0 A.D. (0.0.27) Main log

Loading config file "config/default.cfg"

Loaded config string "windowed" = "false"

Loaded config string "borderless.fullscreen" = "true"

Loaded config string "borderless.window" = "false"

Loaded config string "window.mousegrabinfullscreen" = "true"

Loaded config string "window.mousegrabinwindowmode" = "false"

Loaded config string "showdetailedtooltips" = "false"

Loaded config string "pauseonfocusloss" = "true"

Loaded config string "persistmatchsettings" = "true"

Loaded config string "multiplayerserver" = ""

Loaded config string "xres" = "0"

Loaded config string "yres" = "0"

Loaded config string "bpp" = "0"

Loaded config string "display" = "0"

Loaded config string "hidpi" = "false"

Loaded config string "forceglversion" = "false"

Loaded config string "forceglprofile" = "compatibility"

Loaded config string "forceglmajorversion" = "3"

Loaded config string "forceglminorversion" = "3"

Loaded config string "screenshot.tiles" = "8"

Loaded config string "screenshot.tilewidth" = "480"

Loaded config string "screenshot.tileheight" = "270"

Loaded config string "macmouse" = "false"

Loaded config string "renderactors" = "true"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "true"

Loaded config string "waterfancyeffects" = "false"

Loaded config string "waterrealdepth" = "true"

Loaded config string "waterrefraction" = "true"

Loaded config string "waterreflection" = "true"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "true"

Loaded config string "shadowquality" = "0"

Loaded config string "shadowpcf" = "true"

Loaded config string "shadowscascadecount" = "1"

Loaded config string "shadowscascadedistanceratio" = "1.7"

Loaded config string "shadowscutoffdistance" = "300.0"

Loaded config string "shadowscovermap" = "false"

Loaded config string "vsync" = "false"

Loaded config string "particles" = "true"

Loaded config string "fog" = "true"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "true"

Loaded config string "showsky" = "true"

Loaded config string "gl.checkerrorafterswap" = "false"

Loaded config string "cursorbackend" = "sdl"

Loaded config string "rendererbackend" = "gl"

Loaded config string "renderer.backend.debugcontext" = "false"

Loaded config string "renderer.backend.debugmessages" = "false"

Loaded config string "renderer.backend.debuglabels" = "false"

Loaded config string "renderer.backend.debugscopedlabels" = "false"

Loaded config string "renderer.backend.vulkan.disabledescriptorindexing" = "false"

Loaded config string "renderer.backend.vulkan.deviceindexoverride" = "-1"

Loaded config string "renderpath" = "default"

Loaded config string "textures.quality" = "2"

Loaded config string "textures.maxanisotropy" = "2"

Loaded config string "gpuskinning" = "false"

Loaded config string "smoothlos" = "true"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "true"

Loaded config string "antialiasing" = "disabled"

Loaded config string "sharpening" = "disabled"

Loaded config string "sharpness" = "0.3"

Loaded config string "max_actor_quality" = "200"

Loaded config string "variant_diversity" = "full"

Loaded config string "materialmgr.quality" = "10.0"

Found config header 'adaptivefps'

Loaded config string "adaptivefps.session" = "60"

Loaded config string "adaptivefps.menu" = "60"

Found config header 'profiler2'

Loaded config string "profiler2.server" = ""

Loaded config string "profiler2.server.port" = "8000"

Loaded config string "profiler2.server.threads" = "6"

Found config header 'hotkey'

Loaded config string "hotkey.exit" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.cancel" = "Escape"

Loaded config string "hotkey.confirm" = "Return"

Loaded config string "hotkey.pause" = "Pause", "Shift+Space"

Loaded config string "hotkey.screenshot" = "F2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.bigscreenshot" = "Shift+F2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.togglefullscreen" = "Alt+Return"

Loaded config string "hotkey.screenshot.watermark" = "Alt+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.wireframe" = "Alt+Shift+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.silhouettes" = "Alt+Shift+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.summary" = "Ctrl+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.lobby" = "Alt+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.structree" = "Alt+Shift+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.civinfo" = "Alt+Shift+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.copy" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.paste" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.cut" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.console.toggle" = "BackQuote", "F9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.fps.toggle" = "Alt+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.realtime.toggle" = "Alt+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.timeelapsedcounter.toggle" = "F12"

Loaded config string "hotkey.ceasefirecounter.toggle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.chat" = "Return"

Loaded config string "hotkey.teamchat" = "T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.privatechat" = "L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.quicksave" = "Shift+F5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.quickload" = "Shift+F8"

Found config header 'hotkey.camera'

