen to protect archers Also,we can try to give a unique bonus(as in AoE III) to the civs,for example,english houses should generate archers(to represent that the citizens where trained to use the longbow) What i know of spanish armys is that they where mainly HInfantry,and some noble knights,some crossbowmans where used too.Portuguese armies where like spanish ones,but with more crossbowmans Should i give the andalusian horsemans and granadine jinetes to spain,portugal and moors or keep them for the moors only? And i will rename the knight,but what are Languedoc Swordsmens and Asturian footmens?
  6. Well,i only upgrade when both are "similar"(sword infantry>better sword infantry).I would not upgrade Housecarle -> Norman infantry because both used different weapons,and,as you said,housecarls where elite.Instead i would create a single unit of housecarles And i gave some descriptions to the portuguese units,are they good?Any unit sugestion for portugal or spain?
  7. Now its good,but will you add the housecarls or not? And do england have the need of a javelineer?i mean,i dont think that the javelin was a popular saxon weapon(correct me if im wrong) Tonight i will post my ideas for spain EDIT:Here what i tought for Spain: -Level one: Fanthja(visigoth spearman) Aihws ga-drauhts(visigothic horseman) Uriliggs(visigothic swordsman) -Level two: Visigothic units desapear Andalusian horseman Moorish archer Almughavar Christian Spearmen Christian knight -Level three Andalusian horseman>jinete Morish archer disapear Almughavar desapear Crossbowman Rodelero Christian knight>Conquistador Santiago knight Christian Spearmen>Tercio pikeman And for Portugal -Level one: Suebi axeman Suebi noble Suebi clubman -Level two: Suebi units desapear Andalusian horseman(represents the light cavalry from the arab province of al-andalus) Cavaleiro-vilão(knights choosed by the municipality to fight as vassals in name of the king) Besteiro(crossbowman,usewd a lot in portuguese armies) Arqueiro(archer,with moorish influence) Peão(foot soldier,here uses a sword) Lanceiro(spearman) -Level three Arqueiro desapear Andalusian horseman desapear Columbrineiro(arquebusier,Portugal was one of the first contrys to use gunpowder weapons) Cavaleiro-vilão>Cavaleiro de cristo(a knight from the ordem de Cristo(Christ order)) Mounted crossbowman Besteiro>Besteiro do conto(crossbowmans provided by a sytem where every municipality should provide crossbowmans to fight for the king) Lanceiro>Piqueiro de avis(A pikeman who fight in the ordem de aviz(order of avis) What do you think?(more native names come latter)
  8. 4 periods sounds good,but for more hard civs(portugal,denmark and others),3 periods would make the thgings more easy.I think we can put together your 1 and 2 periods,what do you think? Yes,that looks good,i would only sugest to call the light spearman "Fyrd"(anglo-dane spearman),and have a saxon axeman upgrade called "housecarl"(anglo-dane royal bodyguard).I would also sugest to have a billmen upgrade( heavy billmen) and,if possible,to add a sowrd infantry(man at arms) When we finish the english dirscusion,i will update them and post my ideas for spain
  9. Ok,I just think that we dont need to use the "periods" sytem(since 0 AD dont use it),It would also make a lot of nations harder to do I'm reading the blender tutorial,at least now i know how to rotate And lets dircurs the english units(say your ideas about their units and about my researched ones)
  10. Where i dowload the jabber? EDIT:I think we Can drop portugal,wallaChia,switzerland and denmark for now.What do you think about it?
  11. I want to learn how to model,I just need to have patience and read the guide(im starting to read it) Also,those days i am planning to make great update in the fations,just say ,what fations can we droop for now?
  12. Ok Belisarivs i will try blender again(this time reading a tutorial).Do you hae a good tutorial for me?How did you learn blender?
