0 A.D. (0.0.26) Main log

Loading config file "config/default.cfg"

Loaded config string "windowed" = "false"

Loaded config string "borderless.fullscreen" = "true"

Loaded config string "borderless.window" = "false"

Loaded config string "showdetailedtooltips" = "false"

Loaded config string "pauseonfocusloss" = "true"

Loaded config string "persistmatchsettings" = "true"

Loaded config string "multiplayerserver" = ""

Loaded config string "xres" = "0"

Loaded config string "yres" = "0"

Loaded config string "bpp" = "0"

Loaded config string "display" = "0"

Loaded config string "hidpi" = "false"

Loaded config string "forceglversion" = "false"

Loaded config string "forceglprofile" = "compatibility"

Loaded config string "forceglmajorversion" = "3"

Loaded config string "forceglminorversion" = "3"

Loaded config string "screenshot.tiles" = "8"

Loaded config string "screenshot.tilewidth" = "480"

Loaded config string "screenshot.tileheight" = "270"

Loaded config string "macmouse" = "false"

Loaded config string "renderactors" = "true"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "true"

Loaded config string "waterfancyeffects" = "false"

Loaded config string "waterrealdepth" = "true"

Loaded config string "waterrefraction" = "true"

Loaded config string "waterreflection" = "true"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "true"

Loaded config string "shadowquality" = "0"

Loaded config string "shadowpcf" = "true"

Loaded config string "shadowscascadecount" = "1"

Loaded config string "shadowscascadedistanceratio" = "1.7"

Loaded config string "shadowscutoffdistance" = "300.0"

Loaded config string "shadowscovermap" = "false"

Loaded config string "vsync" = "false"

Loaded config string "particles" = "true"

Loaded config string "fog" = "true"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "true"

Loaded config string "showsky" = "true"

Loaded config string "gl.checkerrorafterswap" = "false"

Loaded config string "cursorbackend" = "sdl"

Loaded config string "rendererbackend" = "gl"

Loaded config string "renderer.backend.debugcontext" = "false"

Loaded config string "renderer.backend.debugmessages" = "false"

Loaded config string "renderer.backend.debuglabels" = "false"

Loaded config string "renderer.backend.debugscopedlabels" = "false"

Loaded config string "renderpath" = "default"

Loaded config string "textures.quality" = "2"

Loaded config string "textures.maxanisotropy" = "2"

Loaded config string "gpuskinning" = "false"

Loaded config string "smoothlos" = "true"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "true"

Loaded config string "antialiasing" = "disabled"

Loaded config string "sharpening" = "disabled"

Loaded config string "sharpness" = "0.3"

Loaded config string "max_actor_quality" = "200"

Loaded config string "variant_diversity" = "full"

Loaded config string "materialmgr.quality" = "10.0"

Loaded config string "skycolor" = "0 0 0"

Found config header 'adaptivefps'

Loaded config string "adaptivefps.session" = "60"

Loaded config string "adaptivefps.menu" = "60"

Found config header 'profiler2'

Loaded config string "profiler2.server" = ""

Loaded config string "profiler2.server.port" = "8000"

Loaded config string "profiler2.server.threads" = "6"

Found config header 'hotkey'

Loaded config string "hotkey.exit" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.cancel" = "Escape"

Loaded config string "hotkey.confirm" = "Return"

Loaded config string "hotkey.pause" = "Pause", "Shift+Space"

Loaded config string "hotkey.screenshot" = "F2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.bigscreenshot" = "Shift+F2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.togglefullscreen" = "Alt+Return"

Loaded config string "hotkey.screenshot.watermark" = "Alt+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.wireframe" = "Alt+Shift+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.silhouettes" = "Alt+Shift+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.summary" = "Ctrl+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.lobby" = "Alt+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.structree" = "Alt+Shift+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.civinfo" = "Alt+Shift+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.copy" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.paste" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.cut" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.console.toggle" = "BackQuote", "F9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.fps.toggle" = "Alt+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.realtime.toggle" = "Alt+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.timeelapsedcounter.toggle" = "F12"

Loaded config string "hotkey.ceasefirecounter.toggle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.chat" = "Return"

Loaded config string "hotkey.teamchat" = "T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.privatechat" = "L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.quicksave" = "Shift+F5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.quickload" = "Shift+F8"

Found config header 'hotkey.camera'

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.reset" = "R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.follow" = "F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rallypointfocus" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "Space"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.in" = "Plus", "NumPlus"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.out" = "Minus", "NumMinus"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.in" = "WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.out" = "WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.up" = "Ctrl+UpArrow", "Ctrl+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.down" = "Ctrl+DownArrow", "Ctrl+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.cw" = "Ctrl+LeftArrow", "Ctrl+A", "Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.ccw" = "Ctrl+RightArrow", "Ctrl+D", "E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp", "MouseX1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown", "MouseX2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.left" = "A", "LeftArrow"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.right" = "D", "RightArrow"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.up" = "W", "UpArrow"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.down" = "S", "DownArrow"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.scroll.speed.increase" = "Ctrl+Shift+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.scroll.speed.decrease" = "Ctrl+Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.speed.increase" = "Ctrl+Shift+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.speed.decrease" = "Ctrl+Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.speed.increase" = "Ctrl+Shift+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.speed.decrease" = "Ctrl+Alt+Z"

Found config header 'hotkey.camera.jump'

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.1" = "F5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.2" = "F6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.3" = "F7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.4" = "F8"

Found config header 'hotkey.camera.jump.set'

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.1" = "Ctrl+F5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.2" = "Ctrl+F6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.3" = "Ctrl+F7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.4" = "Ctrl+F8"

Found config header 'hotkey.profile'

Loaded config string "hotkey.profile.toggle" = "F11"

Loaded config string "hotkey.profile.save" = "Shift+F11"

Found config header 'hotkey.profile2'

Loaded config string "hotkey.profile2.toggle" = "Ctrl+F11"

Found config header 'hotkey.selection'

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.cancel" = "Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.add" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.militaryonly" = "Alt"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.nonmilitaryonly" = "Alt+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idleonly" = "I"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.woundedonly" = "O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.remove" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idlebuilder" = "Semicolon"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idleworker" = "Period", "NumDecimal"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idlewarrior" = "Slash", "NumDivide"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idleunit" = "BackSlash"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.offscreen" = "Alt"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.singleselection" = (empty)

Found config header 'hotkey.selection.group.add'

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.1" = "Shift+1", "Shift+Num1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.2" = "Shift+2", "Shift+Num2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.3" = "Shift+3", "Shift+Num3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.4" = "Shift+4", "Shift+Num4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.5" = "Shift+5", "Shift+Num5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.6" = "Shift+6", "Shift+Num6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.7" = "Shift+7", "Shift+Num7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.8" = "Shift+8", "Shift+Num8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.9" = "Shift+9", "Shift+Num9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.10" = "Shift+0", "Shift+Num0"

Found config header 'hotkey.selection.group.save'

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.1" = "Ctrl+1", "Ctrl+Num1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.2" = "Ctrl+2", "Ctrl+Num2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.3" = "Ctrl+3", "Ctrl+Num3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.4" = "Ctrl+4", "Ctrl+Num4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.5" = "Ctrl+5", "Ctrl+Num5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.6" = "Ctrl+6", "Ctrl+Num6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.7" = "Ctrl+7", "Ctrl+Num7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.8" = "Ctrl+8", "Ctrl+Num8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.9" = "Ctrl+9", "Ctrl+Num9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.10" = "Ctrl+0", "Ctrl+Num0"

Found config header 'hotkey.selection.group.select'

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.1" = "1", "Num1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.2" = "2", "Num2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.3" = "3", "Num3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.4" = "4", "Num4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.5" = "5", "Num5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.6" = "6", "Num6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.7" = "7", "Num7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.8" = "8", "Num8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.9" = "9", "Num9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.10" = "0", "Num0"

Found config header 'hotkey.gamesetup'

Loaded config string "hotkey.gamesetup.mapbrowser.open" = "M"

Found config header 'hotkey.session'

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.kill" = "Delete", "Backspace"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.stop" = "H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.backtowork" = "Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.move" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.attack" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.attackmove" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.attackmoveUnit" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.occupyturret" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.autorallypoint" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.guard" = "G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.patrol" = "P"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.repair" = "J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queue" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.pushorderfront" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.orderone" = "Alt"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.batchtrain" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.massbarter" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.masstribute" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.noconfirmation" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.fulltradeswap" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadtype" = "Shift"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.deselectgroup" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.ccw" = "LeftBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.snaptoedges" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.toggledefaultformation" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.flare" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.flareactivate" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.calltoarms" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.showstatusbars" = "Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.devcommands.toggle" = "Alt+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.highlightguarding" = "PageDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.highlightguarded" = "PageUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.diplomacycolors" = "Alt+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.toggleattackrange" = "Alt+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.toggleaurasrange" = "Alt+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.togglehealrange" = "Alt+B"

Found config header 'hotkey.session.gui'

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.toggle" = "Alt+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.menu.toggle" = "F10"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.diplomacy.toggle" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.barter.toggle" = "Ctrl+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.objectives.toggle" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.tutorial.toggle" = "Ctrl+P"

Found config header 'hotkey.session.savedgames'

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.savedgames.delete" = "Delete", "Backspace"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.savedgames.noconfirmation" = "Shift"

Found config header 'hotkey.session.queueunit'

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.1" = "Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.2" = "X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.3" = "C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.4" = "V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.5" = "B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.6" = "N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.7" = "M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.8" = "Comma"

Found config header 'hotkey.session.timewarp'

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.timewarp.fastforward" = "Ctrl+Space"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.timewarp.rewind" = "Shift+Backspace"

Found config header 'hotkey.tab'

Loaded config string "hotkey.tab.next" = "Tab", "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.tab.prev" = "Shift+Tab", "Alt+W"

Found config header 'hotkey.text'

Loaded config string "hotkey.text.delete.left" = "Ctrl+Backspace"

Loaded config string "hotkey.text.delete.right" = "Ctrl+Del"

Loaded config string "hotkey.text.move.left" = "Ctrl+LeftArrow"

Loaded config string "hotkey.text.move.right" = "Ctrl+RightArrow"

Found config header 'gui'

Loaded config string "gui.cursorblinkrate" = "0.5"

Loaded config string "gui.scale" = "1.0"

Found config header 'gui.gamesetup'

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.assignplayers" = "everyone"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.aidifficulty" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.aibehavior" = "random"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.settingsslide" = "true"

Found config header 'gui.loadingscreen'

Loaded config string "gui.loadingscreen.progressdescription" = "false"

Found config header 'gui.session'

Loaded config string "gui.session.dragdelta" = "4"

Loaded config string "gui.session.camerajump.threshold" = "40"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.ceasefirecounter" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "5"

Loaded config string "gui.session.scrollbatchratio" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.flarelifetime" = "6"

Loaded config string "gui.session.woundedunithotkeythreshold" = "33"

Loaded config string "gui.session.attackrange" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.aurasrange" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.healrange" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.rankabovestatusbar" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.experiencestatusbar" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "0"

Loaded config string "gui.session.snaptoedges" = "disabled"

Loaded config string "gui.session.snaptoedgesdistancethreshold" = "15"

Loaded config string "gui.session.disjointcontrolgroups" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/box"

Loaded config string "gui.session.formationwalkonly" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.howtoshownames" = "0"

Loaded config string "gui.session.selectformationasone" = "true"

Found config header 'gui.session.minimap'

Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.icons.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.icons.opacity" = "1.0"

Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.icons.sizescale" = "1.0"

Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.blinkduration" = "1.7"

Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.pingduration" = "50.0"

Found config header 'gui.session.notifications'

Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.attack" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.tribute" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.barter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.phase" = "completed"

Found config header 'gui.splashscreen'

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "0"

Found config header 'gui.session.diplomacycolors'

Loaded config string "gui.session.diplomacycolors.self" = "21 55 149"

Loaded config string "gui.session.diplomacycolors.ally" = "86 180 31"

Loaded config string "gui.session.diplomacycolors.neutral" = "231 200 5"

Loaded config string "gui.session.diplomacycolors.enemy" = "150 20 20"

Found config header 'joystick'

Loaded config string "joystick.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "joystick.deadzone" = "8192"

Found config header 'chat'

Loaded config string "chat.timestamp" = "true"

Found config header 'chat.session'

Loaded config string "chat.session.extended" = "true"

Found config header 'lobby'

Loaded config string "lobby.history" = "0"

Loaded config string "lobby.room" = "arena26"

Loaded config string "lobby.server" = "lobby.wildfiregames.com"

Loaded config string "lobby.tls" = "true"

Loaded config string "lobby.verify_certificate" = "false"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_url" = "https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/prelobby/common/terms/"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "0"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "0"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "0"

Loaded config string "lobby.xpartamupp" = "wfgbot26"

Loaded config string "lobby.echelon" = "echelon26"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.rememberpassword" = "true"

Found config header 'lobby.columns'

Loaded config string "lobby.columns.gamerating" = "false"

Found config header 'lobby.stun'

Loaded config string "lobby.stun.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "lobby.stun.server" = "lobby.wildfiregames.com"

Loaded config string "lobby.stun.port" = "3478"

Loaded config string "lobby.stun.delay" = "200"

Found config header 'mod'

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public"

Found config header 'modio'

Loaded config string "modio.public_key" = "RWQa4XiSn+BLxIYXNrXyz68wwTGWyZ7+kxDtZuLHBXkCtt+lLB8VnpdM"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "0"

Found config header 'modio.v1'

Loaded config string "modio.v1.baseurl" = "https://api.mod.io/v1"

Loaded config string "modio.v1.api_key" = "23df258a71711ea6e4b50893acc1ba55"

Loaded config string "modio.v1.name_id" = "0ad"

Found config header 'network'

Loaded config string "network.duplicateplayernames" = "false"

Loaded config string "network.lateobservers" = "everyone"

Loaded config string "network.observerlimit" = "8"

Loaded config string "network.observermaxlag" = "-1"

Loaded config string "network.autocatchup" = "true"

Found config header 'overlay'

Loaded config string "overlay.fps" = "false"

Loaded config string "overlay.realtime" = "false"

Loaded config string "overlay.netwarnings" = "true"

Found config header 'profiler2'

Loaded config string "profiler2.autoenable" = "false"

Loaded config string "profiler2.gpu.arb.enable" = "true"

Found config header 'rlinterface'

Loaded config string "rlinterface.address" = ""

Found config header 'sound'

Loaded config string "sound.mastergain" = "0.9"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0.2"

Loaded config string "sound.ambientgain" = "0.6"

Loaded config string "sound.actiongain" = "0.7"

Loaded config string "sound.uigain" = "0.7"

Loaded config string "sound.mindistance" = "1"

Loaded config string "sound.maxdistance" = "350"

Loaded config string "sound.maxstereoangle" = "0.62"

Found config header 'sound.notify'

Loaded config string "sound.notify.nick" = "true"

Loaded config string "sound.notify.gamesetup.join" = "false"

Found config header 'tinygettext'

Loaded config string "tinygettext.debug" = "false"

Found config header 'userreport'

Loaded config string "userreport.url_upload" = "https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/report/upload/v1/"

Loaded config string "userreport.url_publication" = "https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/"

Loaded config string "userreport.url_terms" = "https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt"

Loaded config string "userreport.terms" = "0"

Found config header 'view'

Loaded config string "view.scroll.speed" = "120.0"

Loaded config string "view.scroll.speed.modifier" = "1.05"

Loaded config string "view.scroll.mouse.detectdistance" = "3"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.speed" = "1.2"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.min" = "28.0"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.max" = "60.0"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.default" = "35.0"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.speed" = "2.0"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.speed.wheel" = "0.45"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.default" = "0.0"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.speed.modifier" = "1.05"

Loaded config string "view.drag.speed" = "0.5"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.speed" = "256.0"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.speed.wheel" = "32.0"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.min" = "50.0"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.max" = "200.0"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.default" = "120.0"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.speed.modifier" = "1.05"

Loaded config string "view.pos.smoothness" = "0.1"

Loaded config string "view.zoom.smoothness" = "0.4"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.smoothness" = "0.5"

Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.smoothness" = "0.3"

Loaded config string "view.near" = "2.0"

Loaded config string "view.far" = "4096.0"

Loaded config string "view.fov" = "45.0"

Loaded config string "view.height.smoothness" = "0.5"

Loaded config string "view.height.min" = "16"

Cannot find config file "config/local.cfg" - ignoring

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

StunClient: Using STUN server lobby.wildfiregames.com:3478

Net server: attempting to use cached root descriptor URL:

Net server: using cached IGD =

Net server: found valid IGD =

Net server: GetExternalIPAddress failed with code -1 (Miniupnpc Unknown Error)

StunClient: external IP address is

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AlertRaiser.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AttackDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Auras.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AutoBuildable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Barter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BattleDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BuildRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Builder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BuildingAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Capturable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/CeasefireManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Cost.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/DelayedDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/EndGameManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/EntityLimits.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Formation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Foundation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/GarrisonHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Garrisonable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Gate.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Guard.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Heal.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Health.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Loot.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Looter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Market.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Messages.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Pack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/PlayerManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Population.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ProductionQueue.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Promotion.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/RangeOverlayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Repairable.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Resistance.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceSupply.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceTrickle.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/SkirmishReplacer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/StatisticsTracker.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/StatusBars.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/StatusEffectsReceiver.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TechnologyManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TerritoryDecay.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Timer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trader.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trainer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TrainingRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Treasure.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TreasureCollector.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trigger.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TriggerPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TurretHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Turretable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/UnitAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Upgrade.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Upkeep.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/VisionSharing.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/WallPiece.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/WallSet.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Wonder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Attack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Cheat.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Commands.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/InitGame.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ModificationTemplates.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ObstructionSnap.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Position.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/RallyPointCommands.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Resources.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Setup.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Sound.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Transform.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ValueModification.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Walls.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/!!!patchApplyN.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIInterface.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIProxy.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIProxy~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AlertRaiser.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Attack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AttackDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Auras.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AutoBuildable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Barter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BattleDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Builder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BuildingAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Capturable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/CeasefireManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Cost.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/DeathDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/DelayedDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/EndGameManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/EntityLimits.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Fogging.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Formation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/FormationAttack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Foundation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GarrisonHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Garrisonable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Gate.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Guard.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GuiInterface.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GuiInterface~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Heal.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Health.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Health~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Identity.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Loot.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Looter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Market.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Mirage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ModifiersManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/MotionBall.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Pack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/PlayerManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Population.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Promotion.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/RallyPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/RangeOverlayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Repairable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Researcher.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Resistance.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceDropsite.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceGatherer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceSupply.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceTrickle.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Settlement.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/SkirmishReplacer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Sound.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatisticsTracker.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatusBars.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatusEffectsReceiver.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TerritoryDecay.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TerritoryDecayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Timer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trader.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trainer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TrainingRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Treasure.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TreasureCollector.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trigger.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TriggerPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TurretHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Turretable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/UnitAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/UnitMotionFlying.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Upgrade.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Upkeep.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ValueModificationManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Visibility.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Visibility~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/VisionSharing.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/WallPiece.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/WallSet.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Wonder.js'

Net client: Connected to

Net server: Received connection from

Net: Sending message CSrvHandshakeMessage { m_Magic: 1349714239, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 to [unauthed host]

Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:1500965371, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})

Net message: ({status:"connected", type:"netstatus"})

Net client: Received message CSrvHandshakeMessage { m_Magic: 1349714239, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 from server

Net server: Received message CCliHandshakeMessage { m_MagicResponse: 1348665633, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 from [unauthed host]

Net: Sending message CSrvHandshakeResponseMessage { m_UseProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_Flags: 1, m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2 } of size 31 to [260A579D...]