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.reset" = "R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.follow" = "F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rallypointfocus" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "Space"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.in" = "Plus", "NumPlus"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.out" = "Minus", "NumMinus"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.in" = "WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.out" = "WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.up" = "Ctrl+UpArrow", "Ctrl+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.down" = "Ctrl+DownArrow", "Ctrl+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.cw" = "Ctrl+LeftArrow", "Ctrl+A", "Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.ccw" = "Ctrl+RightArrow", "Ctrl+D", "E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp", "MouseX1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown", "MouseX2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.left" = "A", "LeftArrow"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.right" = "D", "RightArrow"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.up" = "W", "UpArrow"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.down" = "S", "DownArrow"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.scroll.speed.increase" = "Ctrl+Shift+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.scroll.speed.decrease" = "Ctrl+Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.speed.increase" = "Ctrl+Shift+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.speed.decrease" = "Ctrl+Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.speed.increase" = "Ctrl+Shift+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.speed.decrease" = "Ctrl+Alt+Z"

Found config header 'hotkey.camera.jump'

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.1" = "F5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.2" = "F6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.3" = "F7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.4" = "F8"

Found config header 'hotkey.camera.jump.set'

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.1" = "Ctrl+F5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.2" = "Ctrl+F6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.3" = "Ctrl+F7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.4" = "Ctrl+F8"

Found config header 'hotkey.profile'

Loaded config string "hotkey.profile.toggle" = "F11"

Loaded config string "hotkey.profile.save" = "Shift+F11"

Found config header 'hotkey.profile2'

Loaded config string "hotkey.profile2.toggle" = "Ctrl+F11"

Found config header 'hotkey.selection'

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.cancel" = "Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.add" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.militaryonly" = "Alt"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.nonmilitaryonly" = "Alt+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idleonly" = "I"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.woundedonly" = "O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.remove" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idlebuilder" = "Semicolon"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idleworker" = "Period", "NumDecimal"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idlewarrior" = "Slash", "NumDivide"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idleunit" = "BackSlash"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.offscreen" = "Alt"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.singleselection" = (empty)

Found config header 'hotkey.selection.group.add'

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.1" = "Shift+1", "Shift+Num1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.2" = "Shift+2", "Shift+Num2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.3" = "Shift+3", "Shift+Num3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.4" = "Shift+4", "Shift+Num4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.5" = "Shift+5", "Shift+Num5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.6" = "Shift+6", "Shift+Num6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.7" = "Shift+7", "Shift+Num7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.8" = "Shift+8", "Shift+Num8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.9" = "Shift+9", "Shift+Num9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.10" = "Shift+0", "Shift+Num0"

Found config header 'hotkey.selection.group.save'

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.1" = "Ctrl+1", "Ctrl+Num1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.2" = "Ctrl+2", "Ctrl+Num2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.3" = "Ctrl+3", "Ctrl+Num3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.4" = "Ctrl+4", "Ctrl+Num4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.5" = "Ctrl+5", "Ctrl+Num5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.6" = "Ctrl+6", "Ctrl+Num6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.7" = "Ctrl+7", "Ctrl+Num7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.8" = "Ctrl+8", "Ctrl+Num8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.9" = "Ctrl+9", "Ctrl+Num9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.10" = "Ctrl+0", "Ctrl+Num0"

Found config header 'hotkey.selection.group.select'

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.1" = "1", "Num1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.2" = "2", "Num2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.3" = "3", "Num3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.4" = "4", "Num4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.5" = "5", "Num5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.6" = "6", "Num6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.7" = "7", "Num7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.8" = "8", "Num8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.9" = "9", "Num9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.10" = "0", "Num0"

Found config header 'hotkey.gamesetup'

Loaded config string "hotkey.gamesetup.mapbrowser.open" = "M"

Found config header 'hotkey.session'

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.kill" = "Delete", "Backspace"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.stop" = "H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.backtowork" = "Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.move" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.capture" = "C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.attack" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.attackmove" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.attackmoveUnit" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.occupyturret" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.autorallypoint" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.guard" = "G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.patrol" = "P"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.repair" = "J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queue" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.pushorderfront" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.orderone" = "Alt"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.batchtrain" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.massbarter" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.masstribute" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.noconfirmation" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.fulltradeswap" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadtype" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.deselectgroup" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.ccw" = "LeftBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.snaptoedges" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.toggledefaultformation" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.flare" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.flareactivate" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.calltoarms" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.showstatusbars" = "Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.devcommands.toggle" = "Alt+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.highlightguarding" = "PageDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.highlightguarded" = "PageUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.diplomacycolors" = "Alt+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.toggleattackrange" = "Alt+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.toggleaurasrange" = "Alt+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.togglehealrange" = "Alt+B"

Found config header 'hotkey.session.gui'

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.toggle" = "Alt+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.menu.toggle" = "F10"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.diplomacy.toggle" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.barter.toggle" = "Ctrl+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.objectives.toggle" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.tutorial.toggle" = "Ctrl+P"

Found config header 'hotkey.session.savedgames'

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.savedgames.delete" = "Delete", "Backspace"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.savedgames.noconfirmation" = "Shift"

Found config header 'hotkey.session.queueunit'

