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  1. It's now implemented in full and will be available for A23
    3 points
  2. The civ.json files are in simulation/data/civs And why don't you follow simply the 0ad naming scheme, i.e. calling your houses "structures/hylian_house" if the civ code for that civ is "hylian"? you have in the Identity component some GenericName and SpecificName (which are those seen by the player) that you can change as you like, but the template name itself should not change until somebody write the code for the AI to adapt itself to any template name.
    3 points
  3. The Council is both happy and proud to announce a brand new release!!! What is it? Millennium A.D. is a total conversion mod for 0 A.D. focusing on the Middle Ages. It is divided in two parts, this first one is focusing on the first half of the Middle Ages; the timeframe of Charlemagne and the Viking Age. The name of this release is Dellingr. This is an old Norse god, symbolizing dawn. Pretty apt for a new release What is new? A few months ago, a new artist called Alexandermb joined the team. This talented modder is responsible for majority of the new content seen in this release. With help of Stanislas, he modeled buildings such as the new Civic Center for the Norse seen in this image: He also modeled various buildings for the Anglo-Saxons such as the Fortress and the walls seen below. The new Norse barracks, seen in this third image, is also modeled by Alexandermb. Wackyserious updated all the units to make use of the new unit meshes and improved the looks of them. Many new weapons and helmets were modeled too by Alexandermb and Stanislas. Many smaller changes were made in this release too, but it would be too elaborate to list them all Who are we? The Council of Modders was formed up of two small modding teams and a few newcomers: Aristeia (about the bronze age) and Millennium A.D. (about medieval times) CoM aims to create a umbrella for all wannabee modders and help everyone needed and of course create their own projects. How to: Unzip the download but leave the inner archive intact. Place the unzipped folder into /binaries/data/mods. You'll see another folder there called 'public'. Launch the game and enable the mod in Options>Mod Selection. Press 'Start Mods'. Enjoy the mod! Download: In the last few years some members retired leaving us shorthanded. We are currently especially in the need of artists. So if you're a talented artist with a passion for history and you would like to help us out, please contact us using a PM or (preferably) in this thread: Wildfiregames...showtopic=18412 Thanks in advance! Our thanks go to everyone that helped us to achieve this mod through contributing, playtesting or in another way! If you have tips / suggestions, feel free to let us know. Also if you find bugs, let them know too. Support 0 A.D. if you like us: Play0ad.com The main menu background is made by Alexlinde from Deviantart. You can find him here: Alexlinde.deviantart.com The soundtracks are created by Antti Martikainen. You can find more of his work here: Anttimartikainen.bandcamp.com and Youtube.com
    3 points
  4. Well, if you want to be pedantic, then neither did many sedentary cultures. Greeks, besides Spartans, did not have standing armies, and most ranged units like archers and slingers were home-trained. Barracks and Archery Ranges and whatnot in the game are abstract concepts for gameplay purposes.
    3 points
  5. My only thought is that they'd look badass. I dont play enough comp 0AD to get a sense of the 'power rankings' more than 'this is annoying to fight'. Lots of different civs have to choose what units can be trained, (by lots i mean 2 but i like the sound of it) Carthaginians can have a full mercenary roster, and seleucids have their champion divergence. Perhaps the kushites could have both. Unless there was some super divergence where you had to choose between a full roster of mercenary troops or your temple champions which would be quite choice let me tell you I still love the axeman>swordsman idea
    2 points
  6. Nice. What if the Shaman is trained from the shaman's tent, but all the Temple techs are researched by the shaman himself?
    2 points
  7. This does not have much sense: - either you have something which acts analogously to the standard game (a xzorkut for example which has the same purpose as a field and you can expect that the ai will be able to deal with it if you rename it as "field" ) - or your buildings are completely different, with different purposes, and you have to write an ai to deal with them.