Net client: Received message CSrvHandshakeResponseMessage { m_UseProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_Flags: 1, m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2 } of size 31 from server

XmppClient: Received lobby auth: 260A579D408FFCD2 from 1984

Net Server: Received lobby auth message from 1984 with 260A579D408FFCD2

Net: Sending message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: , m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 13 to [260A579D...]

Net client: Received message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: , m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 13 from server

Net server: Received message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 51 from [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CAuthenticateResultMessage { m_Code: 0, m_HostID: 1, m_IsController: 1, m_Message: Logged in } of size 30 to [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 49 to [260A579D...]

Net client: Received message CAuthenticateResultMessage { m_Code: 0, m_HostID: 1, m_IsController: 1, m_Message: Logged in } of size 30 from server

Net: Authentication result: host=1, Logged in

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 49 from server

Net message: ({rejoining:false, status:"authenticated", type:"netstatus"})

Net server: Received message CClearAllReadyMessage { } of size 3 from [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 49 to [260A579D...]

Net server: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: , m_Status: 2 } of size 8 from [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Status: 2 } of size 24 to [260A579D...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 49 from server

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Status: 2 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'260A579D408FFCD2':{status:0, player:-1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'260A579D408FFCD2':{status:0, player:-1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net server: Received message CClearAllReadyMessage { } of size 3 from [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 to [260A579D...]

Net server: Received message CClearAllReadyMessage { } of size 3 from [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 to [260A579D...]

Net server: Received message CAssignPlayerMessage { m_PlayerID: 1, m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2 } of size 24 from [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 to [260A579D...]

Net message: ({status:2, guid:"260A579D408FFCD2", type:"ready"})

Net server: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 from [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 to [260A579D...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 from server

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'260A579D408FFCD2':{status:2, player:-1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'260A579D408FFCD2':{status:2, player:-1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'260A579D408FFCD2':{status:2, player:1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({data:{type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net server: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1078 from [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1078 to [260A579D...]

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1078 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

XmppClient: Received request for connection data from nvtopgun

Net server: Received connection from

Net: Sending message CSrvHandshakeMessage { m_Magic: 1349714239, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 to [unauthed host]

Net server: Received message CCliHandshakeMessage { m_MagicResponse: 1348665633, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 from [unauthed host]

Net: Sending message CSrvHandshakeResponseMessage { m_UseProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_Flags: 1, m_GUID: 416B351E1D39FE4F } of size 31 to [416B351E...]

XmppClient: Received lobby auth: 416B351E1D39FE4F from nvtopgun

Net Server: Received lobby auth message from nvtopgun with 416B351E1D39FE4F

Net: Sending message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: , m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 13 to [416B351E...]

Net server: Received message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: nvtopgun, m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 29 from [416B351E...]

Net: Sending message CAuthenticateResultMessage { m_Code: 0, m_HostID: 2, m_IsController: 0, m_Message: Logged in } of size 30 to [416B351E...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 416B351E1D39FE4F, m_Name: nvtopgun, m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 89 to [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 416B351E1D39FE4F, m_Name: nvtopgun, m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 89 to [416B351E...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 416B351E1D39FE4F, m_Name: nvtopgun, m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 89 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'260A579D408FFCD2':{status:2, player:1, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '416B351E1D39FE4F':{status:0, player:-1, name:"nvtopgun"}}, type:"players"})

Net server: Received message CAssignPlayerMessage { m_PlayerID: 2, m_GUID: 416B351E1D39FE4F } of size 24 from [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 416B351E1D39FE4F, m_Name: nvtopgun, m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 89 to [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 416B351E1D39FE4F, m_Name: nvtopgun, m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 89 to [416B351E...]

Net server: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 from [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 to [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 to [416B351E...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 416B351E1D39FE4F, m_Name: nvtopgun, m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 89 from server

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'260A579D408FFCD2':{status:2, player:1, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '416B351E1D39FE4F':{status:0, player:2, name:"nvtopgun"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({data:{type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net server: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: , m_Message: hi team game? } of size 35 from [416B351E...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 416B351E1D39FE4F, m_Message: hi team game? } of size 51 to [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 416B351E1D39FE4F, m_Message: hi team game? } of size 51 to [416B351E...]

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 416B351E1D39FE4F, m_Message: hi team game? } of size 51 from server

Net message: ({text:"hi team game?", guid:"416B351E1D39FE4F", type:"chat"})

Net server: Disconnected [416B351E...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 to [260A579D...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'260A579D408FFCD2':{status:2, player:1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net server: Received message CClearAllReadyMessage { } of size 3 from [260A579D...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 to [260A579D...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 260A579D408FFCD2, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'260A579D408FFCD2':{status:2, player:1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Disconnected

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

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Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Gate.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/StatusEffectsReceiver.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TriggerPoint.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Turretable.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Attack.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ModificationTemplates.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ObstructionSnap.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Position.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/RallyPointCommands.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Resources.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Setup.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Transform.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ValueModification.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Walls.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/!!!patchApplyN.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIInterface.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIProxy.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIProxy~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AlertRaiser.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Attack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AttackDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Auras.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Guard.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GuiInterface.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GuiInterface~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Heal.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Health.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Health~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Identity.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Loot.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Looter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Market.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Mirage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ModifiersManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/MotionBall.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Pack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/PlayerManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Population.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Promotion.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/RallyPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/RangeOverlayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Repairable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Researcher.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Resistance.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceDropsite.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceGatherer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceSupply.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceTrickle.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Settlement.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/SkirmishReplacer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Sound.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatisticsTracker.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatusBars.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatusEffectsReceiver.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TerritoryDecay.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TerritoryDecayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Timer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trader.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trainer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TrainingRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Treasure.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TreasureCollector.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trigger.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TriggerPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TurretHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Turretable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/UnitAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/UnitMotionFlying.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Upgrade.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Upkeep.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ValueModificationManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Visibility.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Visibility~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/VisionSharing.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/WallPiece.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/WallSet.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Wonder.js'

'art/terrains/terrains.xml' does not exist. Using previous properties.

Loading RMS 'maps/random/mainland.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Area.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Constraint.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Entity.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Group.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Noise.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Object.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/RandomMap.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/RandomMapLogger.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Terrain.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/TileClass.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/environment.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/library.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/centered/ChainPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/centered/ClumpPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/centered/DiskPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/ConvexPolygonPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/EntitiesObstructionPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/HeightPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/MapBoundsPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/PathPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/RandomPathPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/RectPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/CityPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/ElevationBlendingPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/ElevationPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/HeightmapPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/LayeredPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/MultiPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/RandomElevationPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/SmoothElevationPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/SmoothingPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/TerrainPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/TerrainTextureArrayPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/TileClassPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/TileClassUnPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/library~feldmap.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/math.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/math~feldmap.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen-common/gaia_entities.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen-common/gaia_entities~feldmap.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen-common/gaia_terrain.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen-common/player.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen-common/player~feldmap.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen-common/wall_builder.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmbiome/randombiome.js'

Setting biome generic/temperate.

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmbiome/generic/aegean.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmbiome/generic/nubia.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmbiome/generic/sahara.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmbiome/generic/savanna.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmbiome/generic/temperate.js'

Creating playerbases...


Creating bumps...


Creating hills...


Creating forests...


Creating dirt patches...


Creating grass patches...


Creating metal mines...


Creating stone mines...


Creating decoration...


Creating food...


Creating food...


Creating straggler trees...


Total map generation time: 0.839532s.

Total entities: 6071, Terrain entities: 4544, Textures: 11.

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_f_long.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_f_short.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/run.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/walk_relax_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/run_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/walk_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/promotion.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/idle_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/idle_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/idle_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/idle_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/run_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/jog_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_gallop.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_trot.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_ranged_jav_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_ranged_jav_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_death_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_gather_meat.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_promotion.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/archer/gallop_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/trot.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_capture_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/attack_ranged_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/attack_ranged_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_melee_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_melee_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/archer/death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/archer/death_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/promotion_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_death.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_idle_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_run_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_run_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_walk.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_attack.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_thureo_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_thureo_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_thureo_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_thureo_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_thureo_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/walk_relax_shield_thureo.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/javelinist/idle_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/javelinist/run_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/javelinist/run_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_06.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_long_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/run_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/walk_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/capturing_a.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/idle_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/idle_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/idle_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/idle_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/jog_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/jog_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_long_celt_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_06.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_07.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/run_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/walk_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/gallop_shield_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/trot_shield_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_melee_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_melee_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_melee_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/death_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/death_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_attack_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_idle_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_run_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_walk_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_death_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_death.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_run.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_walk.dae): Loaded successfully

Loading trigger script 'maps/scripts/TriggerHelper.js'

Loading trigger script 'maps/scripts/ConquestCommon.js'

Loading trigger script 'maps/scripts/Conquest.js'

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_idle_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_walk_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_carry_grain_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/walk_relax_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/gather_meat.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_melee_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_melee_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/gather_fruit_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/garrison_flag_idle.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_axe_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/walk_axe.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_carry_meat.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/carry_meat.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/gather_wood.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_carry_grain_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/carry_grain_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/build.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/gather_fruit_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_carry_wood_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/carry_wood_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/carry_grain_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_carry_wood_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/carry_wood_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/farming.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_hoe_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/walk_hoe.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/javelinist/attack_ranged.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/walk_pickaxe.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/gather_mine.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_carry_ore_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/carry_ore_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_carry_ore_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/carry_ore_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_long_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_long_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/walk_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/attack_melee_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/attack_melee_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/attack_melee_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/jog_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/gallop_shield_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_melee_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/healing_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_h_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/jog_h.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/walk_relax_h_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/pray.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/elephant_asian_death.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/elephant_asian_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/elephant_asian_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/elephant_asian_idle_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/elephant_asian_run.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/elephant_asian_walk.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/elephant_asian_attack_melee_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/elephant_asian_attack_melee_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/elephant_asian_attack_melee_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/elephant_asian_attack_melee_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/driver/walk_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/driver/attack_melee_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/driver/idle_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/driver/death.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/driver/idle_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/turret/attack_melee_front_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/turret/attack_melee_front_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/turret/attack_melee_front_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/turret/attack_melee_front_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/mace_siege_ram_idle.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/mace_siege_ram_move.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/mace_siege_ram_attack.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/driver/attack_melee.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/walk_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/idle_attack.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/death_rider1.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/idle_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/driver/attack_melee_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/driver/attack_melee_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/driver/attack_melee_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_ready_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_ready_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_ready_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_ready_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_ready_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/trot_shield_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/attack_ranged_hip.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/weap_bow_attack.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shield_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shield_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shield_06.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/run_ready_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/jog_ready_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_ready_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_ready_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_ready_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_ready_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_ready_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/gallop_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/trot_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_capture.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_melee_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_melee_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_melee_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/death_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/promotion.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/death_a.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/death_b.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_m_a.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_carry_meat_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/carry_meat_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/jog_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/axe/attack_melee_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/axe/attack_melee_shieldarm_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/slinger/attack_ranged.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/weap_sling_attack.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/jog_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_ready_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_ready_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/run_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/walk_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shieldarm_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shieldarm_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shieldarm_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shieldarm_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/run_ready_shieldarm.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/jog_ready_shieldarm.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shieldarm_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shieldarm_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shieldarm_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_06.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/run_relax_2h.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/walk_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_2h_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_2h_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_2h_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_2h.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_ready_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/run_ready_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/jog_ready_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_ready_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/walk_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/jog_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/chariot/idle_celt.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/chariot/walk_celt.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/run_ready_2h.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/walk_ready_2h.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_2h.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_m_b.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_m_c.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_m_d.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_m_e.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_m_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_m_g.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/walk_relax_m_aggresive.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/run_relax_shieldarm.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/jog_relax_shieldarm.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_pace.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/pace_relax_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/elephantry/turret/death_a.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/chariot/idle.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/chariot/walk.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/healing_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_h_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/walk_relax_h_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_ready_shield_07.dae): Loaded successfully

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AlertRaiser.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AttackDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Auras.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AutoBuildable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Barter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BattleDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BuildRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Builder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BuildingAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Capturable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/CeasefireManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Cost.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/DeathDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/DelayedDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/EndGameManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/EntityLimits.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Formation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Foundation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/GarrisonHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Garrisonable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Gate.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Guard.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Heal.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Health.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Loot.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Looter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Market.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Messages.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ModifiersManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Pack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/PlayerManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Population.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ProductionQueue.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Promotion.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/RangeOverlayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Repairable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Researcher.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Resistance.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceDropsite.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceGatherer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceSupply.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceTrickle.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TerritoryDecay.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Timer.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trainer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TrainingRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Treasure.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TreasureCollector.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trigger.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TriggerPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TurretHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Turretable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/UnitAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Upgrade.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Upkeep.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/VisionSharing.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/WallPiece.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/WallSet.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Wonder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Attack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Cheat.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/InitGame.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ModificationTemplates.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ObstructionSnap.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Position.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/RallyPointCommands.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Resources.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Setup.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Sound.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Transform.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ValueModification.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Walls.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/!!!patchApplyN.js'

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Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIProxy.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIProxy~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AlertRaiser.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Attack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AttackDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Auras.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AutoBuildable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Barter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BattleDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Builder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BuildingAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Capturable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/CeasefireManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Cost.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/DeathDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/DelayedDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/EndGameManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/EntityLimits.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Fogging.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Formation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/FormationAttack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Foundation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GarrisonHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Garrisonable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Gate.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Guard.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GuiInterface.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GuiInterface~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Heal.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Health.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Health~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Identity.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Loot.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Looter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Market.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Mirage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ModifiersManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/MotionBall.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Pack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/PlayerManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Population.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Promotion.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/RallyPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/RangeOverlayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Repairable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Researcher.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Resistance.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceDropsite.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceGatherer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceSupply.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceTrickle.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Settlement.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/SkirmishReplacer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Sound.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatisticsTracker.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatusBars.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatusEffectsReceiver.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TerritoryDecay.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TerritoryDecayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Timer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trader.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trainer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TrainingRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Treasure.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TreasureCollector.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trigger.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TriggerPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TurretHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Turretable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/UnitAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/UnitMotionFlying.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Upgrade.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Upkeep.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ValueModificationManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Visibility.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Visibility~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/VisionSharing.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/WallPiece.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/WallSet.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Wonder.js'

StunClient: Using STUN server lobby.wildfiregames.com:3478

StunClient: external IP address is

NetClient: connecting to server at

Net client: Connected to

Net message: ({status:"connected", type:"netstatus"})

Net client: Received message CSrvHandshakeMessage { m_Magic: 1349714239, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 from server

Net client: Received message CSrvHandshakeResponseMessage { m_UseProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_Flags: 1, m_GUID: 8781BC3809E2B5D9 } of size 31 from server

Net client: Received message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: , m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 13 from server

Net client: Received message CAuthenticateResultMessage { m_Code: 0, m_HostID: 2, m_IsController: 0, m_Message: Logged in } of size 30 from server

Net: Authentication result: host=2, Logged in

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 8781BC3809E2B5D9, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D223B7F204565C89, m_Name: Nusantara (1410), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 105 from server

Net message: ({rejoining:false, status:"authenticated", type:"netstatus"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 8781BC3809E2B5D9, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D223B7F204565C89, m_Name: Nusantara (1410), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 105 from server

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/aegean", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"rome", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:150, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"all"}}}) } of size 1074 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'8781BC3809E2B5D9':{status:0, player:-1, name:"1984 (1404)"}, D223B7F204565C89:{status:2, player:1, name:"Nusantara (1410)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'8781BC3809E2B5D9':{status:0, player:2, name:"1984 (1404)"}, D223B7F204565C89:{status:2, player:1, name:"Nusantara (1410)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({data:{type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/aegean", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"rome", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:150, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"all"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: D223B7F204565C89, m_Message: hi } of size 29 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 8781BC3809E2B5D9, m_Message: hi Nusantara (1410) } of size 63 from server

Net message: ({text:"hi Nusantara (1410)", guid:"8781BC3809E2B5D9", type:"chat"})

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22name%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: D223B7F204565C89, m_Message: do u wanna play } of size 55 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: D223B7F204565C89, m_Message: civ } of size 31 from server

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22name%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

Loading config file "config/user.cfg"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.mute" = "%7B%22Nusantara%22%3A%22Nusantara%22%2C%22Marre-Vrickad%22%3A%22Marre-Vrickad%22%2C%22rejuvelac%22%3A%22rejuvelac%22%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playerReminder" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.playersBox" = "%7B%22selected_column%22%3A%22rating%22%2C%22selected_column_order%22%3A-1%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.data.stanza" = "%7B%7D"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.countdown.time" = "5"

Loaded config string "autociv.gamesetup.play.enabled" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.chat.subject.hide" = "flase"

Loaded config string "autociv.lobby.gamelist.showHostName" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.mainmenu.suggestDefaultChanges" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.resizebar.enabled" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size" = "0 130 100% 100%-240"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatPanel.size.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font" = "sans-bold-stroke-14"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.chatText.font.change" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max" = "50"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.kill.nowarning" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.playersOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.setHealersInitialStanceAgressive" = "false"

Loaded config string "autociv.session.statsOverlay.visible" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.autociv_readme.seen" = "true"

Loaded config string "autociv.settings.reset.all" = "false"

Loaded config string "fog" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "3"

Loaded config string "gui.session.defaultformation" = "special/formations/null"

Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "1"

Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "true"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "false"

Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1638815095"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.eval" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.stdout.toggle" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.CLI.toggle" = "Ctrl+C+L"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.gamesetup.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.group.button.garrison" = "Ctrl"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.chatInput" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.focus.gameList" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.gameList.selected.join" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.lobby.host" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.autociv_readme" = "Shift+F4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.open.test" = "Ctrl+A+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.selection.nowoundedonly" = "K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.arsenal" = "Space+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.barracks" = "Space+B"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre" = "Space+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.corral" = "Space+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower" = "Space+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock" = "Space+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.elephant_stables" = "Space+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead" = "Space+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field" = "Space+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.forge" = "Space+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.fortress" = "Space+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.house" = "Space+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.market" = "Space+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost" = "Space+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.sentry_tower" = "Space+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.stable" = "Space+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.storehouse" = "Space+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple" = "Space+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade" = "Space+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_siege" = "Space+U"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone" = "Space+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship" = "Alt+S"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry" = "Alt+E"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry.by.group.none" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant)" = "Alt+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.nowounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.health.wounded.by.class.select.Cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.1" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.2" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.no" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.state.idle" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.amphitheater_pompeii" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.apadana" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arch" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.army_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.arsenal" = "Ctrl+A"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.assembly" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks" = "Ctrl+X"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_blemmye" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.camp_noba" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.civil_centre" = "Ctrl+C"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.corral" = "Ctrl+K"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.crannog" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.defense_tower" = "Ctrl+D"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.dock" = "Ctrl+J"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.elephant_stables" = "Ctrl+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_celtic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_iberian" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.embassy_italic" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.farmstead" = "Ctrl+G"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field" = "Ctrl+F"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.forge" = "Ctrl+N"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.fortress" = "Ctrl+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gerousia" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.gymnasium" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.hall" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.house" = "Ctrl+H"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.inn" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.library" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.lighthouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.market" = "Ctrl+M"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.mercenary_camp" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.military_colony" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.monument" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.outpost" = "Ctrl+O"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.palace" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pillar_ashoka" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.prytaneion" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_large" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.pyramid_small" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.range" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.rotarymill" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.royal_stoa" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.sentry_tower" = "Ctrl+Y"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.shrine" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.stable" = "Ctrl+Z"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.storehouse" = "Ctrl+V"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.super_dock" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.syssiton" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tacara" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tavern" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple" = "Ctrl+T"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_amun" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_mars" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.temple_vesta" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.theater" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tophet" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_artillery" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_babylon" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_bolt" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.tower_double" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_palisade" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_short" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_siege" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wallset_stone" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.warehouse" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.wonder" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.exit" = "Shift+Esc"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.anti_cavalry" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.battle_line" = "Space+0"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.box" = "Space+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_closed" = "Space+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.column_open" = "Space+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.flank" = "Space+7"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_closed" = "Space+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.line_open" = "Space+6"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.null" = "Space+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.phalanx" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.scatter" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.skirmish" = "Space+8"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.syntagma" = "Space+Quote"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.testudo" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.formation.set.wedge" = "Space+9"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.minimap.expand.toggle" = "Shift+Tab"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.production.queue.clear" = "Alt+R"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.aggressive" = "Alt+2"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.defensive" = "Alt+3"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.passive" = "Alt+4"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.standground" = "Alt+5"

Loaded config string "hotkey.autociv.session.stance.set.violent" = "Alt+1"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.lastattackfocus" = "MouseMiddle"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = (empty)

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown"

Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.leaveturret" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueoff" = "Alt+W"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon" = "Alt+Q"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "WheelRight", "RightBracket"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadturrets" = "U", "WheelLeft"

Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"

Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "1984"

Loaded config string "lobby.password"

Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "e87e5fb18d45b332354beeae834d2410"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "d7339d8bdab229f1e25a063dfac1f2eb"

Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "b6ae8446065ae6310f61a97567c0d17b"

Loaded config string "locale" = "en_GB"

Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public autociv feldmap community-mod"

Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "3afe6d7d4ec92b87b757936664df4591"

Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"

Loaded config string "network.upnprootdescurl" = ""

Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "1984"

Loaded config string "playername.singleplayer" = "kid"

Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"

Loaded config string "shadows" = "false"

Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "false"

Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"

Loaded config string "userreport.id"

Loaded config string "watereffects" = "false"

StunClient: Using STUN server lobby.wildfiregames.com:3478

Net server: attempting to use cached root descriptor URL:

Net server: using cached IGD =

Net server: found valid IGD =

Net server: GetExternalIPAddress failed with code -1 (Miniupnpc Unknown Error)

StunClient: external IP address is

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AIProxy.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AlertRaiser.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AttackDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Auras.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AutoBuildable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Barter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BattleDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BuildRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Builder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BuildingAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Capturable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/CeasefireManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Cost.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/DeathDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/DelayedDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/EndGameManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/EntityLimits.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Formation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Foundation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/GarrisonHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Garrisonable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Gate.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Guard.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Heal.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Health.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Loot.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Looter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Market.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Messages.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ModifiersManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Pack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/PlayerManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Population.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ProductionQueue.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Promotion.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/RangeOverlayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Repairable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Researcher.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Resistance.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceDropsite.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceGatherer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceSupply.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceTrickle.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/SkirmishReplacer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/StatisticsTracker.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/StatusBars.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/StatusEffectsReceiver.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TechnologyManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TerritoryDecay.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Timer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trader.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trainer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TrainingRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Treasure.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TreasureCollector.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trigger.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TriggerPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TurretHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Turretable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/UnitAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Upgrade.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Upkeep.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/VisionSharing.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/WallPiece.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/WallSet.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Wonder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Attack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Cheat.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Commands.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/InitGame.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ModificationTemplates.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ObstructionSnap.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Position.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/RallyPointCommands.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Resources.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Setup.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Sound.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Transform.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ValueModification.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Walls.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/!!!patchApplyN.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIInterface.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIProxy.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIProxy~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AlertRaiser.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Attack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AttackDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Auras.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AutoBuildable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Barter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BattleDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Builder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BuildingAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Capturable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/CeasefireManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Cost.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/DeathDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/DelayedDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/EndGameManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/EntityLimits.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Fogging.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Formation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/FormationAttack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Foundation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GarrisonHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Garrisonable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Gate.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Guard.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GuiInterface.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GuiInterface~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Heal.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Health.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Health~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Identity.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Loot.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Looter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Market.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Mirage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ModifiersManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/MotionBall.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Pack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/PlayerManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Population.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Promotion.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/RallyPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/RangeOverlayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Repairable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Researcher.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Resistance.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceDropsite.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceGatherer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceSupply.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceTrickle.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Settlement.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/SkirmishReplacer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Sound.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatisticsTracker.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatusBars.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatusEffectsReceiver.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TerritoryDecay.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TerritoryDecayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Timer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trader.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trainer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TrainingRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Treasure.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TreasureCollector.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trigger.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TriggerPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TurretHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Turretable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/UnitAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/UnitMotionFlying.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Upgrade.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Upkeep.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ValueModificationManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Visibility.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Visibility~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/VisionSharing.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/WallPiece.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/WallSet.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Wonder.js'

Net client: Connected to

Net server: Received connection from

Net: Sending message CSrvHandshakeMessage { m_Magic: 1349714239, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 to [unauthed host]

Net client: Received message CSrvHandshakeMessage { m_Magic: 1349714239, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 from server

Net message: ({status:"connected", type:"netstatus"})

Net server: Received message CCliHandshakeMessage { m_MagicResponse: 1348665633, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 from [unauthed host]

Net: Sending message CSrvHandshakeResponseMessage { m_UseProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_Flags: 1, m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982 } of size 31 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net client: Received message CSrvHandshakeResponseMessage { m_UseProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_Flags: 1, m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982 } of size 31 from server

XmppClient: Received lobby auth: E2AD0BE40F5B0982 from 1984

Net Server: Received lobby auth message from 1984 with E2AD0BE40F5B0982

Net: Sending message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: , m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 13 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net client: Received message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: , m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 13 from server

Net server: Received message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 51 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CAuthenticateResultMessage { m_Code: 0, m_HostID: 1, m_IsController: 1, m_Message: Logged in } of size 30 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 49 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net client: Received message CAuthenticateResultMessage { m_Code: 0, m_HostID: 1, m_IsController: 1, m_Message: Logged in } of size 30 from server

Net: Authentication result: host=1, Logged in

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 49 from server

Net message: ({rejoining:false, status:"authenticated", type:"netstatus"})

Net server: Received message CClearAllReadyMessage { } of size 3 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 49 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net server: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: , m_Status: 2 } of size 8 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Status: 2 } of size 24 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net server: Received message CClearAllReadyMessage { } of size 3 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net server: Received message CClearAllReadyMessage { } of size 3 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 49 from server

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Status: 2 } of size 24 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{E2AD0BE40F5B0982:{status:0, player:-1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{E2AD0BE40F5B0982:{status:0, player:-1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({status:2, guid:"E2AD0BE40F5B0982", type:"ready"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{E2AD0BE40F5B0982:{status:2, player:-1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{E2AD0BE40F5B0982:{status:2, player:-1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net server: Received message CAssignPlayerMessage { m_PlayerID: 1, m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982 } of size 24 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net server: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 from server

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{E2AD0BE40F5B0982:{status:2, player:1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({data:{type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net server: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1078 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1078 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1078 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

XmppClient: Received request for connection data from sadsheep

Net server: Received connection from

Net: Sending message CSrvHandshakeMessage { m_Magic: 1349714239, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 to [unauthed host]

Net server: Received message CCliHandshakeMessage { m_MagicResponse: 1348665633, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 from [unauthed host]

Net: Sending message CSrvHandshakeResponseMessage { m_UseProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_Flags: 1, m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27 } of size 31 to [F0867B2E...]

XmppClient: Received lobby auth: F0867B2E06270B27 from sadsheep

Net Server: Received lobby auth message from sadsheep with F0867B2E06270B27

Net: Sending message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: , m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 13 to [F0867B2E...]

Net server: Received message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 43 from [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CAuthenticateResultMessage { m_Code: 0, m_HostID: 2, m_IsController: 0, m_Message: Logged in } of size 30 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 103 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 103 to [F0867B2E...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 103 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{E2AD0BE40F5B0982:{status:2, player:1, name:"1984 (1404)"}, F0867B2E06270B27:{status:0, player:-1, name:"sadSheep (1413)"}}, type:"players"})

Net server: Received message CAssignPlayerMessage { m_PlayerID: 2, m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27 } of size 24 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 103 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 103 to [F0867B2E...]

Net server: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 to [F0867B2E...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 103 from server

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{E2AD0BE40F5B0982:{status:2, player:1, name:"1984 (1404)"}, F0867B2E06270B27:{status:0, player:2, name:"sadSheep (1413)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({data:{type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net server: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: , m_Message: hi } of size 13 from [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: hi } of size 29 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: hi } of size 29 to [F0867B2E...]

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: hi } of size 29 from server

Net message: ({text:"hi", guid:"F0867B2E06270B27", type:"chat"})

Net server: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: , m_Message: 1984 (1404) } of size 31 from [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: 1984 (1404) } of size 47 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: 1984 (1404) } of size 47 to [F0867B2E...]

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: 1984 (1404) } of size 47 from server

Net message: ({text:"1984 (1404)", guid:"F0867B2E06270B27", type:"chat"})

Net server: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: , m_Message: hi } of size 13 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: hi } of size 29 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: hi } of size 29 to [F0867B2E...]

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: hi } of size 29 from server

Net message: ({text:"hi", guid:"E2AD0BE40F5B0982", type:"chat"})

Net server: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: , m_Status: 1 } of size 8 from [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Status: 1 } of size 24 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Status: 1 } of size 24 to [F0867B2E...]

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Status: 1 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:1, guid:"F0867B2E06270B27", type:"ready"})

Net server: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: , m_Status: 2 } of size 8 from [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Status: 2 } of size 24 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Status: 2 } of size 24 to [F0867B2E...]

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Status: 2 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:2, guid:"F0867B2E06270B27", type:"ready"})

XmppClient: Received request for connection data from nusantara

Net server: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: , m_Message: Stockfish? } of size 29 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: Stockfish? } of size 45 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: Stockfish? } of size 45 to [F0867B2E...]

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: Stockfish? } of size 45 from server

Net message: ({text:"Stockfish?", guid:"E2AD0BE40F5B0982", type:"chat"})

Net server: Received connection from

Net: Sending message CSrvHandshakeMessage { m_Magic: 1349714239, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 to [unauthed host]

Net server: Received message CCliHandshakeMessage { m_MagicResponse: 1348665633, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 from [unauthed host]

Net: Sending message CSrvHandshakeResponseMessage { m_UseProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_Flags: 1, m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD } of size 31 to [6F72AF89...]

XmppClient: Received lobby auth: 6F72AF893F8580BD from nusantara

Net Server: Received lobby auth message from nusantara with 6F72AF893F8580BD

Net: Sending message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: , m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 13 to [6F72AF89...]

Net server: Received message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 45 from [6F72AF89...]

Net: Sending message CAuthenticateResultMessage { m_Code: 0, m_HostID: 3, m_IsController: 0, m_Message: Logged in } of size 30 to [6F72AF89...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 159 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 159 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 159 to [6F72AF89...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 159 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'6F72AF893F8580BD':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Nusantara (1426)"}, E2AD0BE40F5B0982:{status:2, player:1, name:"1984 (1404)"}, F0867B2E06270B27:{status:2, player:2, name:"sadSheep (1413)"}}, type:"players"})

Net server: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 to [6F72AF89...]

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1086 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net server: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: , m_Message: n } of size 11 from [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: n } of size 27 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: n } of size 27 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: n } of size 27 to [6F72AF89...]

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: n } of size 27 from server

Net message: ({text:"n", guid:"F0867B2E06270B27", type:"chat"})

Net server: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: , m_Message: sadSheep (1413) } of size 39 from [6F72AF89...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: sadSheep (1413) } of size 55 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: sadSheep (1413) } of size 55 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: sadSheep (1413) } of size 55 to [6F72AF89...]

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: sadSheep (1413) } of size 55 from server

Net server: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: , m_Message: who then ? } of size 29 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: who then ? } of size 45 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: who then ? } of size 45 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: who then ? } of size 45 to [6F72AF89...]

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: who then ? } of size 45 from server

Net message: ({text:"who then ?", guid:"E2AD0BE40F5B0982", type:"chat"})

Net server: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: , m_Message: some error } of size 29 from [6F72AF89...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: some error } of size 45 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: some error } of size 45 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: some error } of size 45 to [6F72AF89...]

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: some error } of size 45 from server

Net server: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: , m_Message: me } of size 13 from [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: me } of size 29 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: me } of size 29 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: me } of size 29 to [6F72AF89...]

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Message: me } of size 29 from server

Net message: ({text:"me", guid:"F0867B2E06270B27", type:"chat"})

Net server: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: , m_Message: bug } of size 15 from [6F72AF89...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: bug } of size 31 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: bug } of size 31 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: bug } of size 31 to [6F72AF89...]

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: bug } of size 31 from server

Net server: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: , m_Message: ok } of size 13 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: ok } of size 29 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: ok } of size 29 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: ok } of size 29 to [6F72AF89...]

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Message: ok } of size 29 from server

Net message: ({text:"ok", guid:"E2AD0BE40F5B0982", type:"chat"})

Net server: Received message CAssignPlayerMessage { m_PlayerID: 2, m_GUID: } of size 8 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 159 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 159 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 159 to [6F72AF89...]

Net server: Received message CClearAllReadyMessage { } of size 3 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 159 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 159 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 159 to [6F72AF89...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 159 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: F0867B2E06270B27, m_Name: sadSheep (1413), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 159 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'6F72AF893F8580BD':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Nusantara (1426)"}, E2AD0BE40F5B0982:{status:2, player:1, name:"1984 (1404)"}, F0867B2E06270B27:{status:2, player:-1, name:"sadSheep (1413)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'6F72AF893F8580BD':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Nusantara (1426)"}, E2AD0BE40F5B0982:{status:2, player:1, name:"1984 (1404)"}, F0867B2E06270B27:{status:2, player:-1, name:"sadSheep (1413)"}}, type:"players"})

Net server: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1078 from [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1078 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1078 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1078 to [6F72AF89...]

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}) } of size 1078 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"mainland_balanced/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:false, mapName:"Mainland balanced", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:192, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"spart", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:1}], PopulationCap:300, RatingEnabled:false, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland_balanced", mapType:"random", script:"mainland_balanced.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"multiplayer"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net server: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: , m_Message: program } of size 23 from [6F72AF89...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: program } of size 39 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: program } of size 39 to [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: program } of size 39 to [6F72AF89...]

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Message: program } of size 39 from server

Net server: Disconnected [F0867B2E...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 105 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 105 to [6F72AF89...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 6F72AF893F8580BD, m_Name: Nusantara (1426), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 105 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'6F72AF893F8580BD':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Nusantara (1426)"}, E2AD0BE40F5B0982:{status:2, player:1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net server: Disconnected [6F72AF89...]

Net: Sending message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 to [E2AD0BE4...]