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.1" = "Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.2" = "X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.3" = "C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.4" = "V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.5" = "B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.6" = "N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.7" = "M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.8" = "Comma"

Found config header 'hotkey.session.timewarp'

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.timewarp.fastforward" = "Ctrl+Space"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.timewarp.rewind" = "Shift+Backspace"

Found config header 'hotkey.tab'

Loaded config string "hotkey.tab.next" = "Tab", "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.tab.prev" = "Shift+Tab", "Alt+W"

Found config header 'hotkey.text'

Loaded config string "hotkey.text.delete.left" = "Ctrl+Backspace"

Loaded config string "hotkey.text.delete.right" = "Ctrl+Del"

Loaded config string "hotkey.text.move.left" = "Ctrl+LeftArrow"

Loaded config string "hotkey.text.move.right" = "Ctrl+RightArrow"

Found config header 'gui'

Loaded config string "gui.cursorblinkrate" = "0.5"

Loaded config string "gui.scale" = "1.0"

Found config header 'gui.gamesetup'

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.assignplayers" = "everyone"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.aidifficulty" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.aibehavior" = "random"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.settingsslide" = "true"

Found config header 'gui.loadingscreen'

Loaded config string "gui.loadingscreen.progressdescription" = "false"

Found config header 'gui.session'

Loaded config string "gui.session.dragdelta" = "4"

Loaded config string "gui.session.camerajump.threshold" = "40"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.ceasefirecounter" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "5"

Loaded config string "gui.session.scrollbatchratio" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.flarelifetime" = "6"

Loaded config string "gui.session.woundedunithotkeythreshold" = "33"

Loaded config string "gui.session.attackrange" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.aurasrange" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.healrange" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.rankabovestatusbar" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.experiencestatusbar" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "0"

Loaded config string "gui.session.snaptoedges" = "disabled"

Loaded config string "gui.session.snaptoedgesdistancethreshold" = "15"

Loaded config string "gui.session.disjointcontrolgroups" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/box"

Loaded config string "gui.session.formationwalkonly" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.howtoshownames" = "0"

Loaded config string "gui.session.selectformationasone" = "true"

Found config header 'gui.session.minimap'

Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.icons.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.icons.opacity" = "1.0"

Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.icons.sizescale" = "1.0"

Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.blinkduration" = "1.7"

Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.pingduration" = "50.0"

Found config header 'gui.session.notifications'

Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.attack" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.tribute" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.barter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.phase" = "completed"

Found config header 'gui.splashscreen'

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "0"

Found config header 'gui.session.diplomacycolors'

Loaded config string "gui.session.diplomacycolors.self" = "21 55 149"

Loaded config string "gui.session.diplomacycolors.ally" = "86 180 31"

Loaded config string "gui.session.diplomacycolors.neutral" = "231 200 5"

Loaded config string "gui.session.diplomacycolors.enemy" = "150 20 20"

Found config header 'joystick'

Loaded config string "joystick.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "joystick.deadzone" = "8192"

Found config header 'chat'

Loaded config string "chat.timestamp" = "true"

Found config header 'chat.session'

Loaded config string "chat.session.extended" = "true"

Found config header 'lobby'

Loaded config string "lobby.history" = "0"

Loaded config string "lobby.room" = "arena27"

Loaded config string "lobby.server" = "lobby.wildfiregames.com"

Loaded config string "lobby.tls" = "true"

Loaded config string "lobby.verify_certificate" = "false"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_url" = "https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/prelobby/common/terms/"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "0"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "0"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "0"

Loaded config string "lobby.xpartamupp" = "wfgbot27"

Loaded config string "lobby.echelon" = "echelon27"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.rememberpassword" = "true"

Found config header 'lobby.columns'

Loaded config string "lobby.columns.gamerating" = "false"

Found config header 'lobby.stun'

Loaded config string "lobby.stun.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "lobby.stun.server" = "lobby.wildfiregames.com"

Loaded config string "lobby.stun.port" = "3478"

Loaded config string "lobby.stun.delay" = "200"

Found config header 'mod'

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public"

Found config header 'modio'

Loaded config string "modio.public_key" = "RWQv2alKl8D0zMDJR766jpYvPy4u3y77HL/iKb/lsT1Fnf6ezoMb2x8+"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "0"

Found config header 'modio.v1'

Loaded config string "modio.v1.baseurl" = "https://api.mod.io/v1"

Loaded config string "modio.v1.api_key" = "23df258a71711ea6e4b50893acc1ba55"

Loaded config string "modio.v1.name_id" = "0ad"

Found config header 'network'

Loaded config string "network.duplicateplayernames" = "false"

Loaded config string "network.lateobservers" = "everyone"

Loaded config string "network.observerlimit" = "8"

Loaded config string "network.observermaxlag" = "-1"

Loaded config string "network.autocatchup" = "true"

Loaded config string "network.enetmtu" = "1372"

Found config header 'overlay'

