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  1. You probably downloaded the .torrent file (it requires an additional program that can open and download such files). But you can download the installation file directly. There is a link under the big gray button. @Itms @implodedok May be we need to make the link more noticeable.
    3 points
  2. Dear Hannibal, i meant that Amon temple and Apedemak have the same icons. It isn't relevant though as those are just icons. What is way more relevant is that there are 2 buildings, basically acting at same way, that may be avoided. While it is not the case of the temples, as romans also have 2 different type of temples ( one has 1 entity limit though ). The pyramids are basically the same building with different size and an additional aura effect. Would be nice to merge those 2 pyramids in 1 unique upgradeable building, which actually requires some city planning. I am not asking to remove a redundant building, I am just asking to let a building upgrade into another one which seems not compromise any history detail, isntead of let it be just an optional feature like happens for sentry tower upgrade.
    1 point
  3. Yep, that is planned for (hopefully) the next alpha after we got in the anti-smurf patch. Do you have any suggestion about how it should work in detail? The problem is: you need to differentiate between a connection loss and someone really leaving the game, so that nobody can "steal" your slot if just had a short connection loss. Maybe some timeout, or a voting system?
    1 point
  4. Model is split from the view thought some logic is in the wrong place. So someone motivated could do it. For formation purposes I will turn it into MVVM which will make transition easier. The model and test are Linux compatible (.Netcore and .Net Standard) just not WPF. One could use Electron too
    1 point
  5. This might also be ported to Linux using Mono though it tends to lag M$ C# be several versions just a suggestion as maintaining both would no doubt be a headache Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  6. Here is an update What's new in 1.1: Support for double click on browsable fields. (Note that you might have to tick the line for the change to take effect, it's counterintuitive, haven't found a fix yet marking the lines as selected is tricky when fields are editable) Mod.json support (Dependencies still have to be added manually in the file) Menu to set the material's path. A popup will appear at the first launch to browse for the material folder and use that. The header will give some insights as to what the windows is for. Fixes: Path gathered are now converted to unit paths automatically Shouldn't be any error when cancellation dialog XML files generated have now a final whiteline for Unix users. Features to come: Particle Edition Support SoundGroup Edition Support Material Edition Support Release.zip
    1 point
  7. It looks like you want the {native}_ replacement D1084.
    1 point
  8. Not the same icon, maybe only your mind gets confused. You still don't get the historical point of view, @Sundiata the creator of Kushite civilization would never agree and we owe him this much. It would be nice to have more axemen in the game.
    1 point
  9. I own a mac book , i have read instructions and am left with a file that I'm not able to get anywhere with . id like to understand what i may be able to do so i may be able to enjoy this game I'm very interested in . i hope someone may be of assistance
    1 point
  10. I'm now making progress , thank you so very much . i defiantly over looked and didn't pay enough attention when i should have . thanks for taking time to help me
    1 point
  11. The fire ship actually does not have an aura. Yes, it's possible to drain health from nearby units; try e.g. drain_health.json As far as I understood it, lag has primarily to do with the pathfinder. I doubt auras have any effect on the game's speed.
    1 point
  12. Thank you for the new animations. I really like them. But for the galopp animation: It looks like the rider and the back of the horse doesn't move. Could we maybe fix that?
    1 point
  13. Hmm, that sounds weird. Usually when you get a notice that something can't be opened/run it's because it's already running when you are trying to run the application, not when you are trying to install it, but that might just be that you don't recall exactly what words were used, so I'm not sure how useful that thought is It should definitely be possible to install it even if it's already installed though, but it might still give a warning. It should look something like this: (ps is the folder where I've checked out the 0 A.D. SVN repository)
    1 point
  14. Found it: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1065 And I just tested it. Looks like the way is already paved for "ethnic" mercenaries along the lines of AOE3, if that's so desired. EDIT: Nope, the merc camp won't train a merc unit whose civ is not the player's civ. poop. Looks like that's a different issue. The units work right [a Kushite merc unit will build all of the Athenian buildings if an Athenian player owns the Kushite unit], but the structure aspect doesn't work yet.
    1 point
  15. Looks like the SVN did not finish downloading. What happens if your right click on the first folder that was created and click SVN up ?
    1 point
  16. Already possible. Maybe @elexis can share how, but there's a way to make the merc's build list reflect the owner's civ, not the unit's civ. This was implemented maybe month or 3 ago, but I've never experimented with it.
    1 point
  17. A lot of the reasons for the regrouping is because of the pathfinder. If it is reworked to accommodate formations, that would be the best solution.
    1 point
  18. finally someone got the point. Heroes aren't unbalanced at all. They try to incentivize a strategy over another with auras that may be considered as morale bonus for the nearby units(it may even be extended with a morale malus when a hero dies ). Sure, some hero auras are bad designed but it is just a matter of tweaks.
    1 point
  19. That is good practice any time there are lots of changes as the cache tends to override the new instances of entity definitions ie: if it's already cached that copy is used not the new one it's a compromise to improve performance as the load new data takes longer. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  20. 0ad is the LinuxQuestions.org Open Source game of the year! LinuxQuestions Members Choice results page LinuxQuestions winners thread zdnet article about the LinuxQuestions awards
    1 point
  21. This is more a question for artists rather than gameplay related. Kushites have an overflow of stuff ( buildings and units ) which are basically redundant. Pick the 2 pyramids and the 2 temples as example, from a historically point of view they are completely different structures ( someone states that makes no sense to upgrade a small pyramid to a bigger one ) but in game they even share the same icon, just making more confusion in the mind of a player. Would make sense, from a game mechanic pov, being able to upgrade i.e. the temple of Apedemak into the Amun one in order to have different actors depending of its upgrades ( scouting such a building would give some knowledge on the opponent state ), and access to new technologies and units ( the champions, just 1 of the 2 which are imho a surplus ). In that way we would also be able to represent more iconic buildings even if not perfectly in scale (There are always to be compromises, somehow) and eventually have AI getting into account that buildings can be upgraded. If those upgrades aren't acceptable, some buildings should just be used in single player campaigns, when implemented, or as scenario buildings like in the new Elephantine map.
    0 points
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