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: E2AD0BE40F5B0982, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 49 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{E2AD0BE40F5B0982:{status:2, player:1, name:"1984 (1404)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Disconnected

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AIProxy.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AlertRaiser.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AttackDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Auras.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/AutoBuildable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Barter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BattleDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BuildRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Builder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/BuildingAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Capturable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/CeasefireManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Cost.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/DeathDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/DelayedDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/EndGameManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/EntityLimits.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Formation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Foundation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/GarrisonHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Garrisonable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Gate.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Guard.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Heal.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Health.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Loot.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Looter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Market.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Messages.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ModifiersManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Pack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/PlayerManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Population.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ProductionQueue.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Promotion.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/RangeOverlayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Repairable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Researcher.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Resistance.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceDropsite.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceGatherer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceSupply.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/ResourceTrickle.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/SkirmishReplacer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/StatisticsTracker.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/StatusBars.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/StatusEffectsReceiver.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TechnologyManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TerritoryDecay.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Timer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trader.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trainer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TrainingRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Treasure.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TreasureCollector.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Trigger.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TriggerPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/TurretHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Turretable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/UnitAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Upgrade.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Upkeep.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/VisionSharing.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/WallPiece.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/WallSet.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/interfaces/Wonder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Attack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Cheat.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Commands.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/InitGame.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ModificationTemplates.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ObstructionSnap.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Position.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/RallyPointCommands.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Resources.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Setup.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Sound.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Transform.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/ValueModification.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/helpers/Walls.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/!!!patchApplyN.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIInterface.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIProxy.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AIProxy~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AlertRaiser.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Attack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AttackDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Auras.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/AutoBuildable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Barter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BattleDetection.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Builder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/BuildingAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Capturable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/CeasefireManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Cost.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/DeathDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/DelayedDamage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/EndGameManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/EntityLimits.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Fogging.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Formation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/FormationAttack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Foundation.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GarrisonHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Garrisonable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Gate.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Guard.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GuiInterface.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/GuiInterface~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Heal.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Health.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Health~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Identity.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Loot.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Looter.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Market.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Mirage.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ModifiersManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/MotionBall.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Pack.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Player.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/PlayerManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Population.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Promotion.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/RallyPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/RangeOverlayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Repairable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Researcher.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Resistance.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceDropsite.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceGatherer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceSupply.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ResourceTrickle.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Settlement.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/SkirmishReplacer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Sound.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatisticsTracker.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatusBars.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/StatusEffectsReceiver.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TerritoryDecay.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TerritoryDecayManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Timer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trader.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trainer.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TrainingRestrictions.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Treasure.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TreasureCollector.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Trigger.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TriggerPoint.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/TurretHolder.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Turretable.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/UnitAI.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/UnitMotionFlying.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Upgrade.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Upkeep.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/ValueModificationManager.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Visibility.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Visibility~autociv.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/VisionSharing.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/WallPiece.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/WallSet.js'

Loading simulation script 'simulation/components/Wonder.js'

StunClient: Using STUN server lobby.wildfiregames.com:3478

StunClient: external IP address is

NetClient: connecting to server at

Net client: Connected to

Net message: ({status:"connected", type:"netstatus"})

Net client: Received message CSrvHandshakeMessage { m_Magic: 1349714239, m_ProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_SoftwareVersion: 16842776 } of size 15 from server

Net client: Received message CSrvHandshakeResponseMessage { m_UseProtocolVersion: 16842776, m_Flags: 1, m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E } of size 31 from server

Net client: Received message CAuthenticateMessage { m_Name: , m_Password: [secret], m_ControllerSecret: [secret] } of size 13 from server

Net client: Received message CAuthenticateResultMessage { m_Code: 0, m_HostID: 8, m_IsController: 0, m_Message: Logged in } of size 30 from server

Net: Authentication result: host=8, Logged in

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net message: ({rejoining:false, status:"authenticated", type:"netstatus"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}], PopulationCap:250, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1526 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:-1, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:-1, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({data:{type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}], PopulationCap:250, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Message: to play whit gaia weirdJokes (1929) } of size 95 from server

Net message: ({text:"to play whit gaia weirdJokes (1929)", guid:"966E10EFA32BB63A", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Message: 4v4 } of size 31 from server

Net message: ({text:"4v4", guid:"465A801930AEE4C3", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Message: hi } of size 29 from server

Net message: ({text:"hi", guid:"25A27594ADAB091E", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Message: in...!. put RICSAND1655 (1280) in!! } of size 95 from server

Net message: ({text:"in...!. put RICSAND1655 (1280) in!!", guid:"6471FAFD4D7153D8", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:-1, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:-1, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}], PopulationCap:250, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1518 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}], PopulationCap:250, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:-1, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:-1, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:-1, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:-1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:-1}], PopulationCap:250, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1878 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:-1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:-1}], PopulationCap:250, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:-1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:-1}], PopulationCap:250, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1823 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:-1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:-1}], PopulationCap:250, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:-1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:-1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1823 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:-1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:-1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1823 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1823 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 441 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1823 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Message: Aale1337 (1486), play? } of size 69 from server

Net message: ({text:"Aale1337 (1486), play?", guid:"6E7EFFA8621E29DE", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CClientPerformanceMessage { m_Clients: { { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_MeanRTT: 427 } } } of size 27 from server

Net message: ({meanRTT:427, guid:"BC4DD5ABEB79250C", warntype:"client-latency", type:"netwarn"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:-1, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1831 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"initial-update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:"petra", AIDiff:5, AIBehavior:"defensive", Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:8, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:8, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:8, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1768 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Message: darkcity (1663), play? } of size 69 from server

Net message: ({text:"darkcity (1663), play?", guid:"6E7EFFA8621E29DE", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Message: no cant } of size 41 from server

Net message: ({text:"no cant ", guid:"47DA13B654976E97", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Message: Gauls } of size 35 from server

Net message: ({text:"Gauls", guid:"25A27594ADAB091E", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:8, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:4, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:8, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1766 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Message: let me see } of size 45 from server

Net message: ({text:"let me see", guid:"BC4DD5ABEB79250C", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Message: 2 min } of size 35 from server

Net message: ({text:"2 min", guid:"BC4DD5ABEB79250C", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Message: RICSAND1655 (1280) or darkcity (1663) <> Atrik_III (very nub) } of size 147 from server

Net message: ({text:"RICSAND1655 (1280) or darkcity (1663) <> Atrik_III (very nub)", guid:"D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Message: maybe 4 vs 3 is balanced with me } of size 89 from server

Net message: ({text:"maybe 4 vs 3 is balanced with me", guid:"6E7EFFA8621E29DE", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:-1, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:4, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:2, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:4, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1766 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:-1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:4, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:2, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:4, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:2, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:4, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:2, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1766 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:-1, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:4, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:4, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:3, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:4, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1766 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:4, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:-1, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:4, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:3, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:5, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:6, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:4, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:3, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1766 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:6, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:4, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:3, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:6, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:5, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:4, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:3, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:6, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:5, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:4, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:7, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:3, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1766 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:7, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:5, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:4, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:-1, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:3, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:7, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:5, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:4, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:6, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:3, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:7, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:0, player:5, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:4, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:6, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:0, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:3, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1766 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Status: 1 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:1, guid:"BC4DD5ABEB79250C", type:"ready"})

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Status: 2 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:2, guid:"BC4DD5ABEB79250C", type:"ready"})

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Status: 1 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:1, guid:"465A801930AEE4C3", type:"ready"})

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Status: 2 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:2, guid:"465A801930AEE4C3", type:"ready"})

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Status: 1 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:1, guid:"25A27594ADAB091E", type:"ready"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Message: iberians } of size 41 from server

Net message: ({text:"iberians", guid:"6E7EFFA8621E29DE", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:7, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:2, player:5, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:4, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:6, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:2, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:3, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:0, player:7, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:2, player:5, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:0, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:0, player:4, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:0, player:6, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:2, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:3, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Message: ok go } of size 35 from server

Net message: ({text:"ok go", guid:"BC4DD5ABEB79250C", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CGameSetupMessage { m_Data: ({type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"iber", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}) } of size 1764 from server

Net message: ({data:{type:"update", initAttribs:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"Player 1", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"Player 2", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"Player 3", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"iber", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"Player 4", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Player 5", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"Player 6", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"Player 7", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"random", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Player 8", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:"random", AISeed:"random", StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:[], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", guiData:{mapFilter:"default"}}}, type:"gamesetup"})

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Status: 1 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:1, guid:"6E7EFFA8621E29DE", type:"ready"})

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Status: 1 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:1, guid:"966E10EFA32BB63A", type:"ready"})

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Status: 2 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:2, guid:"6E7EFFA8621E29DE", type:"ready"})

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Status: 2 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:2, guid:"966E10EFA32BB63A", type:"ready"})

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Status: 1 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:1, guid:"25A27594ADAB091E", type:"ready"})

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Status: 2 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:2, guid:"25A27594ADAB091E", type:"ready"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Message: RICSAND1655 (1280), sound ok before start ? } of size 111 from server

Net message: ({text:"RICSAND1655 (1280), sound ok before start ?", guid:"6E7EFFA8621E29DE", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Message: Atrik_III (very nub) } of size 65 from server

Net message: ({text:"Atrik_III (very nub)", guid:"04C00E0B58024C68", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Message: y } of size 27 from server

Net message: ({text:"y", guid:"966E10EFA32BB63A", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Status: 1 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:1, guid:"6471FAFD4D7153D8", type:"ready"})

Net client: Received message CReadyMessage { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Status: 2 } of size 24 from server

Net message: ({status:2, guid:"6471FAFD4D7153D8", type:"ready"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Message: now i get ready } of size 55 from server

Net message: ({text:"now i get ready", guid:"966E10EFA32BB63A", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Message: ty } of size 29 from server

Net message: ({text:"ty", guid:"966E10EFA32BB63A", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 2 } } } of size 495 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:2, player:7, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:2, player:5, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:2, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:2, player:4, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:2, player:6, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:2, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:3, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CGameStartMessage { m_InitAttributes: {\n \"settings\": {\n \"Biome\": \"generic/temperate\",\n \"Ceasefire\": 0,\n \"CheatsEnabled\": false,\n \"CircularMap\": true,\n \"DisableSpies\": false,\n \"DisableTreasures\": false,\n \"LastManStanding\": false,\n \"LockTeams\": true,\n \"RevealMap\": false,\n \"ExploreMap\": false,\n \"AllyView\": true,\n \"mapName\": \"Mainland\",\n \"mapPreview\": \"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png\",\n \"Size\": 320,\n \"Nomad\": false,\n \"PlayerData\": [\n {\n \"AI\": false,\n \"Civ\": \"sele\",\n \"Color\": {\n \"r\": 150,\n \"g\": 20,\n \"b\": 20\n },\n \"Name\": \"weirdJokes (1929)\",\n \"Team\": 0\n },\n {\n \"AI\": false,\n \"Civ\": \"rome\",\n \"Color\": {\n \"r\": 64,\n \"g\": 64,\n \"b\": 64\n },\n \"Name\": \"darkcity (1663)\",\n \"Team\": 0\n },\n {\n \"AI\": false,\n \"Civ\": \"han\",\n \"Color\": {\n \"r\": 220,\n \"g\": 115,\n \"b\": 16\n },\n \"Name\": \"i_am_groot (1638)\",\n \"Team\": 0\n },\n {\n \"AI\": false,\n \"Civ\": \"iber\",\n \"Color\": {\n \"r\": 231,\n \"g\": 200,\n \"b\": 5\n },\n \"Name\": \"ycswyw (1531)\",\n \"Team\": 0\n },\n {\n \"AI\": false,\n \"Civ\": \"mace\",\n \"Color\": {\n \"r\": 160,\n \"g\": 80,\n \"b\": 200\n },\n \"Name\": \"Rauls (1849)\",\n \"Team\": 1\n },\n {\n \"AI\": false,\n \"Civ\": \"mace\",\n \"Color\": {\n \"r\": 86,\n \"g\": 180,\n \"b\": 31\n },\n \"Name\": \"RICSAND1655 (1280)\",\n \"Team\": 1\n },\n {\n \"AI\": false,\n \"Civ\": \"gaul\",\n \"Color\": {\n \"r\": 21,\n \"g\": 55,\n \"b\": 149\n },\n \"Name\": \"1984 (1404)\",\n \"Team\": 1\n },\n {\n \"AI\": false,\n \"Civ\": \"cart\",\n \"Color\": {\n \"r\": 50,\n \"g\": 170,\n \"b\": 170\n },\n \"Name\": \"Atrik_III (very nub)\",\n \"Team\": 1\n }\n ],\n \"PopulationCap\": 200,\n \"Seed\": 396437793,\n \"AISeed\": 938579584,\n \"StartingResources\": 300,\n \"TriggerScripts\": [\n \"scripts/TriggerHelper.js\",\n \"scripts/ConquestCommon.js\",\n \"scripts/Conquest.js\"\n ],\n \"VictoryConditions\": [\n \"conquest\"\n ]\n },\n \"gameSpeed\": 1,\n \"map\": \"maps/random/mainland\",\n \"mapType\": \"random\",\n \"script\": \"mainland.js\",\n \"matchID\": \"F5A8F23EFA2C0CE8\"\n} } of size 2522 from server

Net message: ({initAttributes:{settings:{Biome:"generic/temperate", Ceasefire:0, CheatsEnabled:false, CircularMap:true, DisableSpies:false, DisableTreasures:false, LastManStanding:false, LockTeams:true, RevealMap:false, ExploreMap:false, AllyView:true, mapName:"Mainland", mapPreview:"cropped:0.78125,0.5859375:session/icons/mappreview/mainland.png", Size:320, Nomad:false, PlayerData:[{AI:false, Civ:"sele", Color:{r:150, g:20, b:20}, Name:"weirdJokes (1929)", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"rome", Color:{r:64, g:64, b:64}, Name:"darkcity (1663)", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"han", Color:{r:220, g:115, b:16}, Name:"i_am_groot (1638)", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"iber", Color:{r:231, g:200, b:5}, Name:"ycswyw (1531)", Team:0}, {AI:false, Civ:"mace", Color:{r:160, g:80, b:200}, Name:"Rauls (1849)", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"mace", Color:{r:86, g:180, b:31}, Name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"gaul", Color:{r:21, g:55, b:149}, Name:"1984 (1404)", Team:1}, {AI:false, Civ:"cart", Color:{r:50, g:170, b:170}, Name:"Atrik_III (very nub)", Team:1}], PopulationCap:200, Seed:396437793, AISeed:938579584, StartingResources:300, TriggerScripts:["scripts/TriggerHelper.js", "scripts/ConquestCommon.js", "scripts/Conquest.js"], VictoryConditions:["conquest"]}, gameSpeed:1, map:"maps/random/mainland", mapType:"random", script:"mainland.js", matchID:"F5A8F23EFA2C0CE8", timestamp:1689430498, engine_version:"0.0.26", mods:[{mod:"public", name:"0ad", version:"0.0.26", ignoreInCompatibilityChecks:false}, {mod:"autociv", name:"autociv", version:"26.0.1", ignoreInCompatibilityChecks:true}, {mod:"feldmap", name:"feldmap", version:"0.2.1", ignoreInCompatibilityChecks:true}, {mod:"community-mod", name:"community-mod", version:"0.26.4", ignoreInCompatibilityChecks:false}]}, type:"start"})

'art/terrains/terrains.xml' does not exist. Using previous properties.

Loading RMS 'maps/random/mainland.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Area.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Constraint.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Entity.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Group.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Noise.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Object.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/RandomMap.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/RandomMapLogger.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/Terrain.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/TileClass.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/environment.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/library.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/centered/ChainPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/centered/ClumpPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/centered/DiskPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/ConvexPolygonPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/EntitiesObstructionPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/HeightPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/MapBoundsPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/PathPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/RandomPathPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/placer/noncentered/RectPlacer.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/CityPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/ElevationBlendingPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/ElevationPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/HeightmapPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/LayeredPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/MultiPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/RandomElevationPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/SmoothElevationPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/SmoothingPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/TerrainPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/TerrainTextureArrayPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/TileClassPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/painter/TileClassUnPainter.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/library~feldmap.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/math.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen/math~feldmap.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen-common/gaia_entities.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen-common/gaia_entities~feldmap.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen-common/gaia_terrain.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen-common/player.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen-common/player~feldmap.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmgen-common/wall_builder.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmbiome/randombiome.js'

Setting biome generic/temperate.

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmbiome/generic/aegean.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmbiome/generic/nubia.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmbiome/generic/sahara.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmbiome/generic/savanna.js'

Loading map generator script 'maps/random/rmbiome/generic/temperate.js'

Creating playerbases...

placeGenericFortress: Reduced overlap to 0.023300062687932055 after 24 tries


Creating bumps...


Creating hills...


Creating forests...


Creating dirt patches...


Creating grass patches...


Creating metal mines...


Creating stone mines...


Creating decoration...


Creating food...


Creating food...


Creating straggler trees...


Total map generation time: 0.757982s.

Total entities: 5848, Terrain entities: 4234, Textures: 12.

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_f_long.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_f_short.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_relax_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/run.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/walk_relax_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_thureo_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_thureo_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_thureo_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_thureo_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_thureo_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/run_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/walk_relax_shield_thureo.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/promotion.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/javelinist/idle_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/javelinist/run_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/javelinist/run_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_idle_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_gallop.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_trot.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_ranged_jav_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_ranged_jav_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_death_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_gather_meat.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_promotion.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/idle_relax_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/archer/gallop_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/trot.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_capture_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/attack_ranged_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/attack_ranged_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_melee_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_melee_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/archer/death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/archer/death_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/promotion_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_death.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_idle_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_run_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_run_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_walk.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/chicken_attack.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/walk_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/crossbowman/idle_ready_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/crossbowman/idle_ready_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/crossbowman/idle_ready_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/crossbowman/run_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/crossbowman/jog_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_attack_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_shield_relax_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/gallop_shield_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/trot_shield_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_melee_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/death_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/death_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/healing_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_minister_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_minister_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/idle_minister_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/jog_h.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/walk_relax_minister.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/pray.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_06.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/idle_relax_shield_07.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/run_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/jog_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/iber_wall_gate_closed.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/iber_wall_gate_closing.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/iber_wall_gate_open.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/iber_wall_gate_opening.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/walk_relax_shield.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/gallop_shield_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_melee_shield_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_melee_shield_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_melee_shield_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_celt_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_long_celt_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_long_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax_long_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/walk_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/attack_melee_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/attack_melee_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/attack_melee_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/jog_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/idle_relax_shoulder_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/idle_relax_shoulder_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/idle_relax_shoulder_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/idle_relax_shoulder_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/idle_relax_shoulder_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/gallop_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/trot_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_capture.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_melee_reverse_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_melee_reverse_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_melee_reverse_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_melee_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/attack_melee_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/death_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/promotion.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_05.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_06.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax_long_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/run_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/walk_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/capturing_a.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/idle_relax_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/idle_relax_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/idle_relax_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/idle_relax_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/run_ready.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/archer/jog_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/horse_pace.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/archer/pace_relax.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_attack_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_death_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_idle_03.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_run_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_walk_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_death_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_death.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_idle_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_idle_02.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_run.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/sheep_walk.dae): Loaded successfully

Loading trigger script 'maps/scripts/TriggerHelper.js'

Loading trigger script 'maps/scripts/ConquestCommon.js'

Loading trigger script 'maps/scripts/Conquest.js'

Net client: Received message CClientsLoadingMessage { m_Clients: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C } } } of size 143 from server

Net message: ({status:"waiting_for_players", type:"netstatus"})

Net message: ({guids:["04C00E0B58024C68", "6471FAFD4D7153D8", "D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4", "47DA13B654976E97", "6E7EFFA8621E29DE", "465A801930AEE4C3", "BC4DD5ABEB79250C"], type:"clients-loading"})

Net client: Received message CClientsLoadingMessage { m_Clients: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C } } } of size 123 from server

Net message: ({guids:["04C00E0B58024C68", "D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4", "47DA13B654976E97", "6E7EFFA8621E29DE", "465A801930AEE4C3", "BC4DD5ABEB79250C"], type:"clients-loading"})

Net client: Received message CClientsLoadingMessage { m_Clients: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3 } } } of size 103 from server