Loaded config string "overlay.fps" = "false"

Loaded config string "overlay.realtime" = "false"

Loaded config string "overlay.netwarnings" = "true"

Found config header 'profiler2'

Loaded config string "profiler2.autoenable" = "false"

Loaded config string "profiler2.gpu.arb.enable" = "true"

Found config header 'rlinterface'

Loaded config string "rlinterface.address" = ""

Found config header 'sound'

Loaded config string "sound.mastergain" = "0.9"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0.2"

Loaded config string "sound.ambientgain" = "0.6"

Loaded config string "sound.actiongain" = "0.7"

Loaded config string "sound.uigain" = "0.7"

Loaded config string "sound.mindistance" = "1"

Loaded config string "sound.maxdistance" = "350"

Loaded config string "sound.maxstereoangle" = "0.62"

Found config header 'sound.notify'

Loaded config string "sound.notify.nick" = "true"

Loaded config string "sound.notify.gamesetup.join" = "false"

Found config header 'tinygettext'

Loaded config string "tinygettext.debug" = "false"

Found config header 'userreport'

Loaded config string "userreport.url_upload" = "https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/report/upload/v1/"

Loaded config string "userreport.url_publication" = "https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/"

Loaded config string "userreport.url_terms" = "https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt"

Loaded config string "userreport.terms" = "0"

Found config header 'view'

Loaded config string "view.scroll.speed" = "120.0"

Loaded config string "view.scroll.speed.modifier" = "1.05"

Loaded config string "view.scroll.mouse.detectdistance" = "3"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.speed" = "1.2"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.min" = "28.0"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.max" = "60.0"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.default" = "35.0"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.speed" = "2.0"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.speed.wheel" = "0.45"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.default" = "0.0"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.speed.modifier" = "1.05"

Loaded config string "view.drag.speed" = "0.5"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.speed" = "256.0"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.speed.wheel" = "32.0"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.min" = "50.0"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.max" = "400.0"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.default" = "120.0"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.speed.modifier" = "1.05"

Loaded config string "view.pos.smoothness" = "0.1"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.smoothness" = "0.4"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.smoothness" = "0.5"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.smoothness" = "0.3"

Loaded config string "view.near" = "2.0"

Loaded config string "view.far" = "4096.0"

Loaded config string "view.fov" = "45.0"

Loaded config string "view.height.smoothness" = "0.5"

Loaded config string "view.height.min" = "16"

Cannot find config file "config/local.cfg" - ignoring

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "fog" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.aibehavior" = "random"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.aidifficulty" = "5"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.assignplayers" = "everyone"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.flarelifetime" = "4.341383457183838"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1701855819"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public 0ad-spirv-0.27.21-jue1 map-rheinland"

Loaded config string "overlay.fps" = "true"

Loaded config string "overlay.realtime" = "true"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "stern"

Loaded config string "shadowscutoffdistance" = "648.0518188476562"

Loaded config string "showdetailedtooltips" = "true"

Loaded config string "sound.actiongain" = "0.26345139741897583"

Loaded config string "sound.ambientgain" = "0.47124242782592773"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "sound.notify.gamesetup.join" = "true"

Loaded config string "sound.uigain" = "0.768089234828949"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "variant_diversity" = "full"

Loaded config string "vsync" = "true"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "fog" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.aibehavior" = "random"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.aidifficulty" = "5"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.assignplayers" = "everyone"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.flarelifetime" = "4.341383457183838"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1701855819"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public 0ad-spirv-0.27.21-jue1 map-rheinland"

Loaded config string "overlay.fps" = "true"

Loaded config string "overlay.realtime" = "true"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "stern"

Loaded config string "shadowscutoffdistance" = "648.0518188476562"

Loaded config string "showdetailedtooltips" = "true"

Loaded config string "sound.actiongain" = "0.26345139741897583"

Loaded config string "sound.ambientgain" = "0.47124242782592773"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "sound.notify.gamesetup.join" = "true"

Loaded config string "sound.uigain" = "0.768089234828949"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "variant_diversity" = "full"

Loaded config string "vsync" = "true"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "fog" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.aibehavior" = "random"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.aidifficulty" = "5"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.assignplayers" = "everyone"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.flarelifetime" = "4.341383457183838"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1701855819"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public 0ad-spirv-0.27.21-jue1 map-rheinland"

Loaded config string "overlay.fps" = "true"

Loaded config string "overlay.realtime" = "true"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "stern"

Loaded config string "shadowscutoffdistance" = "648.0518188476562"

Loaded config string "showdetailedtooltips" = "true"

Loaded config string "sound.actiongain" = "0.26345139741897583"

Loaded config string "sound.ambientgain" = "0.47124242782592773"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "sound.notify.gamesetup.join" = "true"

Loaded config string "sound.uigain" = "0.768089234828949"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "variant_diversity" = "full"

Loaded config string "vsync" = "true"