    2 points
  8. Patch review: Stan agrees with the patch and the cheating factor is really negligible. The most one could find out is if there is a mountain or not. (The rallypoints allow for more cheating as they indicate the entire path, obstacles on the way and the entire terrain changes on that path.) Patch is correct because that property does by definition what were looking for, its complete because the other non-optional Visibility properties are given in the inherited actor template. Ive tested it and it works as a dvertized and doesnt reveal the marker to enemy players. The alphabetic order of the components is kept too. </review> Thanks for the patch.
    2 points
  9. Previously when people have had an issue with creating control groups, it's been because of the interaction between the game and their keyboard (most if not all cases: they've had a non-qwerty keyboard), but that doesn't seem likely in your case if it's been working previously. Has something changed with your keyboard? (Or have you gotten a new one?)
    2 points
  10. You might also use xNormal been around for a while Open Source but only on Windows 7,8,10 64 bit http://www.xnormal.net/Default.aspx also has a SDK available and it's built in viewer is useful. Enjoy the Choice
    2 points
  11. Broke a few textures but they're all in one place now at least. I think this is a good jumping off point in terms of color scheme. Small screenie i know but I'm working off my laptop. that also means baking textures takes forever
    1 point
  12. Gaia strikes again along the sides of the river. Players: West: mord (athen), SarhaElda (gaul), PricipalityOfZeon (mace) vs East: bb (sele), juniormaster (mace), pablek2 (mace). Spoiler below gives a short summary: Replay below: commands.txt
    1 point
  13. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D864 for the flight path thing.
    1 point
  14. That seems to have solved it, although it needed an extra ). That should do for the AI of these two factions, I'll revisit this when I get to some of the more weirder factions.
    1 point
  15. If it works out good, then I think it would be an excellent choice to give this to the Kushites. When phasing up to Town Phase, player chooses Amun or Apedemak. This unlocks different temples, which have unique techs and access to different champions. What do you think @Sundiata?
    1 point
  16. That's is planned.
    1 point
  17. I have a project with @s0600204 o selector screen. I need your support too.
    1 point
  18. Un abrevadero o varios sería bueno. Es lo mejor para el caballo.http://www.royal-horse.com/mx/conseil/conseils-en-periode-secheresse/
    1 point
  19. Fast simulation: Yellow hay Black Tools Red Door Blue Horses it will need something somewhere to show the faction color
    1 point
  20. I used some of the swords of the other post for a low probability of spawn those swords on the xiongnu, because if they were nomads, they attack and steal everything including swords/spears so i assumed they can have a little probability of use enemy swords.
    1 point
  21. I did try the other day to change things a bit, but I was unable to find the place for some of the link text, and the color of the number in the "speech bubble" in the image below is the same as is used in the title of the area, among other things, so it's hard to find a solution that works in all cases. So I had to revert some changes I made.
    1 point
  22. I think the ugliness of the theme (the current one or the proposed one) is subjective and a bit irrelevant. The lack of contrast on the forums is a real problem because it can prevent people from participating at all. On the other hand I don't think we should care about people who think "oh this website is ugly I don't want to participate because it doesn't look modern". Those people are not motivated enough @daker Thanks for looking into updating the theme though. What we could maybe do is installing that theme without making it the default? That way it is available to the people who'd enjoy it. I can look into that when I upgrade Trac to the latest version, if that sounds good to you.
    1 point
  23. Huns and Xiongnu Many believe the Huns descended from tribes referred to by the Chinese as the Xiongnu. Irma Marx of the Silk Road Foundation wrote: “The Xiongnu stemmed basically from the Siberian branch of the Mongolian race. During the third and second centuries B.C. they rose to great power and became a tribal confederation. During Emperor Mo-tun reign (208-175 B.C.), the Xiongnu were at the zenith of their might and occupied a huge territory from Lake Baikal on the north to the Ordos plateau on the south and the Liao River on the east. By 55-34 B.C. their political influence reached as far as the lower Volga and the Ureal foothills. This expansion westwards significantly increased the trade with the western world. The trade route was leading now from the west through the northern oasis of east Turkestan to the Xiongnus' headquarters in north Mongolia and southward to north China. [Source: Irma Marx, Silk Road Foundation <|>] “The basis of the Xiongnus' economy was herding, mostly pastoral nomads who lived in felt-cobbled tents, using bow and arrow from horseback. By the first century B.C. there were also large settled populations with well-developed agriculture of millet, barley and wheat. The production of crafts flourished as wll, iron and bronze was smelted in their workshops and fine tools, weaponry, household utensils, jewelry and ceramics were produced. <|> “Chinese sources inform us that the Xiongnu worshiped the sun, moon, heaven, earth, and to their ancestors. They had shamans or medicine men who had great influence over the tribesmen. The horse played a leading role in the herder's migration, hunting and war. In special ceremonies they sacrificed white horses and drank the blood. When a man died his widows were married either to a younger brother or a son. When a great chief died, concubines and retainers were often killed and buried with him. The Xiongnu apparently had no writing. It is believed that they spoke one of the Turkic languages (Guniley, 1960, pp. 48-49; Meanchen-Helfen, 1973, pp. 376-443). However, the question of language is far from being resolved. <|> “During the newly established Chinese Han dynasty (AD 206-220), China expanded its borders and the Xiongnu empire lost ground. Weakened by the loss of men and animals because of their constant battles, and the split by internal dissension, the tribes of the confederation began one by one to accept a position of vassalage under China. The northern Xiongnu moved from Outer Mongolia into what was than Dzaungaria, where they conquered a new but short lived empire. With the beheading of their leader by a Chinese army the group disappeared from history. <|> “The southern Xiongnu, who replaced their northern kindred in Outer Mongolia, remained at peace with China for some years. With the turn of the Christian Era these Xiongnu extended their power west into Dzungaria and reasserted their independence from China, although some tribes along the borderlands remained vassals of the Chinese and served as buffers against their independent kinsmen. In the first of this millenium the Hsien Pei, a Tungusic or Mongol people, appeared north of China and conquered Mongolia, forcing the independent Xiongnu into Dzungaria. A century later the Hsien Pei also gained control of Dzungaria. The Xiongnu who had remained on the borders of China lingered on in history until the fifth century. Those who were forced out of Dzungaria by the Hsien Pei disappeared from notice in A.D. 170. <|> Hunnu: Ancient Chinese Account of Huns? Chinese description of the Hunnu or Hu are believed to be primarily accounts of the Xiongnu, and possibly the Huns, According to Mongolia Today: ““The Hunnu kingdom stretched from Baikal Lake in the north to Great Chinese Wall in south, from Yellow Sea to the oases of Central Asia. The state, ruled by a king or Shanyu elected by assembly of all tribe chieftains- khurultai, was built on the principle of military democracy under which all the nomadic herders were warriors and subjects at the same time. Chinese historical records noted that each autumn all men and cattle were counted to decide the amount of taxes and army subscripts. Hunnu army was based on decimal system and was well armed. Rock paintings from that period depict armored knights and horses protected with aprons embroidered with metal plates. [Source: Mongolia Today, June 18, 2007 <<>>] “Hunnu domesticated various animals including camels and grew crops. Inside graveyards corn grindstone and parts of plough prove that their grew crops. Hunnu knew metal works as the amazing number variety of their arms suggest. Each and very Hunnu warrior had various arms for close and distance combat. Plenty of bronze and potter kitchenware proves that Hunnu had well developed craftsmen. <<>> “The decline of Hunnu empire began in the first century B.C. starting from the rivalry of two princes, Huhan’e and Zhizhi. After several major battles the younger brother fled, leading his men to West, towards the Caspian Sea. Five hundred years later, their descendants migrated further reaching Dunai River and setting up own kingdom headed by . The remaining and weakened Hunnu fell under the repeated assaults of a neighboring nomadic tribe, Xianbi, which appeared on the eastern flanks of the Hunnu empire. <<>> “Recent research suggests that Hunnu did not differ much from modern Mongols in their appearance and may represent their ancestors. Anthropological studies show that the Mongoloid race or Central Asian type was already well shaped by the time of Hunnu. This a final conclusion made by Prof. G.Tumen, Chair of the Anthropology and Archeology of the Mongolian National University, after more than 30 years of comparative study of skulls from Stone Age to modern times. DNA analysis also proved the consistency of genetic lines between Hunnu and modern Mongols. This scientific conclusion implies that Atilla the Hun was indeed an ancestor of the Mongols." <<>>
    1 point
  24. This Huns religion. can be nearly close? Hun_religion The Huns were never converted to Christianity by their Roman contemporaries. Indeed, the Huns remained Pagan throughout the entire time that they were mentioned in the historical chronicles. Through archaeological and literary evidence, it is believed that the Huns practiced a form of shamanism, (also called Tengerism). Shamanism is an animistic belief system in which all things have spirits. This includes everything from animals and plants, to rocks and rivers. Animals can also have significance. Among the Huns, bears symbolized peace while wolverines symbolized war. Birds of prey such as eagles and hawks were often the symbols of Hun royalty. When the spirits needed to be consulted, the Huns would turn to a spiritual specialist called a kam (shaman). Chroniclers of the time state that the Huns would never go to battle without consulting a shaman first. Priscus wrote that Ernak was Attila’s favorite son because the shamans favored him. (journal of Priscus of Panium- P.fr.8 ctd)Maenchen-Helfen writes, “That the Huns had shamans is certain. Kam in the names Atakam and Eskam is qam, the common Turkish word for shaman. To judge from the two names of high ranking Huns, the shamans seem to have belonged to the upper stratum of Hun society.” (The World of the Huns pg 269)Archaeological evidence shows that the Huns practiced the Altaic form of scapulimancy which is heating up the scapula bone of an animal- usually a sheep- and reading the cracks in the bone to tell the future. The graves also gave evidence of eidola (idols) that are referred to as ongons in Altai and Sayan regions. These eidola were made from felt, wood, bone, and metal and served as houses for spirit-helpers. The shaman would call upon the spirit helpers to help him/her in their spiritual work. These discoveries show a strong connection to Shamanism practiced in Mongolia, Siberia, and among many Turkic peoples throughout Central Asia where the Huns originated from. http://www.ernak-horde.com/Hun_religion.html
    1 point
  25. Blacksmith once the textures are done, it will have one armor stand with the body mesh, some rugs outside the yurt, and when i end the bow animated it will have some bows spread around.
    1 point
  26. Hello. I think the Target Marker template should have this flag: <Visibility> <AlwaysVisible>true</AlwaysVisible> </Visibility>
    1 point
  27. gameboy, we need someone that can write code AND experiences the same error before we can write a fix. Other than that, you might want to try the recommendation of one trac user: http://www.techadvisor.co.uk/how-to/pc-components/how-set-default-graphics-card-3612668/
    1 point
  28. I heard that from a different user too. The hotkey code didn't change at all in Alpha 22, except this one commit rP19624 / D303. It doesn't look like it could cause a bug like that. You could checkout the code, remove the two new lines in that patch and compile the game (see BuildInstructions) to see if it changes the result. With the below patch, you could also display the actual SDL keycode of any pressed key. It should be 49 if you press the "1" key. Perhaps we could also consider whether SDL2 is stupid and assumes your number keys to be keypad keys, but I doubt it. https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_Keycode Index: source/ps/Hotkey.cpp =================================================================== --- source/ps/Hotkey.cpp (revision 20095) +++ source/ps/Hotkey.cpp (working copy) @@ -161,6 +161,9 @@ case SDL_KEYDOWN: case SDL_KEYUP: keycode = (int)ev->ev.key.keysym.sym; + LOGWARNING("Pressed SDL keycode is %d", keycode); + LOGWARNING("The button 1 is expected to have the value %d", SDLK_1); + LOGWARNING("The keypad button 1 is %d", SDLK_KP1); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
    1 point
  29. Disagree. It's a feedback issue. Same with the target flash feature. It visually indicates a successful player input.
    1 point
  30. If you could zip the files needed together, I can post it on moddb as a hotfix.
    1 point
  31. This are the weapons for now, i leave in your hands the accuracy.
    1 point
  32. Some small tweaks to the body meshes to make the look of the xiongnu armors
    1 point
  33. we successfully played some multiplayer games despite an error displayed at start of the session. Anyway it was fun to try the new content. I'll upload some replays tomorrow
    1 point
  34. (Oh, how I like writing posts again because the forums have issues.) Now inside pre tags, interpret bbcode yourself, the forums apparently cannot. [quote] 2. Is there a way to change how quickly a specific projectile vanishes after it hits the ground? I have a few magic based attacks in the game that linger around on the ground too long after they hit. Some I need to vanish instantly like lightning bolts. [/quote] The delay is hardcoded in cmpProjectileManager (C++) currently, however you could pass an additional parameter from cmpAttack to cmpDamage's MissileHit and call RemoveProjectile there even if it was a miss. [quote] 3. Is there a way to control the flying arc of certain projectiles? Some of my magic based attacks should not be arching through the air like arrows. My lightning bolt attacks should fly in a straight line at targets. [/quote] Needs a small JS change in cmpAttack (and to the schema, and the templates that need a different gravity value) to allow passing a custom gravity value to LaunchProjectile. This would also allow things like mortars or ICBMs. [quote] 4. This was brought up earlier, but what file controls animation sets and definitions? The file that controls things like "Idle", "Walk", "Run", Attack_Ranged" etc. I can't seem to find any file that defines these and I'd like to create a swimming and spawning set for animations. [/quote] Available animations are defined in the actors. When those get used is handled by some intersection of cmpUnitAI and cmpVisualActor. [quote] 5. What file defines and controls damage types like Hack, Pierce, etc? I'd like to add a Magic damage type and resistance to. [/quote] cmpArmour and cmpAttack. Though neither of those is very nice to extend currently. That doesn't mean that you cannot extend it, but it is quite likely to require more work to maintain than should be needed.
    1 point
  35. Try to found searching in YT the original, I saw in my FB. So I try to found YT version.
    1 point
  36. I double clicked on a military barrack to see the production of all barracks from one player, whose original base had been destroyed and he was rebuilding at his 3rd CC, his 2nd CC was under attack. I dont got a replay, because i joined late. No mods and no unrevisioned files, it was just a normal a22 nomad game.
    1 point
  37. Hi @Pyrophorus I haven't looked into the code or generated some maps but I wanted to at least give you the feedback: This is awesome! Please continue I especially like the "some areas harsh, others more even" part! @realistic and fair: It is possible by choosing a symmetry matching the number of players and use realistic design for the part left. The symmetry will leave a notable global pattern but locally the map will be mostly realistic. In hope I'll find the time to take a closer look next week...
    1 point
  38. All the modifies done by the blacksmith are visible in the tooltips of the unit ( you have to click on the shield icon under their portrait in the middle panel ). Anyway to be sure to display all the infos i suggest you to go in the Game Options and enable the checkbox Detailed Tooltips. About the women aura:
    1 point
  39. Why do i try to paint battle scenes. They're the worst figured i'd dump what i had here maybe I'll finish it i dunno
    1 point
  40. Nice. I hope flaring/signaling teammates is next.
    1 point
  41. CC and defense tower, took a turn for the 'military' for the defense tower and plan to do similar for their fortress (fortress should incorporate some tile roofs as well). Harkens back quite a bit though.
    1 point
  42. Sentry towers I dunno, I'm pretty fond of these tiles. Romans are kind of pinkish, i want a nice red for sparta. the different faded color tiles are nice too. The normal maps are fine, they just got messed up in translation i guess? I can restore it easy enough in the gimp file
    1 point
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