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    • @Genava55 I heard about it yesterday on Deutschlandfunk and also meant to post about it. What I found interesting is A: that finds are skewed because flintstone arrowheads can't be found with metal detectors. And B: they figured from the arrowheads that the group from the south attacked at a bridge, were repelled, fled downstream where they were shot down with northern arrows. Here's the Antiquity article: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/antiquity/article/warriors-from-the-south-arrowheads-from-the-tollense-valley-and-central-europe/C4F6ECB759833BFD337D37ADAE564C4B#article
    • https://phys.org/news/2024-09-archaeologists-southern-army-fought-europe.html  
    • Hi @norjay. I love the idea of having random maps with 'challenging topography'. It seems the generation here mostly make cliffs in circles pattern around the map center. I believe it could be funnier to have them have theses patterns form outwards from the players starting positions instead. This would make fun to try to plan defenses and also be less cumbersome to travel (often mostly empty in early phases) center of the map.
    • This is a new approach to map design, using algorithms to determine key elements. The topography, placement of towns, and locations of mines are dictated by mathematical functions, while textures and trees exhibit only minimal randomness. The randomness is largely restricted to the parameters of these functions, allowing for controlled variability. A major advantage of this approach is that it enables the creation of very large-scale structures, particularly long cliffs. I focused on several key aspects: map generation should be fast, the topography should present a challenge, and the entire terrain should be accessible with minimal wasted space. Additionally, each player should have an equally balanced environment, which is why the terrain is rotationally symmetric. The topography consists entirely of cliffs, each with a steep side and a gentle slope. As a result, there are no prominent mountains, and the overall height profile remains uniform. My goal is to define maps based on the length of cliffs, the asperity (the distance between cliffs), and the number of directional changes. I also want to create distinct areas with varying asperity, such as plains and valleys compared to more rugged regions. I've attached a first test version of the map and would love for you to give it a try. While I've already tested to ensure that the bots navigate without getting stuck, I’m relatively new to this kind map design and haven't played 0 A.D. for over a year. As a result, I may not be the best judge of whether the map is truly engaging or balanced. That’s where you come in! Your experience and feedback would be invaluable in refining the map. I’m eager to hear your thoughts on how it plays and whether it offers a fun and challenging experience.   proc20240927a.zip proc20240927a.zip
    • from synaptic:   from terminal: baelish@debian:~$ sudo apt install 0ad Package 0ad has no versions available, but is named by another package. This may indicate that the package is missing, obsolete or it is only available within another source Error: Package "0ad" has no candidates to install   my sources:          
    • Just played a game with unlimited population, after 3 hours in and a population of 1500+, my FPS were fluctuating between 4-7 fps, having 1000 traders was worth the really low FPS lol. FYI, playing on a desktop with a 5600 paired with 32 gig ram and a RX 6600xt.
    • To what extent are UI animations possible with the Pyrogenesis engine? I know by modifying the size attribute on each tick it is possible to achieve basic movement, stretching, and scaling animations. But what about more complex effects? For example, is there support for something like spritesheets?
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