Creating shadow texture (size 1024x1024) (format = Default)

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AIProxy.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AlertRaiser.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AttackDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Auras.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AutoBuildable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Barter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BattleDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BuildRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Builder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BuildingAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Capturable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/CeasefireManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Cost.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/DeathDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/DelayedDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Diplomacy.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/EndGameManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/EntityLimits.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Formation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Foundation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/GarrisonHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Garrisonable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Gate.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Guard.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Heal.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Health.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Loot.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Looter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Market.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Messages.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ModifiersManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Pack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/PlayerManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Population.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ProductionQueue.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Promotion.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/RangeOverlayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Repairable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Researcher.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Resistance.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceDropsite.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceGatherer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceSupply.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceTrickle.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/SkirmishReplacer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/StatisticsTracker.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/StatusBars.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/StatusEffectsReceiver.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TechnologyManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TerritoryDecay.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Timer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trader.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trainer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TrainingRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Treasure.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TreasureCollector.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trigger.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TriggerPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TurretHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Turretable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/UnitAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Upgrade.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Upkeep.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/VisionSharing.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/WallPiece.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/WallSet.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Wonder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Attack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Cheat.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Commands.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/InitGame.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ModificationTemplates.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ObstructionSnap.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Position.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/RallyPointCommands.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Requirements.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Resources.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Setup.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Sound.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Transform.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ValueModification.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Walls.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIInterface.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIProxy.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AlertRaiser.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Attack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AttackDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Auras.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AutoBuildable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Barter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BattleDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Builder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BuildingAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Capturable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/CeasefireManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Cost.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/DeathDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/DelayedDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Diplomacy.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/EndGameManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/EntityLimits.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Fogging.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Formation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/FormationAttack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Foundation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GarrisonHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Garrisonable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Gate.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Guard.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GuiInterface.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Heal.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Health.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Identity.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Loot.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Looter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Market.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Mirage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ModifiersManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/MotionBall.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Pack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/PlayerManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Population.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Promotion.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/RallyPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/RangeOverlayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Repairable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Researcher.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Resistance.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceDropsite.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceGatherer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceSupply.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceTrickle.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Settlement.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/SkirmishReplacer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Sound.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatisticsTracker.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatusBars.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatusEffectsReceiver.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TerritoryDecay.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TerritoryDecayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Timer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trader.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trainer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TrainingRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Treasure.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TreasureCollector.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trigger.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TriggerPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TurretHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Turretable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/UnitAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/UnitMotionFlying.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Upgrade.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Upkeep.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ValueModificationManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Visibility.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/VisionSharing.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/WallPiece.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/WallSet.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Wonder.js'

'art/terrains/terrains.xml' does not exist. Using previous properties.

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_cliff_01

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_forestfloor_01

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_cliff_02

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_grass_01

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_grass_03

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_grass_02

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_grass_mud_01

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_grass_dirt_01

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_grass_dirt_04

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_mud_01

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_grass_04

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_rocks_dirt_01

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_grass_dirt_02

WARNING: CTerrainTextureManager: Couldn't find terrain new_temp_grass_dirt_03

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bear_attack_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bear_attack_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bear_attack_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bear_death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bear_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bear_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bear_idle_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bear_idle_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bear_run.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bear_walk.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_death.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_idle_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_run_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_run_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_walk.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_attack.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_attack_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_death_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_idle_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_run_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_walk_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_death.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_run.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_walk.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/rabbit_death.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/rabbit_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/rabbit_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/rabbit_idle_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/rabbit_walk.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bovidae_attack.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bovidae_death_a.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bovidae_death_b.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bovidae_feeding.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bovidae_idle_a.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bovidae_idle_b.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bovidae_idle_c.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bovidae_idle_d.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bovidae_run.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/bovidae_walk_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/wolf_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/wolf_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/wolf_idle_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/wolf_run.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/wolf_walk.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/wolf_attack_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/wolf_attack_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/wolf_death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/wolf_death_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/animal_boar_death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/animal_boar_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/animal_boar_run_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/animal_boar_walk_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/animal_boar_attack_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/fox_death.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/fox_idle.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/fox_run.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/fox_walk.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/fox_feeding.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/other/fish_generic_idle_a.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/other/fish_generic_idle_b.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/other/fish_generic_idle_c.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/others/bird_circle_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/other/seagull_flight_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/other/seagull_flight_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/idle_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/idle_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/idle_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/idle_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/jog_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/jog_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/promotion.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_long_celt_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/run_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/walk_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/javelinist/idle_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/javelinist/run_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/javelinist/run_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_gallop.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_trot.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_ranged_jav_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_ranged_jav_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_death_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_gather_meat.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_promotion.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/archer/gallop_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/trot.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_capture_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/attack_ranged_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/attack_ranged_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_melee_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_melee_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/archer/death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/archer/death_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/promotion_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_06.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_long_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/run_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/walk_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/capturing_a.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/healing_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_h_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/jog_h.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/walk_relax_h_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/pray.dae): Loaded successfully