Net message: ({guids:["04C00E0B58024C68", "D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4", "47DA13B654976E97", "6E7EFFA8621E29DE", "465A801930AEE4C3"], type:"clients-loading"})

Net client: Received message CClientsLoadingMessage { m_Clients: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3 } } } of size 83 from server

Net message: ({guids:["04C00E0B58024C68", "D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4", "47DA13B654976E97", "465A801930AEE4C3"], type:"clients-loading"})

Net client: Received message CClientsLoadingMessage { m_Clients: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97 } } } of size 63 from server

Net message: ({guids:["04C00E0B58024C68", "D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4", "47DA13B654976E97"], type:"clients-loading"})

Net client: Received message CClientsLoadingMessage { m_Clients: { { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97 } } } of size 43 from server

Net message: ({guids:["D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4", "47DA13B654976E97"], type:"clients-loading"})

Net client: Received message CClientsLoadingMessage { m_Clients: { { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4 } } } of size 23 from server

Net message: ({guids:["D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4"], type:"clients-loading"})

Net client: Received message CLoadedGameMessage { m_CurrentTurn: 0 } of size 7 from server

Net message: ({status:"active", type:"netstatus"})

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_idle_04.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/deer_walk_02.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 5, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376], target:367, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 252 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 5, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/cavalry_javelineer_b", count:1, pushFront:false}) } of size 154 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 4, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Message: HF } of size 29 from server

