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Posts posted by greenlaser

  1. Hey i just wanted to know if it is possible to reset the whole game. I have a mac and to uninstall you have to delete the app, but when i downloaded the game again, all the maps i did were still there, and i can't get them away. They still show in the Atlas menu, when opening maps i created... And it's just a bit annoying to see some things saved as ''17t2ebdbzug'' ;)


  2. Most of the time if I'm moving a big army it moves around in form of a big column... then if you arrive at a settlement the front of the column get's killed before the end of it even arrives. Now my idea is to make a function that groups the unit; 20 melee,10 ranged,...) and then you can move this constellation as a unit, without bothering to select them individually. like this you could move them a lot more easily. This groups should also have some kind of aggressive standground function; they fight close together for some bonus... I know you can phalanx your units but they break up very fast!

  3. Is your ship trying to attack an enemy ship? Ships... um... get a little over aggressive and sometimes try to move toward an enemy ship. Try setting the ship's stance to standground.

    Alternatively, it could simply be because the pathfinder sucks (something we hope to fix with the fundraiser) and the ship is getting stuck just out of range if the units being able to garrison (this happens to me every once in a while).

    Nop, it's just going to the border of the map and back...

  4. Well sometimes it does work but right now, I select the units, klick on garrison, then on the ship. they go, and the ship goes of the shore and back. And the units won't get on... i can't record it but it's quite strange...

    If your lucky they might get in before the ship leaves...

  5. I also think that generally there is to fast a lot of units. But to have only 30 ranged and 30 swordmen might not be very much fun...But i also think like sanderd17 that the population limit should be more difficult to achieve. Even with 200men it's a problem to keep them under one eye...I don't think that the whole concept should be changed, just do something with the houses...

  6. I saw that the maps were working based on small squares, that get stretched to make height... This isn't very practical as you don't have much possibilities. I saw that you were talking of making pointy mountains, it might be easier to do it with layers of cubes like a pyramid and then smoothen it... wouldn't it be better to have a thing that makes layers of ''cubes'' to make the height. Then you could also make some structures by removing some cubes, and have an overhanging cliff if...you know what i mean...

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