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/civil_centre.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/civil_centre'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/civil_centre'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/farmstead.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/farmstead'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/farmstead'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/defense_tower'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/defense_tower'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_citizen_male.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen_male'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen_male'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_citizen_male.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen_male'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen_male'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_citizen_male.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen_male'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen_male'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_citizen_female.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen_female'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen_female'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/statue.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/statue.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/statue.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/statue.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/statue.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/statue.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/statue.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/rock/temperate_huge.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/rock/temperate_huge'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/rock/temperate_huge'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/rome/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/rome/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/rome/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/rome/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/rome/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/rome/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/farmstead.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/farmstead'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/farmstead'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/storehouse.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/storehouse'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/storehouse'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/field.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/field'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/field'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/rome/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/rome/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/rome/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/rome/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/rome/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/rome/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/rome/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/rome/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/rome/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/food_barrels_many.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/food_barrels_many'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/food_barrels_many'

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/other/floating_barrels.dae): Loaded successfully

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/metal_barrel.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/metal_barrel'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/metal_barrel'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/wood_planks.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/wood_planks'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/wood_planks'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/food_stall_med.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/food_stall_med'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/food_stall_med'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/food_stall_large.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/food_stall_large'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/food_stall_large'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/wood_planks.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/wood_planks'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/wood_planks'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/civil_centre.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/civil_centre'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/civil_centre'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/rome/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/rome/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/rome/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/rome/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/rome/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/rome/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/rome/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/rome/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/rome/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/rome/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/rome/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/rome/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/rome/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/rome/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/rome/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/rome/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/rome/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/rome/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/storehouse.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/storehouse'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/storehouse'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_05.dae): Loaded successfully

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_healer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_healer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_healer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_slave_female.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_slave_female'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_slave_female'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_slave_female.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_slave_female'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_slave_female'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_slave_female.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_slave_female'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_slave_female'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_slave_female.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_slave_female'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_slave_female'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_slave_female.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_slave_female'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_slave_female'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_slave_female.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_slave_female'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_slave_female'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/civil_centre.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/civil_centre'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/civil_centre'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_06.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_07.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/run_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/walk_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/cavalry_javelineer_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_javelineer_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_javelineer_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/cavalry_javelineer_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_javelineer_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_javelineer_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/cavalry_javelineer_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_javelineer_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_javelineer_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/storehouse.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/storehouse'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/storehouse'

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shield_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shield_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shield_06.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/run_ready_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/jog_ready_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_slave'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/infantry_swordsman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/infantry_swordsman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/infantry_swordsman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/infantry_swordsman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/infantry_swordsman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/infantry_swordsman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/infantry_swordsman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/infantry_swordsman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/infantry_swordsman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/gallop_shield_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/trot_shield_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_melee_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/death_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/death_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/barracks.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/barracks'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/barracks'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/defense_tower'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/defense_tower'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/defense_tower'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/defense_tower'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/defense_tower'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/defense_tower'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/farmstead.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/farmstead'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/farmstead'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/other/palisades_rocks_long.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'other/palisades_rocks_long'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'other/palisades_rocks_long'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/other/palisades_rocks_straight.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'other/palisades_rocks_straight'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'other/palisades_rocks_straight'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/other/palisades_rocks_straight.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'other/palisades_rocks_straight'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'other/palisades_rocks_straight'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/barracks.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/barracks'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/barracks'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/barracks.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/barracks'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/barracks'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/civil_centre.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/civil_centre'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/civil_centre'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/civil_centre.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/civil_centre'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/civil_centre'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/statue.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/statue'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/statue'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/statue.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/statue'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/statue'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/defense_tower'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/defense_tower'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/defense_tower'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/grove_pine_01.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/grove_pine_01'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/grove_pine_01'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_clubman.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_clubman'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_clubman'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_clubman.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_clubman'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_clubman'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_clubman.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_clubman'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_clubman'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_clubman.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_clubman'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_clubman'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_clubman.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_clubman'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_clubman'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_clubman.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_clubman'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_clubman'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/defense_tower'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/defense_tower'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_long_rome_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_long_rome_02.dae): Loaded successfully

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/others/fish_shoal_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/others/tuna_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/civil_centre.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/civil_centre'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/civil_centre'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/barracks.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/barracks'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/barracks'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/civil_centre.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/civil_centre'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/civil_centre'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/other/hawk_flight.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/other/hawk_glide.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/waypoint_flag_idle.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/rowing_boat_move.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/rowing_boat_idle.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/fisher/hele_idle_a.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/fisher/hele_idle_b.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/fisher/hele_move.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/others/fish_idle_captured.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/others/fish_dead.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/fisher/hele_gather_fish.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/others/fishing_net_action_hele.dae): Loaded successfully