  13. Well, that may be a problem, but here we can see some unit ideas for a lusitanian faction(from a RTW mod):here we can see some unit ideas for a lusitanian faction(from a RTW mod) And some other questions: 1)How hard is to find informations about carthage? 2)From the old unit comcepts, looks like that all the iberian soldiers use the same uniforms.do this sttil using the same uniforms? 3)Will the map editor be able to create Randon maps?
  14. When the team combined the Spartan and Athenian branches into the "Poleis",Was because it was too much work or because the lack of diference between athens and sparta?Socrates would be cool,a hero who doesnt fight Pheraps the Bronze Age idea ould be ade when WFG finish part II... And what if the iberians had branhes as the celtiberians and lusitanians or the original iberians(before the celts came) and the lusitanians?
  15. Ok,i just wondering if we will be able to find units to fill city phases for the mongols,but i would loe to see the included About the ilitary system:Spain used a lot of pikeans with heavy cavalry,and the portuguese had more cross-bowmens the knights,i think
  16. Cool! Also,have the team ever thinked about a "part III",with focus on bronze age?I understand that the game is focused on the romans,but that would be cool And about the helenes heroes,why dont have pericles or miltiades(to represent marathon)?
  17. What about the Lydians?They great archers and horsemans and king Croesus was one of the richest kings. I also think that the germanic barbarians should be included
  18. Ok, i will read the instructions and try to make textures The wallachians were choosed more for diversity,however i think that they are more unique them the swiss,we dont know many about them,but they fought with the turks for many years,and had some great battles.The siwss where more mercenaries them nations.If we had to delete one of those,i would take siwss out,but whats your opinion? I said that would be hard to divide the mongolian units in periods,dont you think? Good luck with your exams
  19. Will the sub-cultures have diferent regular units(sowrdsman,archer,spearman),I mean,will the diference between sub-cultures be only the UUs?
  20. Ok,i will try to read all the wiki blender tutorial.The porblem is that english isnt my native language,so it can hard to read and unsderstand all I said hungary is a bit obscure here in the "western world",its a bit hard to research pictures about.The main problem would be the swiss,the mongols and the wallachians EDIT:How do you think its possible ot include the TW style in 0 AD?I mean,both are completly diferent games
  21. Im thinking in something like ever civ have 1 bonus like the AoE III bonuses,like(for example,The english houses generate archer militias) and some AoK bonus(+ 30 gather rate,-20 cavalry atack) And for the units:I think that we can use the 0 AD style(Instead of ages,we would have city phases(village,town,city,large city),advance city phases would bring more advanced units(canons,arquebusiers) and powerfull upgrades for the old units We can sttil make the "units in periods",however,organize them in the forum would bring visual pollution(many pictures and links),but if you prefere this,ok(The only problem would be with the more obscure factions,such as hungary,scotland and specialy wallachia) As for the pictures:Sometimes,Total War series can bring many ideas,the problem is that those pictures are very small And if you look at the first 4 nations,you will notice that the names are in their(modern) native languages
  22. Ok,i will research more images of units When you say strengths and weaknesses,its about the civs or units? And yes,im brazilian,but i understand a bit of spanish,so,the iberian civs will be more easy for me.I will research those indians too(for the other mod),but dont you think that its best change maya for,lets say,iroquois?By the time of the spanish,the mayas were in colapse,and they are similar to the aztecs EDIT:Take a look at the portuguese and spanish nation and see if you like my little "reforms" EDIT2:I also update france and england
  23. Any sugestion to organize more the civs? And will our mod use the " AD sytem"(The unit classes,the economic system,the buildings...)?If so,do you think that 0 AD unit list work ijn this mod? Also,how can i make a better research about those civs(What can i research to make it better)? EDIT:I will give to each civ just 1 militia,what do you think?
  24. Ok,i erased evertihng named "Blender",tomorow i will install it again And what is the problem with CrazyThumbs model? EDIT:I cutted some asian civs from the civs list and i will be making some reforms in the civs list
  25. Great model!You should continue making those models
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