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  1. The AI doesn't seem the most efficient player for the ptolemaic faction, but I can see why it builds that many houses. The houses are free, but only give 5 pop bonus, so you need a lot of them. And the AI does build other buildings (farmstead, defense tower, fields ...) It just takes a bit longer than for other civs, as it's busy with all the houses.
    2 points
  2. In the U.S.A you don't have to be clothed, as long as there is paint covering important parts. So as long as there isn't detail I don't see a problem. Aren't pixels just like paint anyway?
    2 points
  3. I am not sure about the limitations of the game engine or if it will work, but I have always wanted to be able to have an open formation. I tried to mod this into Rome II total war but it doesn't seem to be possible, with modding tools at least. The top part of picture is an open formation.
    1 point
  4. take easy, you need to know the Ptolemies are not completed. That is SVN mode, you need to understand SVN have many errors and wait to someone else can fixed. May be Quantumstate or Wraitii.
    1 point
  5. in Spanish curva means the same.Puto in Spanish is to referred a obscene word to discriminate gay male or insult a masculinity of a man. In Philippines is a traditional food.
    1 point
  6. That's a design discussion. The houses are made of mud, and that's represented by having them free. But it does take a bit longer to build, and it needs more space than regular 5-pop houses. Other building do cost something (else the game would be too easy
    1 point
  7. In BuildingAI (the code that lets buildings fire arrows based on the number of garrisoned soldiers). But if BuildingAI is modified, a lot of templates will also need to be modified.
    1 point
  8. Here is another depiction with some information...
    1 point
  9. It doesn't seem to be an error the way they are depicted? "The works of Kalidasa mentions 'Kurpasika' a form of tight fitting breast band that simply covered the breasts. It was also sometimes referred to as 'Uttarasanga' or 'Stanapatta'" Different areas seem to have different customs... "In South India and especially in Kerala, women from most communities wore only the sari and exposed the upper part of the body till the middle of the 20th century."
    1 point
  10. Here you clearly wrote qbot. Please read through what you write before you click post It will be a lot easier for us to help you if we can understand what you are talking about.
    1 point
  11. Language is a complex thing. I can use a word that comes from "tail" in Latin and that the pencil is named after. But If I use the word I get in trouble...
    1 point
  12. I Was in Orlando Yesterday and Last week and try to give T! notices and can not access from the resort. says: "Is Blocked bacause the piracy" A pre-setting config, example asking parental control and country censure.
    1 point
  13. Newcivs..., HistoricBruno already told you a few days ago about qBot not being maintained (and will be removed) in another post that you started... http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17849&p=278756 it was the 2nd result searching qBot in the forums... You also put "Aegis bot" on the title, when I think you're speaking of qBot...
    1 point
  14. I agree, is realism, may be be need a pre setting after install the game.Even we be careful with multiplayer lobby about bad language ( obscene) and racism.
    1 point
  15. Excellent! You deserve a special smilie for that:
    1 point
  16. The swastika not tilted or put on a red/white background is not the same thing as a Nazi symbol i.m.o. There was a Nazi ceremony that mirrors a Catholic ceremony that mirrors an ancient Pagan ceremony to the sun god... edit: National Geographic has boobies.
    1 point
  17. We definitely want ship ramming.
    1 point
  18. We use ICU to get the language name from the language code, so as long as the language is supported by ICU, the right, localized name will be displayed. The current implementation already detects translation files at runtime (provided that they are stored in the right folder with the right filename).
    1 point
  19. I'd say use the swastikas and the naked breasts, it's historically accurate. People who's first reaction is to be offended might actually learn something when they complain and get a reply from us.
    1 point
  20. The attack code in BuildingAI and the attack code in UnitAI don't have any dependencies on each other (at least not in the sense that you can't have a melee attack in UnitAI and fire arrows at the same time using BuildingAI). Ships don't have a ram attack because just using that all the time would look weird, so the primary (UnitAI) attack fires one arrow and that one can be targetted, but all other arrows fired are a result of the code in BuildingAI. Making the Assyrian ram fire arrows when garrisoned would be as easy as changing a few lines in the proper unit template file. Josh's damage work is mostly done to be able to reuse features like splash damage and to allow us to implement features like continuous damage or unit death damage (e.g. explosions on destruction) without having two implementations of one feature.
    1 point
  21. Yeah, we've had the nudity discussion many times in the past and had agreed up to this point not to have official nudity. (I think there may have been some exceptions with statues but I'm not sure.) It was more often we talked about the Celtic warriors than the Greeks though. I know it's low resolution, but it's still going to set off certain flags just because. I don't feel we really lose anything by not having it, but I do feel it could be negative if we do include it, for what it's worth. [Edit] Yes, Fabio, we have discussed using modding for the very purpose of allowing players to have whatever features / graphics they desired. There has also been talk in the past of an "ultra realism mod" that would have such features. That would allow those who really cared about such things (nudity, gore, etc.) to have it without including it in the official release.
    1 point
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