Loading trigger script 'maps/scripts/TriggerHelper.js'

Loading trigger script 'maps/scripts/ConquestCommon.js'

Loading trigger script 'maps/scripts/Conquest.js'

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/idle_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/idle_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/idle_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/idle_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/run_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/jog_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/aspron.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/ballista.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/biped.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/boar.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/bovidae_skeleton.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/bow.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/camelus.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/celt_sail.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/chariot.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/chariot_rein.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/chicken.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/crocodile.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/deer.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/elephant_3ds.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/elephant_blender.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/elephantidae_african.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/elephantidae_african_bush.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/elephantidae_asian.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/feline_blender.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/fish.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/fish_shoal.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/fish_single.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/fishing_net.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/flare-marker-armature.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/floating_barrels.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/fox_armature.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/gastraphetes.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/gate.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/giraffe.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/goat.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/han_bow.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/han_forge_wheel.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/han_mangonel.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/han_nu.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/han_ram.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/han_shoushe.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/hawk.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/hele_lithobolos.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/hippopotamus_armature.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/horse.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/horse_old.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/horse_rein.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/lian_nu_crossbow.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/lithobolos_light.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/mastiff.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/maur_ch.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/oxybeles.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/peacock.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/pers_ram.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/polybolos.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/pony.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/ptol_polybolos.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/rhino.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/rome_bridge.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/rotary_mill_grinder.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/rowing_boat.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/scorpio.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/shark.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/sheep.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/ship_one_row.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/ship_row.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/ship_sail.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/ship_three_row.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/ship_two_row.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/siege_onager.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/sling.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/target_marker.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/tuna.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/ursidae_armature.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/vehicle_four_wheel.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/vehicle_six_wheel.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/vehicle_two_wheel.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/whale.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/wolf.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/wolfhound.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/zebra.xml'

Loading skeleton definitions from 'art/skeletons/zebu.xml'

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_b.dae: Starting conversion

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_b.dae: Running FixBrokenXML

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_b.dae: Authoring tool: Blender 2.80.75 commit date:2019-07-29, commit time:14:47, hash:f6cb5f54494e

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_b.dae: FCollada 175: COLLADA document loaded successfully.

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_b.dae: Found convertible object 'Hele_Thracian_Cap_01_Bake_001'

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_b.dae: Converting 'Esfera_388'

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_b.dae: Found static geometry

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip.dae: Starting conversion

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip.dae: Running FixBrokenXML

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip.dae: Authoring tool: Blender 2.79.0 commit date:2017-09-11, commit time:10:43, hash:5bd8ac9

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip.dae: FCollada 175: COLLADA document loaded successfully.

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip.dae: Found convertible object 'Persian_Quiver_Back002'

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip.dae: Converting 'Persian_Quiver_Back002Mesh'

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip.dae: Found static geometry

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip_arrows.dae: Starting conversion

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip_arrows.dae: Running FixBrokenXML

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip_arrows.dae: Authoring tool: Blender 2.90.1 commit date:2020-09-23, commit time:06:43, hash:3e85bb34d0d7

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip_arrows.dae: FCollada 175: COLLADA document loaded successfully.

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip_arrows.dae: Found convertible object 'weap_arrow_front_007_003'

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip_arrows.dae: Converting 'weap_arrow_front-Geometry_012'

art/meshes/props/quiver_hip_arrows.dae: Found static geometry

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_a.dae: Starting conversion

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_a.dae: Running FixBrokenXML

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_a.dae: Authoring tool: Blender 2.80.54 commit date:2019-04-06, commit time:12:26, hash:cc73d59ad580

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_a.dae: FCollada 175: COLLADA document loaded successfully.

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_a.dae: Found convertible object 'Hele_Thracian_Cap_01'

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_a.dae: Converting 'Esfera_313'

art/meshes/props/helmet/hele_thracian_cap_a.dae: Found static geometry

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_f.dae: Starting conversion

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_f.dae: Running FixBrokenXML

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_f.dae: Authoring tool: pmd2collada.py, v3.0

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_f.dae: FCollada 175: COLLADA document loaded successfully.

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_f.dae: Found convertible object 'spara_a_f'

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_f.dae: Converting 'spara_a_f-Geometry'

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_f.dae: Found static geometry

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_f.dae: Adding prop point back

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_b.dae: Starting conversion

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_b.dae: Running FixBrokenXML

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_b.dae: Authoring tool: pmd2collada.py, v3.0

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_b.dae: FCollada 175: COLLADA document loaded successfully.

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_b.dae: Found convertible object 'spara_a_b'

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_b.dae: Converting 'spara_a_b-Geometry'

art/meshes/props/shield/spara_a_b.dae: Found static geometry

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_d.dae: Starting conversion

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_d.dae: Running FixBrokenXML

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_d.dae: Authoring tool: Blender 2.79.0 commit date:2017-09-11, commit time:10:43, hash:5bd8ac9

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_d.dae: FCollada 175: COLLADA document loaded successfully.