Net message: ({text:"HF", guid:"6E7EFFA8621E29DE", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Message: /allies ycswyw (1531) cav rush? } of size 87 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 8, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403], x:974.98291015625, z:1010.3194580078125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 179 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies ycswyw (1531) cav rush?", guid:"04C00E0B58024C68", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 8, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403], target:420, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 167 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 5, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 6, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 7, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 9, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[335], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:6, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 10, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[312], target:326, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 8, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_carry_grain_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/walk_relax_m.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 11, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[312], target:326, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 11, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[404, 405, 406, 407], target:411, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 167 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 9, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 10, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/garrison_flag_idle.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 13, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[215], template:"units/iber/cavalry_javelineer_b", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 154 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 13, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[271], template:"units/rome/support_female_citizen", count:6, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 11, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 14, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[151, 152, 153, 154], target:171, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 167 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_axe_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/walk_axe.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 13, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[336, 337, 338, 339], target:352, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 195 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 12, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 15, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:1052.552001953125, z:726.0941162109375, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"meat"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fauna_chicken", target:397}, queued:false}) } of size 291 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 15, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"units/cart/cavalry_javelineer_b", owner:8, garrisonHolders:[367]}) } of size 165 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 15, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:1061.2808227539062, z:680.5899658203125, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:(void 0), specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:378}, queued:false}) } of size 283 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 15, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:8, garrisonHolders:[367]}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 15, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:1061.2808227539062, z:680.5899658203125, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:(void 0), specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:378}, queued:false}) } of size 283 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 15, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"units/cart/infantry_spearman_b", owner:8, garrisonHolders:[367]}) } of size 164 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 15, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:1061.2808227539062, z:680.5899658203125, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:(void 0), specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:378}, queued:false}) } of size 283 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 15, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"units/cart/infantry_archer_b", owner:8, garrisonHolders:[367]}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 15, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[304, 305, 306, 307], target:303, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 197 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 14, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:864.2662963867188, z:1054.9696044921875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 13, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[182], template:"units/han/support_female_citizen", count:4, pushFront:false}) } of size 155 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 13, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 15, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:884.43505859375, z:980.6334228515625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 16, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[304, 305, 306, 307], target:303, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 197 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 16, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[344], x:999.2133178710938, z:383.40997314453125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 17, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[304, 305, 306, 307], target:303, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 197 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 14, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 18, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[159], target:150, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 136 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 15, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/gather_meat.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 17, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[408], target:424, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 134 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 19, m_Data: ({type:"unset-rallypoint", entities:[367]}) } of size 84 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 16, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 19, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[216, 217, 218, 219], target:215, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 197 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 20, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[308, 309, 310, 311], target:303, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 197 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 20, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[155, 156, 157, 158], target:150, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 169 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 17, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 20, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[308, 309, 310, 311], target:303, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 197 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 18, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[183, 184, 185, 186, 192], target:182, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 208 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 18, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 21, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[280], target:300, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 21, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[344], x:1025.896484375, z:406.08416748046875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 19, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/mechanical/waypoint_flag_idle.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 20, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 23, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[303], x:757.4594116210938, z:193.58624267578125, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:323}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 21, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[187, 188, 189, 190], target:182, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 197 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 21, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 24, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[150], template:"units/sele/support_female_citizen", count:6, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 24, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[340, 341, 342, 343], target:335, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 197 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 22, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/gather_wood.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 24, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[399], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:6, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 23, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 26, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[224], target:261, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 24, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 27, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:7, garrisonHolders:[303]}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 25, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 28, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[150], x:583.8048706054688, z:1116.3331909179688, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:163}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/gather_fruit_f.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 28, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[272, 273, 274, 275], target:271, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 197 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 26, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 29, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[335], x:975.3815307617188, z:427.0999450683594, data:{command:"walk"}, queued:false}) } of size 161 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 27, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 28, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[191], target:207, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 28, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 31, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:180.69842529296875, z:607.0010986328125, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:256}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 29, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 30, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 31, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 34, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[275, 276, 277, 278], target:284, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 195 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 34, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[335], x:1110, z:414, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:995}, queued:false}) } of size 284 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 32, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[182], x:323.44500732421875, z:904.8761596679688, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:200}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 35, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:4, garrisonHolders:[215]}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 32, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 33, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 36, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"units/sele/infantry_spearman_b", owner:1, garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 164 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 37, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[303], x:694, z:98, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/pine_maritime", target:4354}, queued:false}) } of size 288 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 34, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 35, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:3, garrisonHolders:[182]}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 37, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 37, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[303]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 35, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/idle_carry_meat.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/generic/carry_meat.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 38, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 38, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[335]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 36, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 39, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[220, 221, 222, 223], x:180.52737426757812, z:535.677734375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 179 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 38, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 38, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[335]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 37, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 38, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 39, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[182], x:277.28997802734375, z:946.4287109375, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:193}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 39, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 42, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"units/sele/infantry_javelineer_b", owner:1, garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 166 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 42, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[344], x:1031.9754638671875, z:393.03558349609375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 40, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 43, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[271], x:394.74761962890625, z:314.50848388671875, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:290}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 41, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 44, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[303], template:"units/gaul/support_female_citizen", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 42, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[182]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 44, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[344], target:366, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 42, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 45, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[150], x:519.5729370117188, z:1106.958984375, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:168}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 43, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 47, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"units/sele/infantry_javelineer_b", owner:1, garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 166 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 44, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 45, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 49, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"units/sele/cavalry_javelineer_b", owner:1, garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 165 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 46, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 47, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 48, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 51, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[271], x:394.74761962890625, z:314.50848388671875, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:290}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 49, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 53, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[220, 221, 222, 223], target:1919, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 195 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 50, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 53, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:2, garrisonHolders:[271]}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 51, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 52, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 53, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 54, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 57, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/farmstead", x:945.0468139648438, z:392.26068115234375, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:26491, entities:[336, 337, 338, 339], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 330 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 55, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 58, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/gaul/farmstead", x:758.4545288085938, z:182.37957763671875, angle:2.879793265790644, actorSeed:46331, entities:[304, 305, 306, 307], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 330 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 56, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 59, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[220, 221, 222, 223], target:1919, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 195 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 57, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_carry_grain_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/carry_grain_f.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 61, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[159], target:150, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 136 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 58, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/citizen/build.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 61, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/farmstead", x:951.0439453125, z:992.860107421875, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:41884, entities:[400, 401, 402, 403], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 302 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 59, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 63, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[304], target:321, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 60, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 64, m_Data: ({type:"unset-rallypoint", entities:[150]}) } of size 84 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 61, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/gather_fruit_m.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 65, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[305], target:324, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 64, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403], target:419, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 167 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 62, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 63, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 67, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[150], x:593.3890991210938, z:1092.3973388671875, data:{command:"gather-near-position", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"meat"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fauna_chicken"}, queued:false}) } of size 289 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 66, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403], target:418, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 167 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 67, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[306], target:323, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 64, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 65, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 66, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 69, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[307], target:322, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 67, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 68, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 69, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 70, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 73, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/iber/storehouse", x:89.26763916015625, z:575.4873046875, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:52530, entities:[220, 221, 222, 223], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 331 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 74, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 74, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 71, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 75, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 75, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 72, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 74, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[399], x:943.070068359375, z:1004.9620971679688, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:420}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 76, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 76, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 73, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 76, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 76, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 74, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 77, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 77, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 77, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/storehouse", x:1111.4383544921875, z:399.3372497558594, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:52602, entities:[340, 341, 342, 343], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 331 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 78, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:4, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 75, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 76, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 79, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:454.73455810546875, z:288.1252746582031, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 77, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 78, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 79, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 80, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Message: /allies weirdJokes (1929) rush together? } of size 105 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies weirdJokes (1929) rush together?", guid:"D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 84, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[303], x:730, z:102, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/pine_maritime", target:4318}, queued:false}) } of size 288 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 81, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 82, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 83, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 84, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 87, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:320.6148681640625, z:131.02590942382812, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 85, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 86, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 89, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[303], template:"units/gaul/support_female_citizen", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 89, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:402.70208740234375, z:109.18174743652344, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 87, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 88, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 89, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 91, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:534.5841064453125, z:184.35595703125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 90, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_carry_wood_m.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/carry_wood_m.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 93, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:576.60693359375, z:448.9566345214844, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 91, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 92, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 93, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_carry_wood_f.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/carry_wood_f.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 94, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 97, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:342.5273132324219, z:411.4058837890625, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 95, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 98, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:240.50759887695312, z:342.38916015625, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 96, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 100, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/sele/farmstead", x:514.3843383789062, z:1115.71142578125, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:2269, entities:[151, 152, 153, 154, 158], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 313 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 99, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:249.91217041015625, z:216.06204223632812, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 97, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 98, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 101, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:237.6737060546875, z:570.2597045898438, data:{command:"gather-near-position", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"meat"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fauna_chicken"}, queued:false}) } of size 289 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 99, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 100, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/carry_grain_m.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 103, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/gaul/storehouse", x:712.1865234375, z:105.03477478027344, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:2573, entities:[308, 309, 310, 311], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 331 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 101, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 102, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Message: /allies no } of size 45 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies no", guid:"04C00E0B58024C68", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 103, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 107, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[308, 309, 310, 311], target:4330, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 195 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 104, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 105, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 106, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 110, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[271], x:370.873046875, z:238.57940673828125, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:282}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 107, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 108, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 109, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 110, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 111, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 112, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 113, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 117, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/cart/storehouse", x:981.0321655273438, z:770.0537719726562, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:62982, entities:[372, 373, 374, 375, 368, 369, 370, 371], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 375 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 114, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 118, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[151, 152, 153, 154, 158], target:6029, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 197 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 115, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 116, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 120, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[151], target:170, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 134 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 117, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 118, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 119, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 122, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[152], target:168, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 134 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 120, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Message: /allies Y? } of size 45 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies Y?", guid:"6E7EFFA8621E29DE", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 121, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 125, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[153], target:167, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 134 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 122, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 123, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 127, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[154], target:169, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 134 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 124, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 128, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[158], target:171, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 134 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 125, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 128, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/rome/farmstead", x:393.86138916015625, z:331.40283203125, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:38844, entities:[274], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 297 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 126, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 127, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 128, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 129, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 130, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 134, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6024], x:1122.125244140625, z:741.4992065429688, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 131, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 132, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[189, 190], target:182, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 175 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 132, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 133, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 134, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 138, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6024], target:390, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 135, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 136, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 137, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 138, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 139, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 143, m_Data: ({type:"research", entity:6044, template:"gather_wicker_baskets", pushFront:false}) } of size 115 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 140, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 141, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 142, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 143, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 144, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 145, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[182], x:176.83200073242188, z:864.9985961914062, data:{command:"walk"}, queued:false}) } of size 161 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 145, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 148, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[150], x:583.8048706054688, z:1116.3331909179688, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:163}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 146, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 147, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 148, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 149, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[182]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 151, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[271], x:370.873046875, z:238.57940673828125, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:282}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 149, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 150, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 151, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 152, m_Data: ({type:"train", template:"units/han/cavalry_swordsman_b", count:1, entities:[182], pushFront:false}) } of size 152 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 152, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 153, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 154, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 155, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 156, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 157, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 159, m_Data: ({type:"research", entity:6064, template:"gather_wicker_baskets", pushFront:false}) } of size 115 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 158, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[182], x:308.03985595703125, z:886.6322021484375, data:{command:"gather-near-position", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"meat"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fauna_chicken"}, queued:false}) } of size 289 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 160, m_Data: ({type:"research", entity:6064, template:"gather_wicker_baskets", pushFront:false}) } of size 115 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 158, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 159, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 160, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 161, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 164, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[303], x:704.0323486328125, z:172.96197509765625, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:316}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 164, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[276, 277, 278], target:282, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 184 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 164, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[336], target:354, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 162, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 163, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 164, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 165, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 166, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 167, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 170, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[338], target:353, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 168, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 169, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[189, 190], x:164.9891357421875, z:831.9013061523438, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 169, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 170, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 171, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 174, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/rome/house", x:346.6844787597656, z:222.79415893554688, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:59779, entities:[278], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 172, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 173, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 177, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[150], x:462, z:1094, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/maple", target:3086}, queued:false}) } of size 280 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 174, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 175, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 176, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 177, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 178, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 181, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[155, 156, 157], target:150, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 158 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 179, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 182, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[271], template:"units/rome/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 180, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 181, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 182, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 183, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/han/farmstead", x:174.9398193359375, z:823.1417236328125, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:62749, entities:[189, 190], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 307 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 183, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 186, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[158], target:6029, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 153 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 187, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[158], target:3147, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 134 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 187, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[335], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:1, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 184, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 185, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 186, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 187, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 190, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[271], x:394.74761962890625, z:314.50848388671875, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:290}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 188, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 189, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 190, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 191, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[189, 190], target:196, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 173 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 191, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 194, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[338], target:353, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 195, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 195, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 192, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 196, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 196, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 193, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 196, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 196, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 194, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 197, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 197, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 198, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 195, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 198, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 198, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 199, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 199, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[150]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 199, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:1095.6571044921875, z:686.0498046875, data:{command:"walk"}, queued:false}) } of size 161 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 196, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 198, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[399], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 197, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 198, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 201, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[399], x:872.483642578125, z:966.2976684570312, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:411}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 199, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 200, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 201, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 202, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 203, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 206, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[215], template:"units/iber/support_female_citizen", count:4, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 207, m_Data: ({type:"train", template:"units/sele/cavalry_javelineer_b", count:1, entities:[150], pushFront:false}) } of size 154 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 204, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 205, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 206, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 207, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 208, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 212, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6115, 6116, 6117, 6118], x:1105.0447998046875, z:679.5086669921875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 179 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 209, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 210, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 213, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:90.9471435546875, z:657.5020141601562, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"mirage|gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:6110}, queued:false}) } of size 300 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 211, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 212, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 213, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 214, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Message: /allies i rush } of size 55 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies i rush ", guid:"966E10EFA32BB63A", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 218, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[150], x:605.2363586425781, z:1070.2323608398438, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"meat"}, resourceTemplate:"resource|gaia/fauna_chicken", target:6106}, queued:false}) } of size 300 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 215, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 219, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/cart/house", x:1108.13232421875, z:674.492919921875, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:23553, entities:[6115, 6116, 6117, 6118], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 326 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 216, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 217, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 218, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 219, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 220, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 221, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 222, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 223, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 227, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[311], target:6067, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 224, m_Data: ({type:"train", template:"units/han/cavalry_swordsman_b", count:1, entities:[182], pushFront:false}) } of size 152 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 227, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[335], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 224, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 225, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/other/target_marker.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 229, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[311], x:591.308837890625, z:86.78628540039062, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 226, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 230, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[311], x:503.87249755859375, z:184.32278442382812, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 227, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 231, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:1061.2808227539062, z:680.5899658203125, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:378}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 228, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 231, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[311], x:569.64111328125, z:267.4913330078125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 229, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 230, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 231, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 235, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[216, 217, 218, 219], target:215, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 203 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 232, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Message: /allies nono } of size 49 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies nono", guid:"966E10EFA32BB63A", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 233, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 234, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 235, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 236, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 239, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375], target:367, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 241 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 240, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[216, 217, 218, 219], target:1935, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 195 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 237, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 238, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 239, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 240, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Message: /allies u rush } of size 53 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies u rush", guid:"966E10EFA32BB63A", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 241, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 244, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:981.0321655273438, z:770.0537719726562, data:{command:"repair", target:6032}, queued:false}) } of size 179 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 242, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 243, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 247, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[303], template:"units/gaul/support_female_citizen", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 244, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 245, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 248, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:90.9471435546875, z:657.5020141601562, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"mirage|gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:6110}, queued:false}) } of size 300 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 246, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 247, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 248, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 252, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[303], x:776.2647094726562, z:216.70263671875, data:{command:"walk"}, queued:false}) } of size 161 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 249, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 250, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 251, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 252, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 253, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 254, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 257, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/house", x:876.7758178710938, z:945.7777099609375, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:22897, entities:[404, 405, 406, 407], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 298 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 255, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 256, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 257, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 260, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[404, 405, 406, 407], target:411, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 167 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 258, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 259, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 260, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 261, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 262, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 265, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[311], x:604.4067993164062, z:102.19677734375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 266, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 266, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[367]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 263, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 266, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[271], template:"units/rome/support_female_citizen", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 264, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/han/house", x:310.6836242675781, z:952.02734375, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:29652, entities:[187, 188], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 303 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 264, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 267, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[311], x:549.5613403320312, z:190.29937744140625, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 268, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 265, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 266, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[187, 188], target:196, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 173 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 269, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[311], x:558.6292724609375, z:231.40792846679688, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 266, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Message: /allies Atrik_III (very nub)? } of size 83 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies Atrik_III (very nub)?", guid:"966E10EFA32BB63A", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 267, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 268, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 269, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 270, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 271, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 272, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 275, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6069, 6070, 6071, 6072, 6073, 6074, 6156], x:1115.090576171875, z:391.50177001953125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 273, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 277, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[311], x:582.1174926757812, z:273.57989501953125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 276, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[6069, 6070, 6071, 6072, 6073, 6074, 6156], target:6066, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 236 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 274, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[186], target:6173, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 274, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 277, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6112], x:173.09503173828125, z:629.0584106445312, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 275, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 276, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 279, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[311], x:614.04150390625, z:300.2928771972656, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 277, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[186], target:196, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 277, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 278, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 280, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[399], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 279, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 283, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/sele/storehouse", x:471.6954040527344, z:1100.3040771484375, angle:-3.8686580391819017, actorSeed:37324, entities:[155, 156, 157, 6089, 6090, 6091, 6092, 6093, 6094], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 358 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 280, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 281, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 284, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[6112], target:215, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 282, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 283, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 286, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/house", x:1090.70458984375, z:399.51080322265625, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:3927, entities:[6069, 6070, 6071, 6072, 6073, 6074, 6156], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 359 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 284, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 287, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6112], x:49.669158935546875, z:669.6519775390625, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 285, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 286, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 289, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6112], x:144.96514892578125, z:736.8807983398438, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 287, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 289, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6069, 6070, 6071, 6072, 6073, 6074, 6156], target:974, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 228 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 288, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 289, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 290, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 291, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 292, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Message: /allies ok } of size 45 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies ok", guid:"6471FAFD4D7153D8", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 293, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 294, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 295, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 299, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[150], template:"units/sele/support_female_citizen", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 296, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 297, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 298, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 302, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[150], x:470, z:1114, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/maple", target:3058}, queued:false}) } of size 280 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 299, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 300, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 301, m_Data: ({type:"train", template:"units/han/cavalry_swordsman_b", count:1, entities:[182], pushFront:false}) } of size 152 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 301, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 302, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 303, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 305, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[399], x:872.483642578125, z:966.2976684570312, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:411}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 304, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 305, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 306, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 309, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[215], template:"units/iber/support_female_citizen", count:4, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 307, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 308, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 309, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[183, 184, 185], target:182, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 192 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 309, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 312, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[303], template:"units/gaul/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 310, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 311, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[183, 184, 185], target:196, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 184 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 311, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 312, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 313, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 314, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 315, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 316, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 319, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[335], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 317, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 318, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 319, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 320, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 321, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 324, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/iber/house", x:80.40943908691406, z:593.680908203125, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:55794, entities:[217, 218, 219], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 315 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 322, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 323, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 324, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 325, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 326, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 327, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 330, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/cart/farmstead", x:1138.525146484375, z:712.5599365234375, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:29919, entities:[6115, 6116, 6117, 6118], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 330 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 328, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 331, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[6193, 6194], target:6185, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 192 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Message: /allies 1984 (1404) border } of size 77 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies 1984 (1404) border", guid:"BC4DD5ABEB79250C", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 331, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[399], x:872.483642578125, z:966.2976684570312, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:411}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 329, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 332, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[217, 218, 219], target:1918, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 184 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 330, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 331, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 332, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 333, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 336, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[6115, 6116, 6117, 6118], target:6201, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 214 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 336, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6193, 6194], target:974, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 173 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 334, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 338, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 335, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 336, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 339, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6115], target:387, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 337, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 338, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 339, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 340, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 343, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6116], target:384, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 341, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 342, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 344, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[335], x:957.6176147460938, z:395.55560302734375, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:353}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 343, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 346, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6117], target:385, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 347, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[335], x:935.4237060546875, z:384.69281005859375, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/apple", target:5967}, queued:false}) } of size 290 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 347, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:570.630615234375, z:416.64630126953125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 347, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6118], target:386, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 344, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 347, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[224], x:107.47978210449219, z:583.6729736328125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 345, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 346, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 347, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 350, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[224], x:238.14715576171875, z:587.957275390625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 348, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 349, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Message: /allies must be rushed xD } of size 75 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies must be rushed xD", guid:"04C00E0B58024C68", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 350, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 351, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Message: /allies he is smurf } of size 63 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies he is smurf", guid:"D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 352, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 353, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 354, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 355, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 356, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 360, m_Data: ({type:"train", template:"units/sele/support_female_citizen", count:1, entities:[150], pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 357, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 358, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 361, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/gaul/house", x:775.8279418945312, z:219.41168212890625, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:62225, entities:[6213, 6214, 6215], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 315 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 361, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:466.2001953125, z:425.4925537109375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 362, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:1131.5997314453125, z:696.4168701171875, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:388}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 359, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 362, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:394.7523193359375, z:429.75701904296875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 360, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 363, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[224, 6111, 6113], x:53.67402648925781, z:728.4205322265625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 361, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 364, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6213], target:320, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 362, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 366, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6214], x:767.2113647460938, z:159.70980834960938, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 363, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 367, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[224, 6111, 6113], target:5721, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 184 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 366, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:278.99810791015625, z:395.06280517578125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 364, m_Data: ({type:"train", template:"units/han/cavalry_swordsman_b", count:1, entities:[182], pushFront:false}) } of size 152 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 364, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 368, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6215], target:4344, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 365, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 366, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 367, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 370, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:247.35009765625, z:312.1394958496094, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 368, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 369, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 372, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[279], x:264.90496826171875, z:192.8326416015625, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 370, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 373, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[303], x:714, z:94, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/pine_maritime", target:4344}, queued:false}) } of size 288 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 371, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 372, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 373, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 374, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Message: /allies hes 1600 } of size 57 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies hes 1600", guid:"04C00E0B58024C68", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 375, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 376, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 377, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 378, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 379, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 380, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 383, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[271], template:"units/rome/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 381, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 384, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[6115, 6116, 6117, 6118], target:6201, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 214 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 382, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 383, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[182], x:192.29165649414062, z:822.7546844482422, data:{command:"gather-near-position", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"meat"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fauna_deer"}, queued:false}) } of size 286 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 383, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 387, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6115], target:387, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 387, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[399], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:6, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 387, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[155, 156, 157, 6089, 6090, 6091, 6092, 6093, 6094], target:6206, queued:false, pushFront:true, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 230 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 384, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 388, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6116], target:384, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 385, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 386, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 387, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 391, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6117], target:385, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 388, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 389, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 392, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[335], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 390, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 391, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 392, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 396, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6118], target:388, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 396, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[311], x:699.9055786132812, z:369.50152587890625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 393, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 394, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 397, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/sele/house", x:478.3666687011719, z:1074.835205078125, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:56428, entities:[155, 156, 157, 6089, 6090, 6091, 6092, 6093, 6094], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:true, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 353 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 395, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 396, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 400, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[311], x:769.5901489257812, z:362.26849365234375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 397, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 401, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[311], x:819.4346313476562, z:326.3171691894531, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 398, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 401, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:1132.9745483398438, z:701.7554931640625, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:386}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 401, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[224, 6111, 6113], x:56.1929931640625, z:726.965576171875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 399, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 401, m_Data: ({type:"research", entity:6251, template:"gather_wicker_baskets", pushFront:false}) } of size 115 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 400, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 401, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 402, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 404, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[224, 6111, 6113], target:5721, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 184 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 403, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Message: /allies darkcity (1663) } of size 71 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies darkcity (1663)", guid:"25A27594ADAB091E", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 404, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 408, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:1, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 405, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 406, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 407, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 408, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 409, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 410, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 413, m_Data: ({type:"stop-production", entity:271, id:4}) } of size 78 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 411, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285], target:5678, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 195 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 411, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 412, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 413, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 414, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 415, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 416, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 419, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6202, 6203, 6204, 6205], target:5760, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 195 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 417, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Message: /allies hes 01122 vieuxreac } of size 79 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies hes 01122 vieuxreac", guid:"04C00E0B58024C68", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 418, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 419, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 420, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 421, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 422, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 423, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 424, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 425, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 426, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 429, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/iber/farmstead", x:104.653076171875, z:649.6708984375, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:13608, entities:[6202, 6203, 6204, 6205], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 330 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 427, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 428, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 429, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 430, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 431, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 434, m_Data: ({type:"research", entity:6065, template:"gather_wicker_baskets", pushFront:false}) } of size 115 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 432, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 435, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[376, 6024], x:989.6484985351562, z:703.7285766601562, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 436, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[303], template:"units/gaul/support_female_citizen", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 433, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 434, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 437, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:178.80377197265625, z:600.5086669921875, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:259}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 438, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[376, 6024], x:934.5253295898438, z:710.5521240234375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 435, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 436, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 437, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 438, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 439, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 442, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[376, 6024], x:934.2152099609375, z:720.1146240234375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 442, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[271], template:"units/rome/cavalry_spearman_b", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 152 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 440, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 441, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 442, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 445, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[311], x:783.0196533203125, z:323.67889404296875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 446, m_Data: ({type:"research", entity:6347, template:"gather_wicker_baskets", pushFront:false}) } of size 115 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 443, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 446, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[271], x:410.0312042236328, z:246.58839416503906, data:{command:"gather-near-position", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"meat"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fauna_chicken"}, queued:false}) } of size 289 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 444, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[182], template:"units/han/cavalry_swordsman_b", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 152 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 447, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6112], x:22.020095825195312, z:738.0194091796875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 444, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 445, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 446, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 447, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 450, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:1, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 450, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6112], x:29.825790405273438, z:751.0667724609375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 448, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 449, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 450, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 453, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6112], target:5722, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 451, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 454, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[278], target:284, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 452, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 453, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 454, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 455, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 456, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 458, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[399], x:872.483642578125, z:966.2976684570312, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:411}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 457, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 458, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 459, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 460, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 461, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 462, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 463, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 466, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[335], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 464, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 467, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[215], template:"units/iber/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 465, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 468, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/gaul/house", x:756.4193115234375, z:150.19204711914062, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:6464, entities:[6214], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 466, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 467, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 468, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 472, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6214], target:4392, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Message: /allies p2 rush righ RICSAND1655 (1280)? } of size 105 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies p2 rush righ RICSAND1655 (1280)?", guid:"6471FAFD4D7153D8", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 469, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 470, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 471, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 472, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 473, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 476, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:94, z:566, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/maple", target:1919}, queued:false}) } of size 280 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 474, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 475, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 476, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 477, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 478, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 479, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 480, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 483, m_Data: ({type:"walk-custom", entities:[376, 6024], targetPositions:[{x:"922.61", y:"739.06"}, {x:"927.21", y:"744.61"}], targetClasses:{attack:["Unit", "Structure"]}, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 365 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 481, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 485, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[150], template:"units/sele/support_female_citizen", count:5, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 482, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 483, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Message: /allies ok } of size 45 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies ok", guid:"966E10EFA32BB63A", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 484, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 485, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 489, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[155], target:3055, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 134 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 486, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 487, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 490, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/gaul/farmstead", x:773.1781005859375, z:310.1890869140625, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:47978, entities:[311], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 297 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 488, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 489, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 490, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 491, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 492, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 493, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 496, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[6359, 6360, 6361, 6362], target:6343, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 214 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 496, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6024], x:1067.6480712890625, z:894.0703735351562, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 494, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 495, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 498, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6359, 6360, 6361, 6362], target:5760, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 195 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 496, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 497, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 498, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 501, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6024], x:1261.040771484375, z:829.7763671875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 499, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 502, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6024], x:1257.1942138671875, z:786.6157836914062, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Message: /allies weirdJokes (1929) scout pls } of size 95 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 500, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies weirdJokes (1929) scout pls", guid:"D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 501, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 502, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 503, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 507, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6024], x:1179.140380859375, z:590.7288818359375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 504, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 508, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:1, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 505, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 506, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 510, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6024], x:1013.078125, z:559.2879638671875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 507, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 508, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 509, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 510, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 514, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[220, 221], target:6088, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 514, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[376], x:968.1972045898438, z:607.7059936523438, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 511, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 513, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/storehouse", x:819.0258178710938, z:952.1446533203125, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:30369, entities:[404, 405, 406, 407, 6175, 6176, 6286, 6287, 6288], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 358 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 515, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[376], x:989.259033203125, z:581.7366943359375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 512, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 513, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Message: /allies soon } of size 49 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies soon", guid:"04C00E0B58024C68", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 514, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 518, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[376], x:1147.4237060546875, z:574.2281494140625, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 515, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 518, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[342], target:6066, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 516, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 517, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 520, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[303], template:"units/gaul/cavalry_javelineer_b", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 154 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 518, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 519, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 520, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 521, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 522, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 524, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:1051.56396484375, z:506.51043701171875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 525, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/iber/house", x:106.318603515625, z:573.9091186523438, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:21018, entities:[220, 221], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 304 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 523, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 525, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:944.379150390625, z:490.58343505859375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 525, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[399], x:819.0258178710938, z:952.1446533203125, data:{command:"repair", target:6400}, queued:false}) } of size 179 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 524, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 525, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 526, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 529, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:1091.6695556640625, z:677.626953125, data:{command:"walk"}, queued:false}) } of size 161 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 527, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 528, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 529, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 530, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 531, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 532, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 533, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 534, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 535, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 536, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 537, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 538, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 539, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 541, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[399], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:4, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 542, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[335], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 540, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 541, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 544, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[6398], target:6347, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 542, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[183, 185, 6048], target:182, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 192 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 542, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 545, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[303], x:784.9277496337891, z:323.7712097167969, data:{command:"gather-near-position", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"meat"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fauna_deer"}, queued:false}) } of size 286 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 543, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 547, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:12, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 547, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6398], x:1088.4716796875, z:672.6954956054688, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 544, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 545, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 546, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 547, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 548, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 552, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/cart/house", x:1098.900778704256, z:665.2649634509472, angle:2.356201171875, actorSeed:17429, entities:[6398], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 549, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 550, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 554, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:1, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 551, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 552, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 555, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/house", x:1118.755126953125, z:384.03497314453125, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:50610, entities:[6073], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 553, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 554, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/han/farmstead", x:345.75067138671875, z:915.2779541015625, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:26700, entities:[183, 185, 6048], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 318 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 554, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 557, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[6420], target:6425, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 555, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 558, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[272, 274, 275, 6168, 6257, 6259], target:271, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 225 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 556, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 559, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6073], target:973, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 557, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 558, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 559, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 560, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 561, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 562, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 564, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[6070, 6073], target:6428, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 192 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 563, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 567, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6070, 6073], target:1005, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 173 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 564, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 568, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[150], x:528.0375366210938, z:1108.3253173828125, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:167}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 565, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 569, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:970, z:774, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/pine_maritime", target:3722}, queued:false}) } of size 288 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 566, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 567, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 570, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/rome/farmstead", x:382.4914245605469, z:409.947509765625, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:15831, entities:[272, 274, 275, 6168, 6257, 6259], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 352 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 568, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 569, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 570, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 573, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:943.5780639648438, z:473.8583984375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 574, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:725.2194213867188, z:1177.266357421875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 571, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 572, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[182], template:"units/han/support_female_citizen", count:6, pushFront:false}) } of size 155 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 572, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 573, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 574, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 575, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 578, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6183], x:463.98388671875, z:979.1854858398438, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 576, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 577, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 580, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[311], target:6399, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 578, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 579, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 583, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[376], x:1129.621337890625, z:537.2872314453125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 580, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 581, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 585, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[376], x:1149.0260009765625, z:560.1754760742188, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 582, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 583, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 585, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6096, 6097, 6098, 6099, 6100], target:417, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 233 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 587, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[311], target:4344, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 587, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[215], template:"units/iber/support_female_citizen", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 587, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[376], x:1163.15380859375, z:578.015625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 584, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 585, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 586, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 587, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 588, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 591, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[271], template:"units/rome/support_female_citizen", count:7, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 592, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:12, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 589, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 590, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 593, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6096, 6097, 6098, 6099, 6100], target:6036, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 233 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 594, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[376], x:1176.783203125, z:575.427001953125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 591, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 594, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:90, z:562, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:1936}, queued:false}) } of size 284 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 592, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[182], x:287.07879638671875, z:938.5714111328125, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:196}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 594, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[335], x:1118, z:422, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/maple", target:1056}, queued:false}) } of size 280 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 595, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:709.4031982421875, z:1192.256591796875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 592, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 593, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 594, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 595, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 599, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[376], target:5719, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 599, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:1, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 596, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 599, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[271], x:375.930908203125, z:226.30755615234375, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:283}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 597, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 598, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 599, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 603, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6183], x:460.597900390625, z:975.2974853515625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 600, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 603, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6183], x:520.5830078125, z:936.67626953125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 603, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:926.0901489257812, z:440.3652648925781, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 601, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 604, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6183], x:634.7119750976562, z:933.6942138671875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 602, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 605, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6183], x:652.0814208984375, z:938.6763305664062, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 605, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6183], x:741.3362426757812, z:1024.7708740234375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 603, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 606, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6183], x:740.3951416015625, z:1095.21875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 607, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6183], x:626.7772216796875, z:1192.268798828125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 607, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6024], x:1244.00732421875, z:702.3798828125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 607, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6183], x:550.2847900390625, z:1228.202392578125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 607, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6183], x:507.57318115234375, z:1230.642333984375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 604, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 608, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6183], x:484.791748046875, z:1202.629638671875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 605, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 606, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 610, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6024], x:1210.1103515625, z:603.6109008789062, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 607, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 608, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 609, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 613, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/gaul/house", x:740.7888992056168, z:150.19171497753547, angle:2.356201171875, actorSeed:18047, entities:[6214], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 613, m_Data: ({type:"attack-walk", entities:[159], x:779.77001953125, z:1174.5560302734375, targetClasses:{attack:["Unit"]}, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 610, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 613, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[279], target:281, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 611, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 612, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 613, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 614, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 618, m_Data: ({type:"research", entity:6206, template:"gather_lumbering_ironaxes", pushFront:false}) } of size 119 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 615, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 616, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 617, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 620, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6449, 6448], x:577.4246826171875, z:236.85848999023438, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 621, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6024], x:1253.3426513671875, z:631.6983032226562, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 618, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 619, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 620, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 621, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 624, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:799.120849609375, z:1118.685546875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 625, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:799.00537109375, z:1116.0504150390625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 622, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 626, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:799.6307373046875, z:1116.0504150390625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 623, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 627, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6024], x:1254.17041015625, z:720.983642578125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 624, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 625, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 629, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6024], x:1191.2352294921875, z:581.678466796875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 626, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 629, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6449, 6448], x:598.2401123046875, z:262.50836181640625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 627, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 630, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[335], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 628, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 629, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 632, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6024], target:5718, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 630, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 631, m_Data: ({type:"research", entity:6225, template:"gather_wicker_baskets", pushFront:false}) } of size 115 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 631, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 634, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6449, 6448], x:603.1539306640625, z:268.2921142578125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 632, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 635, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:868.6868896484375, z:384.656005859375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 633, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 636, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[220, 221], target:1936, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 173 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 637, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:12, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 637, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[303], template:"units/gaul/support_female_citizen", count:5, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 634, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 635, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 636, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 640, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[150], template:"units/sele/support_female_citizen", count:5, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 640, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6449, 6448], x:608.9217529296875, z:267.28265380859375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 637, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 640, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:877.4049072265625, z:388.15289306640625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 638, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 641, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:905.439208984375, z:297.1322021484375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 642, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[150], x:470, z:1114, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/maple", target:3058}, queued:false}) } of size 280 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 639, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 640, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 641, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 644, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:1, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 642, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 643, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 647, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:787.0635986328125, z:1053.3626708984375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 646, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6449, 6448], x:611.119873046875, z:266.67547607421875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 644, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 647, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6449, 6448], x:621.5972290039062, z:307.3334655761719, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 645, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 648, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[335], x:977.2439575195312, z:297.1230773925781, data:{command:"walk"}, queued:false}) } of size 161 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 646, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 647, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 650, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6449, 6448], x:682.2054443359375, z:269.3092956542969, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 648, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 652, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6202, 6362], x:104.27522277832031, z:651.9789428710938, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 649, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 650, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 651, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 655, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[6202, 6362], target:6410, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 652, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 655, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:807.63427734375, z:1021.664306640625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 653, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 654, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 655, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Message: /allies RICSAND1655 (1280) } of size 77 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies RICSAND1655 (1280)", guid:"04C00E0B58024C68", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 656, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 657, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 661, m_Data: ({type:"research", entity:6244, template:"gather_lumbering_ironaxes", pushFront:false}) } of size 119 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 658, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 659, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 662, m_Data: ({type:"map-flare", target:{x:806.3326416015625, y:22.999969482421875, z:1023.0132446289062}}) } of size 105 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 660, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 661, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 664, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/iber/house", x:95.12385559082031, z:630.5029907226562, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:43584, entities:[6202, 6362], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 304 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 662, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 663, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 666, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:767.012939453125, z:982.90966796875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 667, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:784.5330200195312, z:973.975341796875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 667, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:795.3021240234375, z:966.9337158203125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 667, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:796.5762329101562, z:964.0399780273438, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 664, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 665, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 668, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/rome/house", x:336.853515625, z:234.23367309570312, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:51471, entities:[277, 279, 6075], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 315 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 666, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 669, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:941.9444580078125, z:905.3258666992188, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 667, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 669, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:940.7036743164062, z:875.437255859375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 668, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 670, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:927.0679321289062, z:854.2286376953125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 669, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 671, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:926.4337158203125, z:856.39599609375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 670, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 673, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[277, 279, 6075], target:281, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 184 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 673, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:941.0702514648438, z:292.7190856933594, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 671, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 674, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:178.80377197265625, z:600.5086669921875, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:259}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 674, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:1055.5899658203125, z:999.1460571289062, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 672, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 673, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], target:6225, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 236 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 675, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:1055.33935546875, z:1017.85400390625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 673, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 674, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 677, m_Data: ({type:"research", entity:6067, template:"gather_lumbering_ironaxes", pushFront:false}) } of size 119 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 678, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[6398, 6420], target:367, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 175 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 675, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 678, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:949.6595458984375, z:1182.20263671875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 676, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 677, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 678, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 679, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:781.2836303710938, z:1151.0849609375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 682, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:178.80377197265625, z:600.5086669921875, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:259}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 682, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:12, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 679, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:748.8615112304688, z:839.6561889648438, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 679, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 681, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:727.8446655273438, z:1010.7320556640625, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 680, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 683, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:804.2784423828125, z:954.680419921875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 683, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:674.0623168945312, z:267.4813537597656, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 681, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 682, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:834.9722290039062, z:855.7227172851562, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 682, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 683, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 687, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:783.686767578125, z:965.3252563476562, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 684, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 685, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 689, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:1, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 686, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 687, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 688, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 691, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:783.5908203125, z:954.3890380859375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 689, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 690, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 691, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 692, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 693, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 696, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:672.546630859375, z:282.0529479980469, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 694, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 697, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:660.9288330078125, z:305.30364990234375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 698, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:657.9523315429688, z:307.45343017578125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 698, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:753.9376831054688, z:922.204345703125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 695, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 698, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:653.6585693359375, z:309.4892578125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 696, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 699, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:640.6747436523438, z:314.37091064453125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 700, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:768.4297485351562, z:923.0463256835938, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 697, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 700, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:640.6747436523438, z:314.37091064453125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 700, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[335], x:939.2509155273438, z:294.84039306640625, data:{command:"walk"}, queued:false}) } of size 161 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 700, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:640.6747436523438, z:314.37091064453125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 698, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 701, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[335], x:946.2362670898438, z:293.35791015625, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/apple", target:5988}, queued:false}) } of size 290 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 701, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:639.2570190429688, z:313.9053955078125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 699, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 702, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:634.8863525390625, z:315.9966125488281, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 700, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 703, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:634.8863525390625, z:315.9966125488281, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 703, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:634.8863525390625, z:315.9966125488281, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 701, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 705, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:732.3480224609375, z:894.148193359375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 702, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 705, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:677.151123046875, z:346.52203369140625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 703, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 707, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:932.3151245117188, z:265.9793701171875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 704, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 708, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[215], template:"units/iber/cavalry_javelineer_b", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 154 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 705, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 708, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/house", x:950.0864868164062, z:1044.3956298828125, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:22104, entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6098, 6099, 6100], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 342 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 706, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 708, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:960.53759765625, z:252.5306396484375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 707, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 709, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:720.7962036132812, z:364.7157897949219, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 710, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:1013.048583984375, z:245.0791015625, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 708, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 709, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 711, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:1099.4962158203125, z:282.77008056640625, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 712, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:49.54986572265625, z:736.537841796875, data:{command:"walk"}, queued:false}) } of size 161 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 713, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:763.11865234375, z:882.0193481445312, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 710, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 712, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:1108.677978515625, z:291.5228576660156, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 712, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6098, 6099, 6100], target:417, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 211 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 711, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 714, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:53.45832824707031, z:720.0725250244141, data:{command:"gather-near-position", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"meat"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fauna_deer"}, queued:true}) } of size 286 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 712, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 713, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 714, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 715, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 718, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:728.4461669921875, z:358.19329833984375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 716, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 717, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 718, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 720, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6098, 6099, 6100], target:5752, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 211 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 719, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 723, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/sele/house", x:476.29266357421875, z:1131.0888671875, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:8473, entities:[6297, 6298, 6299, 6345], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:true, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 298 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 720, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 721, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 722, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 723, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 727, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:12, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 727, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:755.9527587890625, z:333.5338134765625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 724, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:847.1563720703125, z:740.5604248046875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 724, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:870.6765747070312, z:772.6527709960938, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 724, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 725, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 726, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 727, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 728, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 731, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:892.2811889648438, z:830.9894409179688, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 729, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 730, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 734, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 731, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 732, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 733, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 736, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:716.5380249023438, z:344.443359375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 734, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 738, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:777.62158203125, z:258.0545959472656, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 738, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[335], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:7, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 735, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 738, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:778.1832885742188, z:246.998046875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 736, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 739, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:775.7122802734375, z:236.9681396484375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 739, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:781.1246337890625, z:324.93115234375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 737, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 740, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:781.1246337890625, z:324.93115234375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 738, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 739, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 740, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 741, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 742, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 744, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:780.7752075195312, z:324.8997497558594, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 743, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 746, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:758.7568359375, z:286.1634521484375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 747, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 747, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[367]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 747, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:758.7568359375, z:286.1634521484375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 744, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 748, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[312, 6500, 6501], target:303, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 186 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 748, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:1005.214111328125, z:245.78167724609375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 748, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:757.390869140625, z:282.4290771484375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 745, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 749, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[312, 6500, 6501], target:303, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 186 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 748, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:757.390869140625, z:282.4290771484375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 746, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 749, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[342], x:1100.467529296875, z:275.8330078125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 747, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Message: /allies found his wood } of size 69 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies found his wood", guid:"04C00E0B58024C68", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 748, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 749, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 752, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:757.6312255859375, z:282.4103088378906, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 750, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 751, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 754, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:744.49169921875, z:321.7290344238281, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 752, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 755, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:742.1102294921875, z:328.8940124511719, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 753, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 757, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:951.16064453125, z:870.9586791992188, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 754, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/han/storehouse", x:259.429443359375, z:999.7557373046875, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:3026, entities:[184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 6047, 6049, 6050], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 396 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 754, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 757, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], target:5728, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 184 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 758, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:973.5150756835938, z:888.28369140625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 758, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:975.1337280273438, z:890.4705810546875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 755, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 756, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 757, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 758, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 759, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 760, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 761, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[182], x:259.429443359375, z:999.7557373046875, data:{command:"repair", target:6612}, queued:false}) } of size 179 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 761, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 764, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/farmstead", x:941.2514038085938, z:282.05133056640625, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:36118, entities:[6590, 6591, 6592], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 319 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 762, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 763, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 766, m_Data: ({type:"walk-custom", entities:[6500, 6501], targetPositions:[{x:"737.17", y:"318.24"}, {x:"733.46", y:"326.93"}], targetClasses:{attack:["Unit", "Structure"]}, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 365 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 767, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:732.842529296875, z:329.1715087890625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 767, m_Data: ({type:"attack", entities:[6500, 6501], target:280, queued:false, pushFront:false, allowCapture:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 192 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 764, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 767, m_Data: ({type:"attack", entities:[6500, 6501], target:6449, queued:false, pushFront:false, allowCapture:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 192 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 768, m_Data: ({type:"attack", entities:[6500, 6501], target:6449, queued:false, pushFront:false, allowCapture:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 192 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 765, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 768, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[344], x:1079.1778564453125, z:273.9863586425781, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 766, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 769, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[344], x:1115.630859375, z:290.28387451171875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 769, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[344], x:1135.9305419921875, z:326.3594970703125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 767, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 770, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:754.6981201171875, z:336.89794921875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 768, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 769, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 770, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 773, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:998.1224975585938, z:875.6630249023438, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 771, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 774, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:718.958251953125, z:344.8504943847656, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 775, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:714.4234619140625, z:345.6344909667969, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 772, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 775, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:714.4234619140625, z:345.6344909667969, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 776, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[303], x:706, z:86, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/pine_maritime", target:4395}, queued:false}) } of size 288 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 773, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 776, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[6510, 6511, 6512], target:215, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 192 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 776, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:714.3153686523438, z:345.37774658203125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 774, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 775, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[182], template:"units/han/support_female_citizen", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 155 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 775, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 778, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:755.335205078125, z:261.56170654296875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 776, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 779, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:746.7633056640625, z:282.0837707519531, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 777, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 778, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 779, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 782, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:723.3397827148438, z:306.7438659667969, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 780, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[182], x:259.429443359375, z:999.7557373046875, data:{command:"repair", target:6612}, queued:false}) } of size 179 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 783, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:738.1926879882812, z:296.01690673828125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 780, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 781, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 784, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6510, 6511, 6512], x:208.912109375, z:424.660400390625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 782, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 784, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:727.0408325195312, z:214.43939208984375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 785, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:728.1373291015625, z:215.73153686523438, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 783, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 784, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:736.8883056640625, z:272.0820617675781, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 786, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:731.5577392578125, z:217.7706298828125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 785, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:734.9739379882812, z:285.4766540527344, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 787, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:733.1661376953125, z:207.71975708007812, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 787, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:732.5023193359375, z:206.59185791015625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 787, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:732.5023193359375, z:206.59185791015625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 787, m_Data: ({type:"attack", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], target:6500, queued:false, pushFront:false, allowCapture:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 203 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 784, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 787, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:732.21142578125, z:206.83203125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 785, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 788, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:732.21142578125, z:206.83203125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 788, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/house", x:1097.1376953125, z:413.90753173828125, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:5961, entities:[343, 6194], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 304 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 788, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[6510, 6511, 6512], target:215, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 192 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 786, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 789, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:732.3367919921875, z:207.28863525390625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 787, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 789, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[399], template:"units/mace/infantry_javelineer_b", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 155 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 788, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 792, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[6090, 6091, 6093], target:6554, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:true, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 175 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 789, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 791, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[343, 6194], target:995, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 173 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 790, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 793, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:762.5234985351562, z:324.858154296875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 791, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 794, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:756.7422485351562, z:335.0427551269531, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 792, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 795, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:739.5667724609375, z:352.3744812011719, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 796, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/iber/farmstead", x:203.97833251953125, z:425.79949951171875, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:48600, entities:[6510, 6511, 6512], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 319 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 793, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 794, m_Data: ({type:"stop-production", entity:399, id:6}) } of size 78 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 796, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:691.4041748046875, z:373.5337829589844, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 794, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 797, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[6486, 6487, 6488], target:6668, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 203 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 796, m_Data: ({type:"train", template:"units/mace/infantry_javelineer_b", count:1, entities:[399], pushFront:false}) } of size 155 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 798, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:1094.7659912109375, z:938.742431640625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 795, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 796, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 797, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 800, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6486, 6487, 6488], target:1038, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 184 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 798, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 802, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/support_female_citizen", count:4, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 801, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:201.38565063476562, z:611.8505859375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 799, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 802, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[303], template:"units/gaul/cavalry_javelineer_b", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 154 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 803, m_Data: ({type:"research", entity:6083, template:"gather_wicker_baskets", pushFront:false}) } of size 115 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 800, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 801, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 804, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:736.5567626953125, z:294.95098876953125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 802, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:815.310791015625, z:850.1253662109375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 802, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 806, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:1024.849853515625, z:721.0183715820312, data:{command:"walk"}, queued:false}) } of size 161 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 806, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6500, 6501], x:735.140380859375, z:303.1863708496094, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 803, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 807, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:377.8397216796875, z:413.46099853515625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 804, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 807, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], x:359.9475402832031, z:424.47906494140625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 168 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 805, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 806, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 807, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 809, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6096, 6097], target:5752, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 145 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 808, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 812, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6202, 6362], target:5759, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 173 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 809, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 810, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 811, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 812, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 815, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[342, 344], target:989, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 173 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 815, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/farmstead", x:873.9889526367188, z:892.2896728515625, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:38378, entities:[6096, 6097], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 280 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 813, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 816, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6202, 6362], target:5757, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 173 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 817, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:1037.197509765625, z:1062.235595703125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 814, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 817, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[271], template:"units/rome/infantry_javelineer_b", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 155 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 815, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 818, m_Data: ({type:"stop-production", entity:303, id:8}) } of size 78 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 816, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 819, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/cart/farmstead", x:954.2616577148438, z:707.5505981445312, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:31148, entities:[6696, 6697], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 308 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 817, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 818, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 821, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:748.4814453125, z:1111.6207275390625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 819, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 821, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:722.8192749023438, z:1132.825927734375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 823, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[303], template:"units/gaul/infantry_spearman_b", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 153 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 820, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 822, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:719.9237060546875, z:1136.6976318359375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 823, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:720.6431884765625, z:1124.8431396484375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 821, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 824, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[344], x:915.975830078125, z:158.52188110351562, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 825, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:1030.975341796875, z:1073.1832275390625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 824, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:711.47509765625, z:1097.08056640625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 822, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 824, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[344], x:938.5572509765625, z:161.07000732421875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 824, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:712.1382446289062, z:1089.14013671875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 826, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:1013.8023681640625, z:1103.932861328125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 823, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 825, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:713.5662231445312, z:1070.97998046875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 826, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:988.9398193359375, z:1126.346923828125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 827, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:953.0125732421875, z:1131.1641845703125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 826, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:717.36474609375, z:1042.4937744140625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 827, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:717.7784423828125, z:1040.5242919921875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 827, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:914.69775390625, z:1126.826171875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 827, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6500, 6501], target:5728, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 173 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 827, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[271], x:474, z:322, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:1260}, queued:false}) } of size 284 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 827, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6500, 6501], target:5728, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 173 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 827, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:719.4644775390625, z:1032.64794921875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 824, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 827, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:723.1728515625, z:1015.6649169921875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 825, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 828, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:725.0303955078125, z:1012.8661499023438, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 826, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 829, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:1014.2880859375, z:751.8805541992188, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/apple", target:5993}, queued:false}) } of size 290 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 828, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:747.4229736328125, z:1011.2862548828125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 829, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[344], target:5681, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 827, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 830, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:789.6292724609375, z:1078.816650390625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 828, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 829, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 832, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[408], target:5711, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 134 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 830, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 831, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 834, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:767.7697143554688, z:1066.1068115234375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 832, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 833, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 835, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[408], target:5710, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 134 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 834, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 837, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:773.7027587890625, z:1047.918701171875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 835, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 839, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[150], template:"units/sele/support_female_citizen", count:5, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 838, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[408], target:5713, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 134 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 836, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 837, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 840, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:763.4019165039062, z:1060.6131591796875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 838, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 841, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[408], target:5712, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 134 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 839, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 842, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[215], template:"units/iber/support_female_citizen", count:4, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 842, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:765.879638671875, z:1062.09033203125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 840, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 841, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 844, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[408], target:5714, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 134 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 842, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 843, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 845, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:755.8436889648438, z:1085.0472412109375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 846, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[280, 6448, 6449], target:5737, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 184 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 847, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[150], x:532.0726928710938, z:1096.3233032226562, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:171}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 847, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[408], x:760.302978515625, z:1070.2415771484375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 844, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 847, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/gaul/house", x:764.232670207965, z:158.00911270065575, angle:2.356201171875, actorSeed:53623, entities:[6214], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 845, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 846, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 847, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 848, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 851, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:178.80377197265625, z:600.5086669921875, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:259}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 849, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 850, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 851, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 852, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[182], template:"units/han/support_female_citizen", count:5, pushFront:false}) } of size 155 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 852, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 853, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 854, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 855, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 856, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 857, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 858, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 859, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 860, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 861, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 862, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 864, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[276, 277, 278, 279, 6075, 6076, 6077, 6078, 6079, 6080, 6651, 6652, 6653, 6654, 6655, 6656, 6657], target:271, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 347 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 863, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 867, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[399], template:"units/mace/infantry_javelineer_b", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 155 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 864, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:866.8958129882812, z:830.7061157226562, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 864, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 865, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:915.9342041015625, z:848.0416870117188, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 865, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 868, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[271], x:474, z:322, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:1260}, queued:false}) } of size 284 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 866, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 867, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 868, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 869, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:903.9696655273438, z:854.040283203125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 869, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 872, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6098, 6099, 6100], target:6723, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 230 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 870, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 871, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 872, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 873, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:892.7413940429688, z:862.6455688476562, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 876, m_Data: ({type:"research", entity:6347, template:"gather_farming_plows", pushFront:false}) } of size 114 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 873, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 874, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 876, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[399], x:873.9889526367188, z:892.2896728515625, data:{command:"repair", target:6723}, queued:false}) } of size 179 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 875, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 876, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 877, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 880, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[303], x:694, z:98, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/pine_maritime", target:4354}, queued:false}) } of size 288 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 878, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 881, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"units/rome/infantry_swordsman_b", owner:2, garrisonHolders:[271]}) } of size 165 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 879, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 882, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"units/rome/infantry_swordsman_b", owner:2, garrisonHolders:[271]}) } of size 165 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 880, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:886.27734375, z:869.566650390625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 882, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"units/rome/infantry_swordsman_b", owner:2, garrisonHolders:[271]}) } of size 165 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 880, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 883, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"units/rome/infantry_javelineer_b", owner:2, garrisonHolders:[271]}) } of size 166 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 881, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 884, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"units/rome/infantry_javelineer_b", owner:2, garrisonHolders:[271]}) } of size 166 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 884, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:2, garrisonHolders:[271]}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 884, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:2, garrisonHolders:[271]}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 882, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 885, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:2, garrisonHolders:[271]}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 883, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 886, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:2, garrisonHolders:[271]}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 886, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:2, garrisonHolders:[271]}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 884, m_Data: ({type:"attack", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], target:6723, queued:false, pushFront:false, allowCapture:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 247 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 884, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 887, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:true, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:2, garrisonHolders:[271]}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 885, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 886, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:889.9479370117188, z:923.5248413085938, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 889, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:178.80377197265625, z:600.5086669921875, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"fruit"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fruit/berry_01", target:259}, queued:false}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 886, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 887, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 888, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 889, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 892, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[335], x:1024.7396240234375, z:398.4230041503906, data:{command:"walk"}, queued:false}) } of size 161 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 890, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:888.2177734375, z:928.2530517578125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 892, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6096, 6097, 6098, 6099, 6100], target:413, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 233 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 890, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 891, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 894, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6096, 6097, 6098, 6099, 6100], target:399, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 235 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 892, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 893, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 894, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 895, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 898, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6098, 6099, 6100], x:878.7081909179688, z:949.5567626953125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 223 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 896, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 897, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 898, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 899, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 902, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[400, 401, 402, 6095, 6098], target:399, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 180 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 900, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 901, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 904, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6205], x:102.02117919921875, z:649.5052490234375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 902, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 906, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[303], x:787.5014343261719, z:320.1632995605469, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"meat"}, resourceTemplate:"resource|gaia/fauna_deer", target:6520}, queued:false}) } of size 297 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 903, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 907, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 907, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[303]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 907, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[403, 6095, 6098, 6099, 6100], target:6256, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 180 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 907, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[271], template:"units/rome/support_female_citizen", count:9, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 907, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6183], x:773.7942504882812, z:756.4782104492188, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 904, m_Data: ({type:"stop", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], queued:false}) } of size 151 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 904, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 907, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/field", x:996.2225952148438, z:410.35723876953125, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:15672, entities:[336, 337, 338, 339, 6293, 6294, 6381, 6382, 6415, 6416], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 392 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 908, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/iber/house", x:117.92019653320312, z:633.4395141601562, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:9969, entities:[6205], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 905, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 906, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 907, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 908, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 909, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 910, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/death_a.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/infantry/death_b.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 913, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[303], x:698, z:90, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/pine_maritime", target:4399}, queued:false}) } of size 288 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 911, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 914, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[335], x:996.2225952148438, z:410.35723876953125, data:{command:"repair", target:6822}, queued:false}) } of size 179 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 912, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 913, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 914, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 915, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 916, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 917, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 919, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[400, 401, 402], target:399, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 158 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 918, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 922, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/infantry_archer_b", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 151 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 919, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 920, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 921, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 922, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 923, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 925, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[335], template:"units/mace/support_female_citizen", count:8, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 926, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/rome/storehouse", x:502.76922607421875, z:269.3924865722656, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:22673, entities:[276, 277, 278, 279, 6075, 6076, 6077, 6078, 6079, 6080, 6651, 6652, 6653, 6654, 6655, 6656, 6657, 6819, 6820], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 505 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 924, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 925, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:918.997802734375, z:915.5869140625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 925, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 926, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 929, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[408], target:399, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 136 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 927, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:936.3530883789062, z:875.4259033203125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 930, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[6204], target:6823, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 927, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 931, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:841.96435546875, z:1098.058837890625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 928, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:950.9254150390625, z:885.308349609375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 931, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:797.171875, z:1080.5494384765625, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 928, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 929, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 932, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:786.692626953125, z:1064.1201171875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 930, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 933, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[6204], target:6823, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 931, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 932, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 933, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 937, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[303], template:"units/gaul/support_female_citizen", count:2, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 934, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 935, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 936, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 937, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 940, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/field", x:1022.7240600585938, z:399.18145751953125, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:18761, entities:[6837], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 940, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[271], x:494, z:278, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/maple", target:1262}, queued:false}) } of size 280 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 938, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 939, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 940, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 941, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 942, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 943, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 947, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/field", x:1041.608642578125, z:380.9952087402344, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:61712, entities:[6834], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 947, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6510, 6511, 6512], target:5986, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 184 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 944, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 945, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Message: /allies i_am_groot (1638) rushing } of size 91 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies i_am_groot (1638) rushing", guid:"966E10EFA32BB63A", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 946, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/han/house", x:287.19403076171875, z:985.052978515625, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:30057, entities:[184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 6047, 6049, 6811], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 380 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 946, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 950, m_Data: ({type:"stop-production", entity:367, id:15}) } of size 78 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 947, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 948, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 6047, 6049, 6811], target:2641, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 250 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 948, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 949, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 950, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 954, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[367], template:"units/cart/infantry_spearman_b", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 153 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 951, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 954, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 6179, 6180, 6208, 6209, 6398, 6420, 6454, 6485, 6509, 6584, 6828, 6829, 6830, 6831], x:1030.734619140625, z:727.2894897460938, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 389 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 952, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 953, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 957, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 6179, 6180, 6208, 6209, 6398, 6420, 6454, 6485, 6509, 6584, 6828, 6829, 6830, 6831], x:1043.73779296875, z:718.9930419921875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 389 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 957, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/sele/house", x:485.109619140625, z:1056.240966796875, angle:1.2179448315854602, actorSeed:15320, entities:[155, 156, 157, 6092, 6094], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:true, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 309 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 954, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 955, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 957, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[6256], x:825.0843658447266, z:941.4648895263672, data:{command:"walk"}, queued:false}) } of size 161 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 956, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 958, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[6256], x:830, z:930, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/maple", target:2183}, queued:false}) } of size 280 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 957, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 958, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 959, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 960, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 961, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:1028.93212890625, z:808.7705078125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 961, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 962, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 963, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 966, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[399, 6256], x:871.9510498046875, z:959.9044189453125, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:409}, queued:false}) } of size 303 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 964, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 965, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 966, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 969, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[215], template:"units/iber/cavalry_javelineer_b", count:4, pushFront:false}) } of size 154 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 967, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 968, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CPlayerAssignmentMessage { m_Hosts: { { m_GUID: 04C00E0B58024C68, m_Name: weirdJokes (1929), m_PlayerID: 1, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Name: 1984 (1404), m_PlayerID: 7, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 465A801930AEE4C3, m_Name: Rauls (1849), m_PlayerID: 5, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 47DA13B654976E97, m_Name: Aale1337 (1486), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 }, { m_GUID: 6471FAFD4D7153D8, m_Name: Atrik_III (very nub), m_PlayerID: 8, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 6E7EFFA8621E29DE, m_Name: ycswyw (1531), m_PlayerID: 4, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: 966E10EFA32BB63A, m_Name: RICSAND1655 (1280), m_PlayerID: 6, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: BC4DD5ABEB79250C, m_Name: darkcity (1663), m_PlayerID: 2, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4, m_Name: i_am_groot (1638), m_PlayerID: 3, m_Status: 2 }, { m_GUID: E788530D2738FDD0, m_Name: Barcodes (1748), m_PlayerID: 4294967295, m_Status: 0 } } } of size 549 from server

Net message: ({newAssignments:{'04C00E0B58024C68':{status:2, player:1, name:"weirdJokes (1929)"}, '25A27594ADAB091E':{status:2, player:7, name:"1984 (1404)"}, '465A801930AEE4C3':{status:2, player:5, name:"Rauls (1849)"}, '47DA13B654976E97':{status:0, player:-1, name:"Aale1337 (1486)"}, '6471FAFD4D7153D8':{status:2, player:8, name:"Atrik_III (very nub)"}, '6E7EFFA8621E29DE':{status:2, player:4, name:"ycswyw (1531)"}, '966E10EFA32BB63A':{status:2, player:6, name:"RICSAND1655 (1280)"}, BC4DD5ABEB79250C:{status:2, player:2, name:"darkcity (1663)"}, D0E7E17ADDB8CAA4:{status:2, player:3, name:"i_am_groot (1638)"}, E788530D2738FDD0:{status:0, player:-1, name:"Barcodes (1748)"}}, type:"players"})

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 972, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6873, 6874, 6875], target:4354, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 184 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 969, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 970, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 974, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 6179, 6180, 6208, 6209, 6398, 6420, 6454, 6485, 6509, 6584, 6828, 6829, 6830, 6831], target:367, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 407 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 971, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:1000.11083984375, z:913.141845703125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 971, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 972, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 975, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[344], x:945.3267822265625, z:273.7669677734375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 973, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 976, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[344], target:6818, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 170 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 974, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 975, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 976, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:1064.792724609375, z:830.9944458007812, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 976, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 979, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[344], x:523.3695678710938, z:265.1739196777344, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 977, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 978, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 979, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:1060.72705078125, z:835.33447265625, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 979, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 983, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:253.44793701171875, z:350.70172119140625, data:{command:"walk"}, queued:false}) } of size 161 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 980, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 982, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[399, 6256], x:871.9510498046875, z:959.9044189453125, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:409}, queued:false}) } of size 303 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 981, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:1070.37841796875, z:835.3344116210938, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 981, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 982, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 983, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:6, garrisonHolders:[399, 6256]}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 983, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 984, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[272, 274, 275, 6168, 6257, 6259], target:5963, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 217 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 984, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[215], x:248.84890747070312, z:357.79205322265625, data:{command:"gather-near-position", resourceType:{generic:"food", specific:"meat"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/fauna_deer"}, queued:true}) } of size 286 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 984, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:6, garrisonHolders:[399, 6256]}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 984, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:6, garrisonHolders:[399, 6256]}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 985, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:6, garrisonHolders:[399, 6256]}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 986, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:6, garrisonHolders:[399, 6256]}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 987, m_Data: ({type:"garrison", entities:[368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 6179, 6180, 6208, 6209, 6398, 6420, 6454, 6485, 6509, 6584, 6829, 6830, 6831], target:367, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 395 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 984, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 986, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:6, garrisonHolders:[399, 6256]}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 988, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[150], template:"units/sele/support_female_citizen", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 156 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 985, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 987, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:6, garrisonHolders:[399, 6256]}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 988, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:6, garrisonHolders:[399, 6256]}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 986, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 989, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:6, garrisonHolders:[399, 6256]}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 989, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[367], x:1060.4928588867188, z:674.5419311523438, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:379}, queued:false}) } of size 292 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 987, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 989, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"template_unit_support_female_citizen", owner:6, garrisonHolders:[399, 6256]}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 988, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 989, m_Data: ({type:"stop-production", entity:182, id:9}) } of size 78 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 989, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 990, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 991, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 992, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 995, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/sele/barracks", x:485.9000244140625, z:1149.2657470703125, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:21934, entities:[6345, 6662, 6663, 6664], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:true, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 301 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 993, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 996, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 996, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[367]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 994, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 995, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 997, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[272, 274, 275, 6168, 6257, 6259], x:461.654541015625, z:295.81463623046875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 201 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 996, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 997, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[399], template:"units/mace/infantry_javelineer_b", count:3, pushFront:false}) } of size 155 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 997, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 998, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 999, m_Data: ({type:"train", entities:[182], template:"units/han/support_female_citizen", count:8, pushFront:false}) } of size 155 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 999, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 1003, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/gaul/house", x:700.9780883789062, z:138.0157470703125, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:51568, entities:[6162, 6163, 6164], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 315 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1000, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1001, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 1002, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:1095.0875244140625, z:803.3602294921875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1002, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 1004, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/mace/house", x:1087.117919921875, z:425.542724609375, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:16010, entities:[6194], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 1005, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6162, 6163, 6164], target:314, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 184 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1003, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 1005, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6194], x:1122.052490234375, z:424.727294921875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1004, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 1007, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[6194], x:1122.476806640625, z:424.7272644042969, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1005, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 1008, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6194], target:1076, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1006, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1007, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/farming.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 1008, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:1119.7674560546875, z:776.9844970703125, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1008, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 8, m_Player: 7, m_Turn: 1011, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/gaul/house", x:772.0493992273869, z:165.82280741301375, angle:2.356201171875, actorSeed:13134, entities:[6214], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 293 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1009, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/idle_hoe_01.dae): Loaded successfully

CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/gatherer/walk_hoe.dae): Loaded successfully

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1010, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 1013, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6098, 6099, 6100, 6913, 6914, 6915], target:6723, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 264 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1011, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 1014, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[343], target:6928, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 181 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1012, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 1016, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159], x:719.7215576171875, z:1011.6068725585938, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 146 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 1016, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[343], target:1056, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 162 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1013, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1014, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 1015, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:1148.9896240234375, z:798.5224609375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 1017, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6098, 6099, 6100, 6913, 6914, 6915], target:6451, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 253 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1015, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 1018, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6098, 6099, 6100, 6913, 6914, 6915], target:6451, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 253 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1016, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CRejoinedMessage { m_GUID: E788530D2738FDD0 } of size 23 from server

Net message: ({guid:"E788530D2738FDD0", type:"rejoined"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1017, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 1019, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6098, 6099, 6100, 6913, 6914, 6915], target:6451, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 253 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1018, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 1022, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[224, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6765, 6766], x:244.01361083984375, z:355.2941589355469, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 201 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1019, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 1022, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[400, 401, 402, 403, 6095, 6098, 6099, 6100, 6913, 6914, 6915], target:6723, autocontinue:true, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 264 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 1020, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:1133.8466796875, z:845.3091430664062, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 1023, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[224, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6765, 6766], target:5701, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 217 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1020, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 1021, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[191, 6155, 6192, 6285, 6352, 6446, 6447], x:1084.7254638671875, z:847.236083984375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 212 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1021, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 1024, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[224, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6765, 6766], x:253.1334228515625, z:352.4033203125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 201 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1022, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 1026, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[224, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6765, 6766], target:5698, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 217 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1023, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 1026, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[336, 339, 6293, 6294, 6382, 6415, 6416, 6833, 6835, 6836, 6837, 6838, 6839], target:6846, autocontinue:true, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 316 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 1027, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[224, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6765, 6766], x:259.68890380859375, z:360.4544677734375, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 201 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 1027, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[336, 339, 6293, 6294, 6382, 6415, 6416, 6833, 6835, 6836, 6837, 6838, 6839], target:6864, autocontinue:true, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 316 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 7, m_Player: 5, m_Turn: 1027, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[336, 339, 6293, 6294, 6382, 6415, 6416, 6833, 6835, 6836, 6837, 6838, 6839], target:6864, autocontinue:true, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 316 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1024, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 1027, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[224, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6765, 6766], target:5700, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 217 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1025, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 1029, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159, 6183], x:595.8561401367188, z:1030.11279296875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 1029, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[224, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6765, 6766], x:263.6911315917969, z:379.8907470703125, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 201 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1026, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 1030, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[224, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6765, 6766], target:5695, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 217 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 1030, m_Data: ({type:"back-to-work", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1027, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: E788530D2738FDD0, m_Message: hi } of size 29 from server

Net message: ({text:"hi", guid:"E788530D2738FDD0", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 1031, m_Data: ({type:"leave-turret", entities:[]}) } of size 69 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 2, m_Player: 8, m_Turn: 1031, m_Data: ({type:"unload-all", garrisonHolders:[367]}) } of size 85 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1028, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 1032, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[224, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6765, 6766], x:246.37924194335938, z:328.9638671875, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 201 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1029, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 1032, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[404, 405], target:6451, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 153 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1030, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 9, m_Player: 2, m_Turn: 1032, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[272, 274, 275, 6168, 6257, 6259], x:459.1228332519531, z:298.0888671875, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 201 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 1033, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[224, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6765, 6766], target:5699, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 217 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 1033, m_Data: ({type:"returnresource", entities:[404, 405], target:6451, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 153 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1031, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 1035, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[224, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6765, 6766], x:235.31210327148438, z:348.0682067871094, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 201 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1032, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1033, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 1035, m_Data: ({type:"repair", entities:[404, 405], target:6723, autocontinue:true, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 164 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1034, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 6, m_Player: 4, m_Turn: 1037, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[224, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6765, 6766], target:5697, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 217 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 1038, m_Data: ({type:"walk", entities:[159, 6183], x:727.9952392578125, z:1054.15771484375, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 157 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1035, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 1, m_Player: 1, m_Turn: 1039, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[159, 6183], target:5709, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:(void 0)}) } of size 145 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1036, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1037, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1038, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 1039, m_Data: ({type:"construct", template:"structures/han/house", x:312.8863220214844, z:978.0401000976562, angle:2.356194490192345, actorSeed:47823, entities:[6598, 6599, 6600, 6601, 6602, 6603], autorepair:true, autocontinue:true, queued:false, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 347 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1039, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 1041, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[399], x:802, z:958, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/maple", target:2185}, queued:false}) } of size 280 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1040, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 3, m_Player: 3, m_Turn: 1041, m_Data: ({type:"gather", entities:[6598, 6599, 6600, 6601, 6602, 6603], target:2702, queued:true, pushFront:false, formation:"special/formations/null"}) } of size 217 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1041, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CChatMessage { m_GUID: 25A27594ADAB091E, m_Message: /allies he has 3 spear cav Rauls (1849) } of size 103 from server

Net message: ({text:"/allies he has 3 spear cav Rauls (1849)", guid:"25A27594ADAB091E", type:"chat"})

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1042, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1043, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 1045, m_Data: ({type:"set-rallypoint", entities:[399], x:778, z:1074, data:{command:"gather", resourceType:{generic:"wood", specific:"tree"}, resourceTemplate:"gaia/tree/oak_holly", target:1452}, queued:false}) } of size 284 from server

Net client: Received message CEndCommandBatchMessage { m_Turn: 1044, m_TurnLength: 200 } of size 9 from server

Net client: Received message CSimulationMessage { m_Client: 5, m_Player: 6, m_Turn: 1047, m_Data: ({type:"unload-template", all:false, template:"units/mace/cavalry_spearman_b", owner:6, garrisonHolders:[399]}) } of size 163 from server

Net client: