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  1. Hello, everyone after much time, me and Vasikle have decided to return to this mod, as of now we do not wish to make any major returns, however there will be a new forum page/topic for this mod soon, as well as the mod db page being updated with a far more in depth description. I very eager to show you our works, and we will take our time with this mod, and only promise to show work that is in game to be evident that it exists, however if we are sceptical about adding a piece of content we will simply have to make a showcase for it outside of the game as a image. Thank you for your patience, - Dan The Strategist (Danny), Developer on and Community Manager of Oniversalis : age of exploration
    4 points
  2. My no blood mod could become official, and be a mod like modmod, not visible in the modselection, that would only be loaded if the option is ticked. This way no change to the way art files are made. The only issue is the duplication
    3 points
  3. I imagine something that would designate a coordinate and then designate class(es) of building that can be placed. EDIT: A "snapping" effect would be nice too. See how that happens with wall connectors.
    3 points
  4. Recently, I have found some interesting data. After seeing that, I wonder that Carthaginian military is less self than more non-self. But still it would hasn't some units which are historically accurate. Again, some of the important embassies are also missing. i.e. About the part of the Carthaginian army composed of proper carthaginian troops -not mercenaries- the argument is very complexEven if Carthage always relied heavily on mercenaries, Carthaginans, Lybo-Phoenicians and Lybians always played a part in the military structure of the army.If Lybians in the ancient period are mercenaries like Spaniards and Celts, with the expansion of Carthage in the African hinterland, gradually became a part of the Carthaginian society, and the term "Lybo-Phoenician" itself became something more variegated, inteded to define both carthaginian citizen or meteci of mixed heritage and Lybians fully influenced by carthaginian culture At the battle of Crimissus (341 B.C.), within various groups of mercenaries, was deployed a force of "ten thousand hoplites with white shields, and for the splendour of their weapons, the measured and disciplined way of marching, were identified as Carthaginians" (Plutarch, Parallel Lives, Timoleon - 27).Writing about the same battle, Diodorus named a particular unit of 2500 men, all from noble carthaginian families, that formed a "Sacred Battalion" or "Sacred Band" (X, 20, 6 and XVI, 80, 4), that have been connected with the theban hoplite battallion with the same name.More or less one century afterward, the situation appeared not so different: even if finding the necessity to rely on the military counsel of the spartan Xantippus, it appears that him gave a better organization to the army, but didn't change basically its approach to the battle: at the Battle of Tunis, the Carthaginians were deployed in a phalanx formation, in the center of the army, distincted from the mercenaries units that were deployed on the right wing (Polybius, Histories, I, 33).Obviously we can't be sure that the phalanx employed at the Battle of Tunis was a hellenistic phalanx or an hoplite phalanx, but the little carthaginian iconography we have for the period depicts a panoply that seems quite hoplitic.However, even at the time of the First Punic War probably Carthaginian soldiers weren't only hoplites: at the battle of Adys, Carthaginian infantry was deployed on rough terrain where, Polybius states, other carthaginian corps, elephants and cavalry, would have been of no use, implying however that Carthaginian infantry was able to operate on rough terrain (Polyb. I, 30, 6-7).That probably implies that at last some "thyreos-bearers" were already in use in the Carthaginian army in that period.In any case, the real twist in the Carthaginian army probably occured during Hamilcar's occupation of Spain. The iberian areas intersted by Carthaginian influence started to present an increasing number of thyreos shields, that in the Iberian and Turdetanian contest is heavily frequent, even over the local kind of shield, the round caetra.A possibility is that in the necessity to enable his army to confront the Iberian hit-and-run warriors in their harsh context, in a specular and parallel manner of wich occurred to the Roman army during the occupation of the harsh Samnium, Hamilcar reform is army in more versatile and maneuverable ways.As a matter of fact, when defining the tactical groups of the African veterans in barcids army, Appian and Polybius will use the word speirai, the same word that is used to describe roman maniples, or in general a maneuverable formation, in opposition to syntagma, that is used to define tactical groups of a phalanx.Moreover, Polybius states that the gaulish king Braneus, helped Hannibal's men during the expedition toward the Alps, and "replaced all their old or worn weapons with new ones" (Pol. III, 49, 11), and also the Libyans and the Lybo-Phoenicians, according to both Polybius and Livy (Polyb. 3.87.3, 114.1; Liv. 22.46.4) at some point of the invasion of Italy were armed with the best Roman equipment looted from the battles of the Trebia and Trasimene, and this clearly states that they were accustomed to use a thyreos-like shield, and all that follows: being accustomed to a shock-and -charge tactic with heavy missile weapons followed by hand-to-hand combat with swords. Looking onward, during the Third Punic War, when Carthage starts to rearm, they produced "Thyreos, Xyphos, Saunion (socketed-pilumlike javelin) and Longche" (Appian, Punike, 93), and in the list of the weapons that Carthage surrended to the Romans, are cited only throwing spears and javelin. There is no reference at all about oplon or doru, and obviously no mention of sarissa pikes at allThe misconception of a Carthaginian army with an "African Hellenistic Pikemen Phalanx" is due to an infamous wrong traduction of Loeb, adopted also by Connely, of the term "Lonchophoroi" in Polybius, that was misinterpreted for a synonym of "sarissophoroi" and so translated like "pikemen".The "longche" used by the Lybian and Lybo-Phoenician wasn't at all a sarissa, but a relatively short spear, with a broad head, used both for stabbing and as a throwing weapon, (Strabo, XVII.3.7), and moreover the the Lonchophoroi in specific weren't the African Veteran line infantry, but light, skirmish troops, paired with Balearic slingers and used in the rough terrain during the Trasimene ambush:"Hannibal, coasting the lake and passing through the defile occupied himself the hill in front, encamping on it with his Spainards and Africans; his slingers and LONCHOPHOROI he brought round to the front by a detour and stationed them in an extended line under the hills to the left, he placed them in a continous line under the hills to the right of the defile, and similarly taking his cavalry and the Celts round the hills on the left, he placed them in a continuous line under these hills, so that the last of them were just at the entrance to the defile, lying between the hillside and the lake."And more:"When the Roman cavalry fell back and left the flanks of the infantry exposed, the Carthaginian LONCHOPHOROI and the Numidians in a body, dashing past their own troops that were in front of them, fell on the Romans from both flanks, damaging them severely and preventing them from dealing with the enemy in their front." (Polybius III, 73, 7)The fact that Polybius use the term "Lonchophoroi" (lett. "spear-bearer") instead of "Akontistai" or "Psiloi", normally used in Greek to define skirmishers, is probably due to the huge versatility of Hannibal's light infantry, probably a mix of caetrati, Celtiberians and Lusitanians (Livy, Ab Urbe Condita, XXI, 57) and Lybians (the warrior depicted on Smirat's Relief in Tunisia, with round shield and spears/javelins, desc), equipped not only with missiles like falaricae(all of them) and soliferrea (the Spaniards), but even with a spear that could be used both for throwing and as a thrusting weapon (cfr. J. Lazenby, "Hannibal's War"), maybe te same "small broad-bladed longchai" that Strabo linked to some Lybian light troops (XVII.3.7). ____________________________________________Base Troops:Libyan Javelinemen (MERC for the first period)Libyan Thyreophoroi Spearmen (MERC for the first period) Libyan Levy Hoplitai (MERC for the first period) Blastophoenician MilitiaCarthaginian Citizen Levy HoplitaiCarthaginian MarinersCarthaginian Citizen CavalryLibophoenician CavalryOscan Mistophoroi (MERC)Apuani Warriors (MERC)Celtic Swordsmen (MERC)Celtic Skirmish Cavalry (MERC)Numidian Skirmish Cavalry (MERC)Iberian Caetrati (MERC)Sardi Pellitti Militia (MERC)Balearic Slingers (MERC)Mauri Archers (MERC)Hamilcar Reform Troops: Libophoenician ThyreophoroiLibophoenician ThorakitaiCeltiberian Cavalry (MERC)Turdetani Scutarii (MERC)Edetani Scutarii Spearmen (MERC) Hannibalic Reform Troops: African Veterans Lonchophoroi (MERC) Ilergete Scutarii (MERC) Celtiberian Scutarii (MERC) Cantabri Axemen (MERC) Lusitanian Caetrati (MERC) Oretani Warriors (MERC) So, my suggestion is to make two new embassies, and add Libyan Javelinemen as Citizen unit and Carthaginian Mariners as Champion units.
    2 points
  5. DE has Libyan skirmishers for Carthage.
    2 points
  6. Most of the talk about an "extra realistic" mode has involved treating it as an addon feature. It would require a separate download, so it shouldn't be an issue. As has been mentioned, the blood toggle has been requested before. (It's something I would like myself.) I think the consensus was that was a worthwhile feature, but we just needed someone to implement it. It's a bit tricky because it will involve changing how some of the art files work. Corrals are in the game, but they currently only provide a way to create animals. We do want to allow bonuses from leaving live animals garrisoned there (perhaps a food resource trickle), but it just hasn't been implemented.
    2 points
  7. I liked the old 'nearest position' building placement that AoM had, so you could get obstruction boxes flush with one another, could that be something to pair with a 'snap' mechanic?
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha23 and https://code.wildfiregames.com/D989
    2 points
  10. I am the copyright holder of original works I post in the Wildfire Games 0 A.D. Art Development forum. I hereby release all original works I uploaded to this forum in the past, and those I will upload in the future, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
    2 points
  11. Yeah I use to like this band: They have a lot of throat singing (and a lot of throat cutting in the video as well). PS: @Free if you don't like blood don't watch the video above It just says Terra Magna 0.0.23. I downloaded from a zip posted here in the forum.
    2 points
  12. Position: Sound Lead Do you understand that Wildfire Games is a non-commercial project, work for 0 A.D. is volunteer, and work is done for free? Yes Do you agree to distribute all your work for Wildfire Games under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license? Yes Are you sure you do not want to work on something programming related? (Then you don't need to send in an application form.) Yes Name: Sam Gossner Email: sgossner (at) versilstudios (dot) net Location: New England, USA Availability: 5-15 Hours per week Age: mid-20's Occupation: Sample Library Developer Skills and Experience: I've been composing and doing sound design professionally for games for the past eight years; started out in the Flash industry while in high school and moved on from there. Most recent major project was the score and sound design for Airscape: The Fall of Gravity (2012-2015), which I completed while also a full-time college student (Berklee College of Music) and in the midst of making a 16 GB orchestral sample library (Chamber Orchestra 2). My "day job" is recording and editing samples of musical instruments from all around the world (sometimes dealing with tens of thousands of individual audio clips at a time) and often building virtual instruments from those recordings in a XML-like format called SFZ or overseeing their implementation in more advanced formats (I often handle the recording and business/logistics end of things). I'm the creator of the CC0 sample sets 'VSCO 2 CE' and 'VCSL', both on GitHub, and the former also on Freesound (along with a bunch of foley sounds and such). To summarize, I'm basically the audio equivalent of a hedge fund manager for about a quarter of a million little tiny clips of audio. Motivation: Sampling is one of the most enjoyable things I've ever done. To me, nothing beats hearing a track someone made with my work, and that's what keeps me going. It's also a treat to get to meet so many musicians and learn about their craft as part of the process. Personality: Renaissance man. Short Essay: 0 AD crossed my path about a year ago on Mod DB while looking around to see what could fill in the gap left in the wake of Ensemble Studios. Ancient history is perhaps one of my favorite subjects (more specifically, Bronze Age history, but Iron Age is cool too!), but most games I see trying to bring it to life are cartoony and often wildly inaccurate. I'm just happy to see something that is refreshing and highly promising and I want to help it continue to grow into an immersive, informed experience of the ancient world. I spend a lot of time making commercial products and I just enjoy opportunities to spend time making something nice without worrying about the bottom line. I see a lot of potential in 0 AD and I have the equipment and experience to bring high quality sound design to the game by improving what's there and adding what isn't. I have a fair amount of downtime regularly as development of virtual instruments is a rather piecemeal operation, so I like to find creative and constructive ways to use that time. Interests and Hobbies: Historical instruments/music (primarily 1400-1930 AD), baking bread, figuring out who the Sea Peoples REALLY were, videography and video editing, and collecting classic 80's/90's hardware samplers. Staff: I've written back and forth with Omri Lahav about contributing a few tracks to the game. Community: VI-Control, Scoring Central, Newgrounds Favorite Game: I've been giving AoM a bit more love lately, but also recently had a short tryst with Homeworld. In terms of hours sunk, I think the winner is either Civ III or IV. Occasionally boot up an old game called 'The Punic Wars'; I reckon there's bound to be at least one other person whose heard of that around here. Work Examples: http://airscapegame.com/ https://freesound.org/people/Samulis/ https://github.com/sgossner/VCSL https://instaud.io/PUD (some of my CC0 sampling work in action, as an aside)
    1 point
  13. So, hands up formations are back !! I am reworking Unit AI to work with formations. So current state looks like: formation members hold their formation position to death formation auras are applied from D1218 formation stops if melee attacked and fight back if not fighting or moving and range attacked goes to the attacker to reach him ( this needs rethink, you ll see why in video ) This is what I need to think how to make it: look for enemies if not attacked by them and attack first based on stances ( yes, formation members can do that, but I needed to disable it for them ) I am currently testing only fighting men to men, so there is a lot of what I need to try. And yeah a lot of tweaking and making things better currently I did. So here is some video about current state (just ignore warnings and errors, they are for my debug): formation rework - state 1 I hope you are excited. Maybe you will see them fightingin A24.
    1 point
  14. Did you uninstall the other mod by deleting the folder ? If you didn't it may still be using the old one. The file is in c:\users\yourname\documents\my games\0ad\
    1 point
  15. great news. many fans ask for this.
    1 point
  16. I imagine that most of our devs would want that though we are at an impasse ATM our pathfinder algorithm just does not work fast enough that lag you experience is mostly because of it so adding formations that have lots of units just multiplies the issue of lag as the path of each unit needs to be calculated separately for short distances. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  17. Hello, I am a fan RTS games and 0 a.d its increible, have two suggestions: Can you implement a combat mechanics like COH or battle for middle-earth? holding right click, allowing an organized position on the ground and the second; I would like to have a mechanic like Cossacks, in a group of units can be organized with a drummer, an officer also could be a standard bearer, generating leadership. Give them more damage or armor increase as passive ability, it would be great. Greetings
    1 point
  18. Just for the record, Gitlab used to host its servers on Microsoft Azure until very recently, now it's Google's https://about.gitlab.com/2018/04/05/gke-gitlab-integration/ Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  19. I have also found some other interesting data about Carthaginian army, although it seems that it's not a new concept.... These skirmishers are recruited from the Libyan villages on north Africa that are under Carthaginian rule. Libyan Skrimisher In ancient period Libyan are presented in classical records as mercenaries, and one of the leaders of the Great Mercenary Mutiny was a Libyan, Zarza. But after the end of the revolt, tamed by Hamilcar Barca in 238 B.C., Libyans gradually became part of the social tissue of Carthage (even if the lowest, and always a peripheral one), and gradually their troops became a levy. Silius Italicus in the Punica wrote about Libyan light troops wearing red robes and carrying light "parmae" shields. The presence of coloured men is attested by iconography, but they aren’t actually coming from defined ethnic groups, but it’s highly more probable that “Libyan” communities had a mixed ethnic composition. Remember that actually “Libya” wasn’t a term used in modern acception by Greeks and Romans, but actually was a quite generic term that initially defined all Saharian and costal Africa (With the exception of Egypt). In our period however, “Libyans” was used more or less to define North African people most of all of berber stock and some coloured presence that were under direct Carthaginian rule.
    1 point
  20. I tried to do some files to realise this gui, you can freely used them if you want : They are not as beautifull as those of Shiyn but it's better than Nothing.
    1 point
  21. Fixed the head, some clipping because of the new buildings and added mappreview icon:
    1 point
  22. It looks like the background is just uninitialized data, so it displays random fun. The hypothesis is covered by the JS errors complaining about the background being unidentified nonflying objects.
    1 point
  23. Lack some game play features are now jamming a bunch other little, even new game modes. Conversion. Snapping Switch weapons.(range/melee)
    1 point
  24. Thanks! Unfortunately I only know a tiny bit of C# and I've sadly forgotten most of that. From what I can pick out, it looks like there's already some code in there to get map environment to influence the ambient sound stream. Structurally, it looks like there's an active playlist onto which it places the sounds (and culls "dead" sounds from), then those get fed into OpenAL sound sources, which OpenAL interfaces with the soundcard drivers? I did a double-take when I noticed the buffer was set to 98304, but I reckon that must be bits since I've never seen a buffer over 8192, so with 24-bit[depth] audio it'd be 4096 samples, which makes more sense. Of course, I could be completely and utterly incorrect about all of that. I think it's okay to have multiple of the same soundgroup going at once, if anything, preferable to not allowing multiple of the same soundgroup at once, at least from a cosmetic point of view. With 64 voices, we have some pretty decent wiggle room, but not a ton. If threshold is/was implemented, then we really don't need to worry and could probably even get lower if we do some smart threshold work. Another option is to go through and ensure the sounds are cut as short as possible, as that will (I assume) let them be culled sooner. Just spitballing here, but something we could also try is having some term that uses gain to influence priority, that is to say, quieter sounds have a slightly lower priority than louder sounds of the same type. This could be used to clear out some of the 'thickets' by removing sounds which are less noticeable and were lower priority anyway, so, for example, a louder but equal priority sound would always go before a quieter one. There might also be a possibility of allocating specific amounts of sources to each soundgroup, e.g. saying that a soundgroup cannot have more than 12 at once, but that's basically thresholds in a nutshell, so back to square one on that idea. Still no clue on what is causing those attack sounds to stack up like that- I don't think it happens with resource sounds. As you say, I'd have to look at the actual execution to find out, most likely. I'll stick it on my "scenic detour bucket list". I'll put some stuff together for the ambiances as soon as I've finished reviewing the files (see below). Very doable. I have several hours of rain, thunder, and wind I've recorded myself; it's no problem to cut a few different loops out of it and see what sticks. It looks like there's already some sort of ambient sound system implemented which looks at the environment of the map to figure out which sounds to play, if my extraordinarily poor understanding of programming logic is sufficient, although I think you're getting at something a bit more higher-detailed than that. The main obstacle we'd face is figuring out how to allocate our sound sources/polyphony.
    1 point
  25. Just stumbled upon this and thought it might be relevant: http://sciencenordic.com/how-decorate-viking
    1 point
  26. They work a socket the correct terminology is socket(gaia)
    1 point
  27. A couple looping ambient files for rain and thunderstorm would be nice. Also, sounds for ambient emitters are greatly desired. I had a very interesting idea regarding ambient wind and music, both being somewhat positional, but I'm not sure that this is the thread for that unless you'd like to hear about it.
    1 point
  28. Tweaking build_restrictions.js and adding that component might work
    1 point
  29. I figured "slotting" would be generic enough. "Settlement" is too specific.
    1 point
  30. @Trinketos Treasures templates were moved, you'll have to edit the map XML file as needed. You are also referencing chin objects there which you shouldn't.
    1 point
  31. Hey @Samulis, and welcome to the forums. If you haven't already I'd suggest you get in contact with @OmriLahav as well as he will be the one to review your contributions too. We can provide general advice and commit your sounds too, but I like to have his precious feedback beforehand. Also you will have to sign the legal waiver if you haven't already. Keep the good contributions coming, and make the game better, and you'll probably have the position in some time EDIT : Ah well forget the part with Omri then, as you already are in touch with him
    1 point
  32. Did you use clean_worskpaces.sh and update_workspaces.sh before building ? Sometimes there are some leftovers.
    1 point
  33. ok interestinglog.html
    1 point
  34. Can do! I saw the list in the thread of needed sounds and I've bookmarked it. I completed a survey of the existing sounds in the game the other day just to see what was there, just digging around in the files. I've been working on some ideas out of the 'Mod' version of the game just swapping files for files- put together some fresh sling and arrow sounds as a test, although obviously the XML files will be rewritten. I also balanced and denoised all the voices so they sound a bit more consistent. I have an old set of a few hundred weapon and armor foley and impact sounds (built my own suit of Lorica Segmentata for it) I recorded a few years back, but they're not quite up to snuff. I've already put some plans in motion to record some nice weapon impacts in about two weeks time.
    1 point
  35. Hill of Sorrows is an old track of mine. Jeff Willet laid his percussion magic on it and it was added to Terra Magna, not the main game... But it is indeed one of mine @Free I got your message and sent a reply, please feel free to keep in touch and send me any tracks you think are a good fit for 0 A.D. Thanks!
    1 point
  36. Upload mainlog.html, it contains the full SETI response Perhaps the mods were enabled in the wrong order
    1 point
  37. Kushites lack sword cavalry, catapults, and rams. This leaves them almost defenseless against enemy siege towers or bolt shooters. The best they can do is chase the towers with elephants (or build up towers of their own - but this takes too long, and if the enemy also has catapults it is not viable). Elephants, however, are not very effective against siege towers and can be killed easily by any massed troops. For anti-siege, I think Kushites should be given at least one of sword cavalry, catapults, and rams. Preferably catapults; I think every civ should at least get catapults or rams. Elephants alone are really not a good option for killing structures since they can be killed so easily by ranged units. Overall, I'd say Kushites are a weak civ, considering they also lack normal-price skirmisher infantry. They're like Carthage in that respect. Also, the fact they train champions from temples is like Carthage. However, Carthage has catapults and bolt shooters. Also Carthage has sword cavalry mercenaries. Considering that Carthage is widely considered the weakest civ in a22, and Kushites have mostly disadvantages compared to Carthage, I think it's fair to say Kushites are the weakest current civ. Kushites could instead be compared to Mauryans, the other civ that lacks infantry skirmishers and siege. Mauryans have sword cavalry and a much more powerful economy boost in the form of worker elephants. (Kushite pyramids barely even count as an economy boost, considering their expense, the fact they aren't available until age II, and the small bonus they give). Mauryan barracks cost only wood, a significant advantage on most maps.
    1 point
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