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_d.dae: Found convertible object 'Ball_stave_d'

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_d.dae: Converting 'Plano_025'

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_d.dae: Found static geometry

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_d.dae: Adding prop point blade

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_a.dae: Starting conversion

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_a.dae: Running FixBrokenXML

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_a.dae: Authoring tool: Blender 2.79.0 commit date:2017-09-11, commit time:10:43, hash:5bd8ac9

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_a.dae: FCollada 175: COLLADA document loaded successfully.

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_a.dae: Found convertible object 'Pers_blade_a'

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_a.dae: Converting 'Plano_021'

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_a.dae: Found static geometry

art/meshes/props/helmet/pers_kidaris_tied.dae: Starting conversion

art/meshes/props/helmet/pers_kidaris_tied.dae: Running FixBrokenXML

art/meshes/props/helmet/pers_kidaris_tied.dae: Authoring tool: Blender 2.60.0 r41226

art/meshes/props/helmet/pers_kidaris_tied.dae: FCollada 175: COLLADA document loaded successfully.

art/meshes/props/helmet/pers_kidaris_tied.dae: Found convertible object 'pers_kidaris_tied'

art/meshes/props/helmet/pers_kidaris_tied.dae: Converting 'pers_kidaris_tiedMesh-mesh'

art/meshes/props/helmet/pers_kidaris_tied.dae: Found static geometry

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_b.dae: Starting conversion

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_b.dae: Running FixBrokenXML

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_b.dae: Authoring tool: Blender 2.79.0 commit date:2017-09-11, commit time:10:43, hash:5bd8ac9

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_b.dae: FCollada 175: COLLADA document loaded successfully.

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_b.dae: Found convertible object 'Ball_stave_b'

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_b.dae: Converting 'Plano_023'

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_b.dae: Found static geometry

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_b.dae: Adding prop point blade

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_c.dae: Starting conversion

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_c.dae: Running FixBrokenXML

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_c.dae: Authoring tool: Blender 2.79.0 commit date:2017-09-11, commit time:10:43, hash:5bd8ac9

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_c.dae: FCollada 175: COLLADA document loaded successfully.

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_c.dae: Found convertible object 'Ball_stave_c'

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_c.dae: Converting 'Plano_024'

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_c.dae: Found static geometry

art/meshes/props/weap_shaft_ball_c.dae: Adding prop point blade

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_b.dae: Starting conversion

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_b.dae: Running FixBrokenXML

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_b.dae: Authoring tool: Blender 2.79.0 commit date:2017-09-11, commit time:10:43, hash:5bd8ac9

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_b.dae: FCollada 175: COLLADA document loaded successfully.

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_b.dae: Found convertible object 'Pers_blade_b'

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_b.dae: Converting 'Plano_022'

art/meshes/props/spear_blade_pers_b.dae: Found static geometry

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/skirmish/units/default_support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'skirmish/units/default_support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/civil_centre.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/civil_centre'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/farmstead.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/farmstead'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_citizen_male.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen_male'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_citizen_female.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen_female'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/goth/statue.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/goth/statue'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/rock/temperate_huge.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/rock/temperate_huge'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/rome/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/rome/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/farmstead.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/farmstead'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/storehouse.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/storehouse'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/field.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/field'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/coin_rugs_small'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/food_barrels_many.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/food_barrels_many'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/metal_barrel.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/metal_barrel'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/wood_planks.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/wood_planks'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/food_stall_med.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/food_stall_med'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/treasure/food_stall_large.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/treasure/food_stall_large'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/civil_centre.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/civil_centre'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/rome/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/rome/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_javelineer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_spearman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_healer_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_healer_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_slave_female.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_slave_female'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_citizen.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_citizen'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/cavalry_javelineer_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/cavalry_javelineer_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_slinger_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_e'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_b'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/support_slave.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/support_slave'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/gaul/infantry_swordsman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/gaul/infantry_swordsman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/gaul/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/gaul/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/house.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/house'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/barracks.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/barracks'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/imp/farmstead.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/imp/farmstead'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/other/palisades_rocks_long.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'other/palisades_rocks_long'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/other/palisades_rocks_straight.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'other/palisades_rocks_straight'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/barracks.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/barracks'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/market_stall.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/market_stall'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/statue.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/statue'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/defense_tower.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/defense_tower'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/tall_pine.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/tall_pine'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/gaia/tree/grove_pine_01.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'gaia/tree/grove_pine_01'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/sueb/outpost_stone.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/sueb/outpost_stone'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/goth/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/goth/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_clubman.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_clubman'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_axeman_a'

ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e.xml"

ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/sueb/infantry_spearman_e'

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/attack_ranged.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/weap_sling_attack.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/javelinist/attack_ranged.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_idle_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_walk_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/animal_boar_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully