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  1. @ArcaneExodus Network support has improved as the game now has a better way to go around firewalls. @fcxSanya or @elexis could probably be more specific. About formations work is being done to make them easier to fix. About the infinite resource stuff it's sounds more like a game mode to me. So not planned but could be done by motivated modders if you can find some
    3 points
  2. Please... @gameboy Rise of the East has been merged with another civs projects and now the project it' called Terra Magna. As Skhorn said, you can download it there.
    3 points
  3. You can tear it apart and make a new one. You at least have to use one of the textures. If you use two you have to have two objects. For face split it's either because of smoothing groups or maybe he used some kind of mirror modifier.
    2 points
  4. Hi , Im working on .... Carthage : 7 players of 50 pop limit --> 6 districts + 1 army of 50 mercenary champs VS Rome : 1 player of 500 pop limit mostly invading by sea (like survival of fittest) + nubians troops coming from desert I'm using the elevation terrain hack to put some buildings on top of others and make them look like merged in order to have unique structures (below, the 5 houses produces those 5 females with no evacuation problem) Rome will invade with RAMS, but will not be able to crush the Carthage walls everywhere (terrain elevation as unbreakable wall and platform for bolt-lozaa ) If Rome is in the walls .. Some places will be used to make good retreats for those 5 noobs Gauls, Athenians, Iberians, all different but their HATE of Rome on their face Even if the map could be used to be playable, i want to go into the new camera function in 0ad22 to make great cinematics in the narrow streets of carthage during invasion action . (to make a SUPER promotional trailer of 0ad) Also, for the sake of global interests, it would be nice to have a 3D map of carthage which could be used , i.e , for any TV documentary For this, Carthage has to be fulled with contents to give it a living appareance. FEEL FREE to WORK on it and make updates on this thread the pmp https://ufile.io/6vgn1 the xml https://ufile.io/xwqlc
    1 point
  5. Hi @Lion.Kanzen, with all respect to Mega Mania's knowledge, the (extensive) use of horses in ancient Kush is well attested by now, through written history (Kushite, Greek, Egyptian, Neo-Assyrian), pictorial evidence (petroglyphs, reliefs, graffiti...), and physical evidence (horses with equipment found buried with a number of early Napatan Kings, as well as the later Kings from Ballana). On top of that, Lisa A. Heidorn wrote an extensive article on the subjects called "The Horses of Kush", which I believe you quoted yourself in a previous discussion on Nubians (a few years ago). They didn't only use horses, they bred and exported them on what seems to be a relatively large scale. Also, Ptolemies made use of Nubian mercenaries. They might have been used, predominantly as crowd-controll and guard duties for important temples, as they have been used for these purposes for thousands of years. So they may not have been used extensively on the battlefield by Ptolemies, but they were definitely around... Also, I assume that the info used to dismiss the presence of Nubians in Ptolemaic armies ignores completely the 300 years or so of Ptolemaic military campaigning back and forth in... (Northern) Nubia... Just to clarify things a little..
    1 point
  6. That is a Roman temple, careful with those pseudoperipteral columns, they are a dead giveaway of Roman architecture, rather than Greek
    1 point
  7. Sounds good. Looking forward to see what you can do Keep in mind that all three temples will need to have unique features
    1 point
  8. Unfortunately no Your syntax is dangling in several places. For instance, one of the most influential statesmen (plural needed if he's one of them) the predominant leader (if you keep only one of the phrases joined by "and" you get "Pericles was predominant leader" so it's wrong) leader of the golden age of Athens (you make that mistake very very often) period at the end of the sentence (that sounds trivial but it's better to have the finished text right now if you want a direct inclusion into the game, else we will have to perform another round of fixes - so let's fix everything now) I cannot spot a sentence without a syntax error, a typo or something else. I suggest your read all of your sentences out loud, if that works for you. Or try translating back into your language, as if you hadn't written the text yourself, and see if you can spot the mistakes this way.
    1 point
  9. Couldn't you just prank him and tell him that rote seized to exist?
    1 point
  10. Yeah it's probably fixed for A22 but if the actor wasn't updated correctly it might suffer from the same bug. So we'd need someone to check if that still happens.
    1 point
  11. Jajajaja me estuve cuestionando largo rato sobre si colocarlo o no, espero que no sea asi
    1 point
  12. This is alpha 21. All the unit files are updated for A22.
    1 point
  13. Beautiful even in dark , @stanislas69 @niektb What you think guys?
    1 point
  14. Ok, some notes: -textures are very nice. Model is nice too (though some -imo; i am not a professional modeller though - strange/idiosynchratic face splitting there). -only real issue is that the modeller has split his model to 2 parts (third part being simple, and has only a stone texture) which have a chaotic arrangement of texture uv-mapped, which means i'd have to re-arrange the file to work with what modelled bits already exist - or, alternatively, as i did for the time being, just use parts which have fixed mapped texture. Something i did not like is that there is room only for 6 columns to the side, when you have 4 in front. Afaik the usual would be 7 to the side when you have 4 infront, and some pics of small hellenistic era temples have that setting. The following has 6x4 (due to the uv map work i avoided ). Nothing else changed; just took out some wall parts, moved the walled room to the back, took out two secondary columns and added 8 to the sides: How different can the model end up looking? Does it have to use the current texture? How larger/smaller can it become? Taller/shorter?
    1 point
  15. Most units and buildings use the standard health, armor, attack stats from common parent templates. For example, a spearman from one civ tends to have the same stats as a spearman from another civ; a blacksmith has the same health and cost from one civ to the next. There are exceptions of course! And those exceptions are what give the civs their flavor. But in general, if you make their buildings stronger, you should balance that somehow, probably with cost and build time. Same with exceptional units. But for overall civ strength, you can't know that, usually, until after many many multiplayer games between your new civ and the others. Then you can buff or nerf according to that data.
    1 point
  16. That was in 2013...
    1 point
  17. The progress so far, greaves will be replaced with the ones from the art source. The top connective part of the armor will also be a adjusted.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Plus what it seems to be the Agora and the Aeropagos, i tried my best at making the Agora as what many pictures/reconstruction show, but as for the Aeropagos i still don't know if it is good in that way
    1 point
  20. Look like typical lanscapes of my country.
    1 point
  21. the place Tian'anmen . At this point i wish so much 0ad to have more buildings and structures Still lot of finitions to do
    1 point
  22. the loft of Hamilcar ... From the balcony , a sight on the port and on a hidden ritual spot I set the map to large , so more space for naval combats. Player 1 = Hannibal , Player 2 = Maharbal , Player 3 = no hero , Player 4 = _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Player 1 - Phase 3 - No builders; no CC but super port and wonder - Hannibal) District 1 : Rich merchants - Only boats and units from Fortress but also 2-3 inner traders District 3 : Religious and big Gardens - only units from Temples - They wait a enforcement of their army with the arrival of their Hero --> Hannibal _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Player 2 - Phase 1 to 2 max - No champs - Hamilcar ) District 2 : Administrative center of the city - with carthage embassy District 5 : Something between District 2 and 4 with lot of barracks. _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Player 3 - Phase 1 max - Bigger pop - Maharbal ) District 4 : Very poor but well populated with ressources productors . Maybe i should give them them only wooden walls _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Player 4 - Mercenaries - Phase 1 to 2 max - Gauls) Zone 6 : The place where the mercenaries of Carthage stay - their territoiry is annexed to Carthage as long as they stay loyal to Carthage. Being ally with that army will cost ressources every second and he can even ask to Carthage even more (otherwise they will betray in favor of Rome). If Carthage notice susipicious activities (like building a CC of their own) Carthage will remove territory annexion so mercenaries's buildings will turn gaia before Cartage will crush the mutinery (unless its too late for Carthage) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Player 5 - Rome republic - Phase 3 - Scipio) Zone 7 : Rome will come by waves (like survival of the fittest ) from zone 7 but also by sea. Rome will try to set a basement on lands There is still lot to do, so comments are welcome before its too late
    1 point
  23. With some vegetations , this merchant part of the city is very rich but not very military
    1 point
  24. district 1 : specialized into naval stuff turtle civ
    1 point
  25. Yes , a scenario map with some scripts features Indeed, 1 district will be oriented on food production with some farms and wood gathering on north of the map (south in the real world) so , that why this map has to be decorated with fauna and vegetales . Carthage has to hunt down quickly stuff out there before Rome heavy army come surround the city . Basically, it will looks like a "Survival of the fittest" in which Carthage has to survive with few ressources and many attacks + Carthage has to feed his inhabitants and will lose 50-100 food every second. If it reaches 0 , Carthage will not be able to produce new units. But Rome cannot siege too long as Hannibal will come back with his army .. at minute x One district (the east one) will be multi-cultura and full of immigrants and mercenaries.. This monument is kinda Baal worship of Golden calf עֵגֶּל הַזָהָב too bad ? i think that know with scripts and camera scenes, the game could have a more deep scenario layer. A campaign mod would be a serie of scenario maps. i.e the punic wars.
    1 point
  26. Ah, so this could become some scenario map where you have to defend from a mass of invaders? Guess there should be many starting resources or forests to gather from then. Also what's that iberian monument doing there? The map reminds us again of the limitation of random map scripts, not bad.
    1 point
  27. Hi all ! Looks better with some terrain painting and forests... thanks to the rendering engine and 0.A.D artists ! The script is far from complete and perfect for now (my first Javascript program !). That's why I don't give it, but I hope I'll can share rather soon a little library for use along with rmgen. Friendly,
    1 point
  28. Hi all ! Not sure I should create a thread for such a little thing... In the script below, you'll find a function which creates heightmaps, an alternative to diamonds square method. Smoothing is integrated in the function, and is scale based, not uniformly applied on all tiles. Maybe this could profit to someone. More of it, you can reapply the function on parts of the map (with different parameters of course). In landscape-3, a rough mountain is surrounded with softier terrain. Don't tell me painting and starting placement are really poor. Yeah, I know... I haven't yet fully scavenged FeXor great work, but I will soon ! aFractalDemo.zip
    1 point
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